Cailith Catrin | World Anvil

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Cailith Catrin
Cat, Cai (pronounced like the letter K)

A talented Watermage wandering from adventure to adventure in Laighenlia.

Mon 4th Mar 2024 10:58

Cailith's Grimoire

by Cailith Catrin

Magic fireflies DC7 (Generalist)
Several motes of light ignite, leading you and your allies through the darkness.
Distance: Yourself.
Duration: 1 minute.
Effect: After successfully casting this spell, you conjure two green or blue wisps of light, gently floating above the ground. They can be mentally controlled to move slowly out into the distance, but must remain within sight or else wink out of existence. They cast a poor light, no greater than that of a candle.
Critical Success: One wisp can be trapped in a container, to forever conjure poor light as a candle.
Critical Failure: Green fireflies dart back and forth, stinging you with tiny electrical zaps, but then disappear to hide in the nearest tree or building. You suffer from Sleep Deprivation for 24 hours.
Rainshade DC7 (Generalist)
Raindrops keep falling on your head, but you stay dry despite the weather.
Distance: Yourself.
Duration: 3 hours.
Effect: After successfully casting this spell, you can travel in the rain or snow without getting wet. This does not ward against other effects related to rain or snow that may affect you. However, it will keep your clothes dry, your torch lit and your grimoires safe!
Critical Success: As above, but you also clear the area of bad weather within a small radius around you, so that others may take advantage of this magic.
Critical Failure: The weather around you grows worse, as you’re drenched to the bone.
Sanctuary DC8 (Generalist)
This simple spell wards away those who’d do you harm.
Distance: Yourself.
Duration: 4 turns.
Effect: After successfully casting this spell, foes who are classified as Humanoids who attempt to attack you must succeed at a Willpower roll DC of 12 or choose to ignore you for the spell’s Duration. This Magic is broken if you attempt to bring harm upon any whom have been made victim to this Magic.
Critical Success: As above, but triple the Duration.
Critical Failure: Suddenly, you provoke all foes to immediately target you. They make you the object of their ire for the spell’s Duration, attempting to end your life!
Detect magic DC7 (Generalist)
You close your eyes and let the spell help you see any magic around.
Distance: Yourself.
Duration: 5 seconds.
Effect: After successfully casting this spell, you can visually determine if an object or person is imbued or under the influence of magic. Naturally, since dark magic flows within the unliving, you can also detect creatures that are classified as supernatural.
Critical Success: As above, but you can also detect what type (dark, light, neutral) of magic spell has affected the object or person, if any.
Critical Failure: You behold a terrible vision of nightmare beings beyond the mortal realm. Your eyesight is stricken from you, as you’re temporarily blinded for 24 hours. During this time, you automatically fail any Skill Test which requires you to see.
Dispel magic DC11 (Generalist)
The dispelled spell is no longer active!
Distance: Any one object or person you can see.
Duration: Instant.
Effect: After successfully casting this spell and beating the roll of the spell you are trying to end, you immediately cause one magic spell’s effect to end permanently. This can be used to dismiss magic effects, such as "Mana blade" or other magic spells which may protect another. This has no Effect on curses, summoned creatures or Rituals. You must have this spell in order to Counterspell. Finally, you need to check with the GM when trying to use Dispel Magic to dismiss the Effects of other Magick spells whose Duration is listed as Instantaneous.
Critical Success: As above, plus the person who was affected by "Dispel Magic" is stunned for 1 turn.
Critical Failure: The spell backfires and one of your spells is dispelled and has you stunned for 1 turn, if you don't have any spells active you suffer 2d4 damage.
Night Vision DC12 (Generalist)
Your vision can now pierce the oppressive darkness.
Distance: Any creature you can touch.
Duration: 1 hour.
Effect: After successfully casting this spell you can see in dark areas as if it was dimly lit up to 60ft. away.
Critical Success: You can see as if it was daytime up to 90ft..
Critical Failure: You go blind for the duration of the spell.
Durability DC11 (Altruism)
Distance: Any one person you can see.
Duration: 2 combat turns or 1 minute.
Effect: Upon successfully casting this spell, your target takes 10% less damage (with the remaining damage rounded down).
Critical Success: Your target takes 20% less damage.
Critical Failure: Your target takes 10% more damage!
Enlightenment DC 12 (Altruism)
Distance: Any one person you can see.
Duration: 4 combat turns or 2 minutes.
Effect: Upon successfully casting this spell, your target gains advantage on intelligence and wisdom rolls.
Critical Success: As above but double the duration.
Critical Failure: Your spell causes the opposite effect, your target gains disadvantage on intelligence and wisdom rolls!
Water Jet DC11 (Aquamancy)
A jet of water shoots forth from your hand!
Distance: Any one person you can see.
Duration: Instant.
Effect: After successfully casting this spell, one foe immediately suffers 1d6/level dice in Damage from water.
Critical Success: As above, but your foe is knocked prone as well.
Critical Failure: The water spurts from your hand but the spell fails to safeguard you from it as the force of the water jet immediately forces you to fall backwards as well as missing your target.
Waves of Slowness DC13 (Aquamancy)
As you finish speaking the words of your spell, water quickly rises up to the sky!
Distance: The whole battlefield (as defined by the GM).
Duration: 2+[spellcasting ability] turns
Effect: The battlefield is flooded with a strange sort of water that one does not drown in and that does not affect flames. The water slows all creatures on the battlefield down to half their speed with you being the only exception. (mechanically you are double speed while everything else stays the same)
Critical Success: As above but double the duration.
Critical Failure: The water appears but you are the only one affect by it and are dragged under as you lay there helpless!
Spikes of protection DC13 (Aquamancy)
You summon a number of spikes made of ice to defend you.
Distance: Yourself.
Duration: 2+[spellcasting ability] turns.
Effect: Multiple spikes of ice are hovering around you jabbing at anyone getting too close. Any creature getting close enough to attack you with melee attacks, gets hit for 1d6/level Damage per each of its turns (this includes your allies).
Critical Success: As above but double the duration and your allies will not be harmed by this spell.
Critical Failure: The spikes are inverted! As you notice this fact the spikes stab at you for a moment before falling to the ground and shattering! You are hit for 1d8 of Damage.
Greater Ice Golem DC16 (Aquamancy)
You conjure forth a large sized humanoid made of ice to aid you!
Distance: Yourself.
Duration: 1+[spellcasting ability] hours.
Effect: Upon successfully casting this spell, you summon a large golem made of magic ice the size and shape of a troll. It is under your direct control for the duration of the spell. Its attack power, strength and health is equal to a Greater Ice Golem in BluePhoenix's monster document. It can only follow basic instructions and can not talk. Once the duration of the spell has passed it crumbles into pieces and melts away. 30ft
Critical Success: You summon forth 2 golems instead.
Critical Failure: The golem you summoned is not friendly towards you and begins attacking you and your allies!

The major events and journals in Cailith's history, from the beginning to today.

A family portrait of the Catrins painted in the year 915 celebrating the youngest daughter's 100th birthday. Beilamin 416, Aramas 1490, Cailith 265, Torynore 1214, Aerin 537, Daezana 100

11:52 pm - 07.03.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Cailith.

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Other Characters by DemonizedHoe