Captain Alrick Xotor Nesrug Tribi Caynan | World Anvil

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Captain Alrick Xotor Nesrug Tribi Caynan
The White Dragon

Level 7 Halfling Lawful Neutral Wizard 4 / Fighter 3
/ 50 HP

seemingly old war veteran, involved in the revolution of Zarenth

Campaign & Party

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The high General Tybalt Ganuve gave orders to my squad and me to march westward. My squad is made of 9 other soliders, 8 humans and one Dwarf. We are supposed to reach the swamps, free the settlements there and then wait for further orders.
I sense the humans are suspicious of me, primarily because I'm a Gnome, and also because I'm a Mage. I can understand their concerns, but I will show my talents and reveal myself to be a fantastic ally.
Hail Zarenth!

Alrick's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Success!
    27.7. 1355
  2. Revolution
    27.7. 1355
  3. Westward

The major events and journals in Alrick's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 4: Kaelem-dire defeat

08:27 pm - 24.08.2020

Session 4: Kaelem-dire defeat

08:27 pm - 24.08.2020

Session 3: War Crimes in the West (not East for once)

05:21 pm - 09.08.2020

Session 3: War Crimes in the West (not East for once)

05:20 pm - 09.08.2020

Session 2: Unearthed Arcana

08:10 pm - 06.08.2020

Session 2: Unearthed Arcana

08:10 pm - 06.08.2020

Session 1: Winter's Greeting

01:54 pm - 18.07.2020

Session 1: Winter's Greeting

01:53 pm - 18.07.2020

How do I delete a post...

12:02 am - 18.07.2020

Frostfold seems nice, I might visit later again

12:02 am - 18.07.2020

Just found a picture of me during the war

08:42 pm - 25.02.2020


The high General Tybalt Ganuve gave orders to my squad and me to march westward. My squad is made of 9 other soliders, 8 humans and one Dwarf. We are supposed to reach the swamps, free the settlements there and then wait for further orders. I sense the...

04:57 pm - 14.02.2020


Lothand is free. The the freeing grasp of the Ruby Empress shall soon reach the rest of our glorious land. ...

04:39 pm - 14.02.2020

War Diary

The Time of Freedom has come. Today, our land will be freed from its shackles and finally become the finely cut Ruby its supposed to be. Hail Zarenth!...

04:36 pm - 14.02.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Alrick.

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