Irthar Black | World Anvil

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Irthar Black

Career criminal who regularly jumps from highwayman group to highwayman group. Does not say much about himself, and keeps to himself.

Campaign & Party

The major events and journals in Irthar's history, from the beginning to today.


03:03 pm - 20.03.2022


03:03 pm - 20.03.2022


06:41 am - 19.03.2022


06:40 am - 19.03.2022


06:21 am - 19.03.2022


06:21 am - 19.03.2022

The session

01:39 am - 13.11.2020

The session

01:39 am - 13.11.2020

2020-11-5 - The Cleaning Crew

09:28 pm - 11.11.2020

2020-11-5 - The Cleaning Crew

09:28 pm - 11.11.2020

2020-10-29 - The Road To Mereysa

02:52 am - 05.11.2020

2020-10-29 - The Road To Mereysa

02:52 am - 05.11.2020

2020-10-21 - Here we go again...

03:21 pm - 22.10.2020

2020-10-21 - Here we go again...

03:21 pm - 22.10.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Irthar.