Dagon Innsmouth | World Anvil

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Dagon Innsmouth

An odd jobs specialist, Dagon has roamed the realm in search of work.

Campaign & Party

Acquisitions Incorporated Franchise K

Dagon Raz'Thrak Dagwyn Snoopy Dimmir Pyfor
Run by Killroy24
Played by
Other characters
30th Demeter, 499CD

Looking for Work

by Dagon Innsmouth

The overland journey from Thellnora to Camelot had finally come to an end. Dagon wasn't sure if the promise of work was legitimate given the unusual location of it's posting - on a wall in lower city public bath house. It promised work in Soteropolis provided you could get to Camelot. Why they would advertise half a world away and interview so far from where the work would be done is anyone's guess, but likely such an organization would be exploitable haphazard and in dire need of his services. At any rate, he intended to see Sarah in Soteropolis as it had been nearly a year since his last visit. If a legitimate business could provide consistent work there, then it would be worth the detour.
Arrival in Camelot during festival certainly brought the crazies out in force. In particular, a minotaur of staggering self importance and willful ignorance was bringing their archetypal chaos to a market along the way to this Acquisitions Incorporated. Overserving the creature, it had designs of joining the very same guild - but was well into the process of getting itself cut down by the town guard by its antics. That simply wouldn't do.
A loud impulsive idiot, can make the perfect patsy and scape goat if you can manage their motivations. Dagon paid for the street food the beast unwittingly stole and decided to lead the creature to guild office. It seemed to have some fixation picking up creatures smaller than itself having already heaped an elf on to its back and swiping to grab some diminutive reptilian biped. Before the growing throng of swords and spears of the law could encircle and bring down the oaf, Dagon prepared himself for the inevitable.
Dagon swept up alongside the din, and with an enchantment - infested the air by the elf with odor of a skunk. With the cover of that distraction, Dagon got before the beast. With a glamour, he cloaked himself in the illusion of similar scaly gremlin that had initially attracted the fixation of the minotaur. Adopting a falsetto, Dagon began to prance and chirp, "La la la. I'm so small and I love being picked up. La la la. CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!" Taking off in an all out sprint, the bestial roar of the titan crashing through the terrified revelers behind mere moments after he started off.
Diving through guild house door following the most harrowing footrace of his life, Dagon dropped the illusion and tucked himself away from the threshold. The interview was equally outlandish. It was situated in the stables to accommodate the minotaur. In conclusion of the meeting, the CEO of the guild appointed the manic creature his franchise owner of all of Soteropolis and the irate elf he essentially kidnapped from the bazaar as his major domo. He thought that this might just be the easiest money he'll ever make.

The major events and journals in Dagon's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 49: The village of Osca

08:18 am - 01.06.2024

Session 49: The village of Osca

02:27 am - 01.06.2024

Session 48: The Gathering: 3rd, 4th of Ares

06:19 am - 25.05.2024

Session 48: The Gathering: 3rd, 4th of Ares

06:15 am - 25.05.2024

Session 48: The Gathering: 3rd, 4th of Ares

02:18 am - 25.05.2024

Session 47: Gathering Intel of the Soteropolis Region. 3rd of Ares 500 CD

05:08 am - 04.05.2024

Session 47: Gathering Intel of the Soteropolis Region. 3rd of Ares 500 CD

04:25 am - 04.05.2024

Session 46: 28th of Cupid 500 CD Lets Build Some Town Reputation.

09:09 pm - 20.04.2024

Session 46: 28th of Cupid 500 CD Lets Build Some Town Reputation.

06:16 am - 20.04.2024

Session 46: 28th of Cupid 500 CD Lets Build Some Town Reputation.

02:27 am - 20.04.2024

Session 45: The Search Begins Tome of Eragon and Saphira.

08:25 am - 30.03.2024

Session 45: The Search Begins Tome of Eragon and Saphira.

08:20 am - 30.03.2024

Session 45: The Search Begins Tome of Eragon and Saphira.

01:56 am - 30.03.2024

Session 44: The Legendary city of Necropolis

02:53 am - 17.03.2024

Session 44: The Legendary city of Necropolis

02:24 am - 16.03.2024

Session 43: The Great Purple Worm

08:16 am - 09.03.2024

Session 43: The Great Purple Worm

03:10 am - 09.03.2024

Session 42: The Caves of Haruun.

08:11 am - 17.02.2024

Session 42: The Caves of Haruun.

03:38 am - 17.02.2024

Session 41: The cave of Haruun.

08:42 am - 03.02.2024

Session 41: The cave of Haruun.

03:18 am - 03.02.2024

Session 40: The Village of Betu

07:12 pm - 01.02.2024

Session 40: The Village of Betu

09:05 pm - 27.01.2024

Session 39: Meeting of the Round Table.

08:44 am - 20.01.2024

Session 39: Meeting of the Round Table.

03:57 am - 20.01.2024

Session 38: Lord Harker leaves his Mark.

06:54 am - 06.01.2024

Session 38: Lord Harker leaves his Mark.

03:25 am - 06.01.2024

Session 37 Back to the guild hall.

04:06 am - 13.11.2023

Session 37 Back to the guild hall.

01:11 am - 13.11.2023

Session 36: Abraham Harker

07:07 am - 12.10.2023

Session 36: Abraham Harker

02:21 am - 02.10.2023

Session 35: The Pact is Reconfirmed

08:18 pm - 21.08.2023

Session 35: The Pact is Reconfirmed

12:04 am - 21.08.2023

Session 34: Rescuing of Duchess Pebbles Flintstone.

05:19 am - 07.08.2023

Session 34: Rescuing of Duchess Pebbles Flintstone.

11:51 pm - 06.08.2023

Session 33 The mines of Rock & Stone.

09:29 pm - 31.07.2023

Session 33 The mines of Rock & Stone.

02:38 am - 29.07.2023

Session 32 Rock & Stone

10:33 pm - 26.07.2023

Session 32 Rock & Stone

10:33 pm - 26.07.2023

Session 32 Rock & Stone

07:44 am - 22.07.2023

Session 32 Rock & Stone

02:07 am - 22.07.2023

Session 31 New Adventures await.

06:38 am - 15.07.2023

Session 31 New Adventures await.

01:47 am - 15.07.2023

Session 30: The New Face of the Franchise.

01:34 am - 09.07.2023

Session 30: The New Face of the Franchise.

01:37 am - 08.07.2023

Session 29: The new face of Franchise K.

05:20 am - 01.07.2023

Session 29: The new face of Franchise K.

01:12 am - 01.07.2023

Session 28: the Hag Encounter

07:17 am - 24.06.2023

Session 28: the Hag Encounter

02:47 am - 24.06.2023

Session 27: Mop Up Operatoins II

06:32 am - 17.06.2023

Session 27: Mop Up Operatoins II

01:55 am - 17.06.2023

Session 26: Mop up operations 1st of Cupid, 500 CD.

05:38 am - 10.06.2023

Session 26: Mop up operations 1st of Cupid, 500 CD.

02:50 am - 10.06.2023

Session 25 Saving the Queen II 1st of Cupid 500 CD

05:16 am - 03.06.2023

Session 25 Saving the Queen II 1st of Cupid 500 CD

02:06 am - 03.06.2023

Session 24 Rescuing the Queen. 1st of Cupid 500 CD.

09:25 pm - 27.05.2023

Session 24 Rescuing the Queen. 1st of Cupid 500 CD.

01:20 am - 27.05.2023

Session 23: Clearing the Ziggurat 30th of Zeus- 1st of Cupid 500 CD

04:22 pm - 26.05.2023

Session 23: Clearing the Ziggurat 30th of Zeus- 1st of Cupid 500 CD

07:04 am - 13.05.2023

Session 22 : Exploring the Ziggurat Akzunu Anat day, 30th of Zeus 500 CD

06:58 am - 06.05.2023

Session 22 : Exploring the Ziggurat Akzunu Anat day, 30th of Zeus 500 CD

02:44 am - 06.05.2023

Session 21: Anat Day, 30th of Zeus 500 CD . Drowned Forest IV

02:27 am - 30.04.2023

Session 21: Anat Day, 30th of Zeus 500 CD . Drowned Forest IV

02:26 am - 30.04.2023

Session 20: The Drowned Forest III (Tyr day, 29th of Zeus 500 CD)

05:33 am - 22.04.2023

Session 20: The Drowned Forest III (Tyr day, 29th of Zeus 500 CD)

12:45 am - 22.04.2023

Session 19: The Drowned Forest II (Ash day, 28th of Zeus 500 CD

03:33 am - 17.04.2023

Session 19: The Drowned Forest II (Ash day, 28th of Zeus 500 CD

03:33 am - 17.04.2023

Session 18: The Drowned Forest.

06:03 am - 08.04.2023

Session 18: The Drowned Forest.

06:03 am - 08.04.2023

Session 18: The Drowned Forest.

01:30 am - 08.04.2023

Session 17 Tegila III

05:16 pm - 06.04.2023

Session 17 Tegila III

05:16 pm - 06.04.2023

Session 16: The village of Tegile II

05:16 am - 18.03.2023

Session 16: The village of Tegile II

01:26 am - 18.03.2023

Session 15: The village of Tegile

08:40 am - 04.03.2023

Session 15: The village of Tegile

02:42 am - 04.03.2023

Session 14: The Crude Map

06:39 pm - 02.03.2023

Session 14: The Crude Map

02:24 am - 25.02.2023

Session 13: The Grand Rose 3

11:38 pm - 23.02.2023

Session 13: The Grand Rose 3

02:15 am - 18.02.2023

Session 13: The Grand Rose 3

02:15 am - 18.02.2023

Session 12: The Grand Rose Returns 2

04:55 pm - 17.02.2023

Session 12: The Grand Rose Returns 2

04:51 pm - 17.02.2023

Session 11 The Grand Rose Returns

07:14 pm - 10.02.2023

Session 11 The Grand Rose Returns

02:15 am - 04.02.2023

Session 10: The Grand Rose

06:40 pm - 28.01.2023

Session 10: The Grand Rose

02:05 am - 28.01.2023

Session 09: The Ghost Rider arrives.

06:52 am - 21.01.2023

Session 09: The Ghost Rider arrives.

02:21 am - 21.01.2023

Session 8 The Hunt concludes.

04:45 am - 09.01.2023

Session 8 The Hunt concludes.

02:22 am - 07.01.2023

Session 07: The Hunt Continues

08:41 am - 26.11.2022

Session 07: The Hunt Continues

07:46 am - 26.11.2022

The Hunt Begins

07:48 am - 12.11.2022

The Hunt Begins

02:40 am - 12.11.2022

The Hunt Begins

02:06 am - 12.11.2022

Session 05: Pirate Hunters.

05:13 am - 09.11.2022

Session 05: Pirate Hunters.

04:48 am - 09.11.2022

Session 04

03:09 am - 03.11.2022

Session 04

01:13 am - 29.10.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Dagon.

Played by

Other Characters by Telmach