Callahan Toril | World Anvil

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Callahan Toril

Just an ex-soldier trying to put his sword skills to use somewhere else

500 CD
500 CD

Ferocious Fish, Fearsome Fog, and Frightening Fellows

by Callahan Toril

After months of traveling we made it to Camelot, fortunately we arrive after the Festival of Life is over, I hate being in the city when it's being celebrated. Once we arrived we barely had any time to settle down before we got shipped off down south to escort an earl. Once we got underway I managed to get this group to agree to some kind of chain of command, the group generally agreed that Draven was to be in charge and he seemed a good enough choice as any. Nearly a ten-day into our trip we found a sinking ship, Sophia decided it was worth taking a swim to investigate the wreck, though she didn't find any treasure she did find some sharks.
We managed to fight them off without anyone dying, but it was close, after we finished off those beasts we encountered a strange fog coming from the land. Now I'm no sailor but I was pretty sure that wasn't how it was supposed to work. When the fog overtook the ship we were unable to see anything and had to flail about blindly, I heard that something was trying to climb the side of the boat, and when I went to investigate I found the creature clinging to the side. I tried to bash him off with my shield but he was too strong, his strength was doubly proven when he slashed me, nearly killing me. Luckily the satyr Dimmir was on hand and brought me back before anything serious happened, I owe him. During the fight one of the group members by the name of "Red" seemed to be causing a commotion with our leader, I've see his type before, unpredictable, dangerous, I'll have to keep an eye on him.

Callahan's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Callahan's history, from the beginning to today.

Ferocious Fish, Fearsome Fog, and Frightening Fellows

After months of traveling we made it to Camelot, fortunately we arrive after the Festival of Life is over, I hate being in the city when it's being celebrated. Once we arrived we barely had any time to settle down before we got shipped off down south to...

07:05 am - 03.12.2020

Lived another year

24 years without getting killed

500 CD

Anybody home?

After leaving Lisontos and making our way to a lodge in the forest we met up with the rest of the party and got ready to head off to find the "goat cheese man." After about 3 days of traveling we came upon his cottage, when we got there the door was brok...

05:43 am - 19.11.2020

Strange Bodies, Stranger Jobs

I found my way to the town of Lisontos, a little town in the north, near Camelot. Outside I found a group of dead bodies being investigated by the city guard, they asked me to help them investigate and I decide it's probably not the best idea to anger th...

08:16 am - 08.11.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Callahan.

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Other Characters by Rock_Beats_Paper