Radiance Tiller | World Anvil

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Radiance Tiller

Neutral Good Aasimar (Acolyte)
Warlock 3
27 / 27 HP

Young jaded Aasimar roaming the known world in search of powers not understood by the prevailing society. He hopes to discover his greater purpose, something he's been told since birth that he must have, and to escape the influence of his Guardian Angel.

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Tue 7th Feb 2023 10:02

Session Fourteen

by Radiance Tiller

Probably just a short one for now but BOY it's good to dust off the Radiance dice
Travelling w. companions during the day, find a lot less trouble on the road HOORAY.
Sorin is quiet, intelligent. Meepo is entranced by Korin.
Reach a river crossing. Meepo has never seen running water before in his life.
After a few days we see a distant twisted tree standing alone in the expanse of the grasslands. Seems to have been struck by lightning a few times. Doesn't seem otherwise remarkable.
Terrain is becoming less flat and more rocky as we progress.
Ten days in, as we head to dusk, spot a STONE CIRCLE a lil ways away.
Very old Druidic magic site. A few ancient scratchings for the moon, the sun, the wind, the earth - general Nature shit.
A number of symbols that seem to be invoking some of these natural effects.
Cast Entangle in the middle of the circle - put some Druid magic in there. Don't really notice anything.
Set up camp a little way away.
During my watch, it begins to rain.
Fuck it, let's go have a lil look at the circle, just in case.
Fuck it let's go step into the middle of the fuckin thing.
Rolled a Natural 1. That's .... probably fine right? Yeah that's f ine. I'm sure that's fine, right? Right. Of course it's fine. It's fine?
The rain above me is not hitting me - there's some kind of invisible barrier?? The rain isn't hitting me?? It's following me, tethered to me.
Ah PANTS it's not still there after like a minute.
That was weird.
Write about it in my Book, reflecting on what happened. Reminded of a book I read once that spoke of the wild divine magic of nature itself, that in certain places seems to surge; unexpected minor effects happen.
FINALLY eventually we get to the Big Lake.
Heckin Wimdy day. Big waves on the water. In the distance, can see a large town.
Go into the town, much busier. Bustling. Lots of people.
I Disguise Self, Meepo stealths along behind me.
Stock up on some supplies, some waterproofing for my scrolls, and have a look for an Identify Pearl...
A lovely down-on-her-luck beachcomber has found one apparently. I'm gonna make her fuckin' day.
Take her to a Bank. Set up her kids' college fund.
Gonna camp outside the city but we'll do that later.

Radiance's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Session One
    28 Apr 2022 10:36:17
  2. Session Two
    30 Apr 2022 09:13:01
  3. Session Three
    30 Apr 2022 11:18:09
  4. Session Four
    02 May 2022 10:59:54
  5. Session Five
    23 May 2022 09:19:44
  6. Session Six
    20 Jun 2022 10:05:30
  7. Session Seven
    09 Jul 2022 10:12:32
  8. Session Eight
    11 Jul 2022 09:56:39
  9. Session Nine
    01 Aug 2022 12:47:32
  10. Session Ten
    30 Aug 2022 08:10:11
  11. Session Eleven
    10 Sep 2022 09:55:35
  12. Session Twelve
    01 Oct 2022 11:01:25
  13. Session Thirteen
    23 Nov 2022 10:37:38
  14. Session Fourteen
    07 Feb 2023 10:02:08

The major events and journals in Radiance's history, from the beginning to today.

Session One

The cool music starts. Radiance awakens. He looks sexy. But not like he's putting effort into it. Except for all the bandages covering his face. Don't worry though. They're cosmetic. The sphinx has given me a quest to solve a mystery, to prove myself...

10:36 pm - 28.04.2022

Session Two

The cool music starts Radiance has blood on his nose from being bitten by a rat. It's okay though, Bankroft totally fixed him. Also there's a circle of stones on the ground which I didn't notice last time. START HEADING DOWN THE STAIRS INTO THE DARK...

09:13 am - 30.04.2022

Session Three

HERE WE GO BOIS Should I sit and rest for a day? Absolutely. Am I going to? Prolly not lmao. Oh yeah btw last night I had a DREAM and Cadhock appeared to me and was like "you shouldn't be with these evil creatures" and I woke up with images of gobbos...

05:00 pm - 30.04.2022

Session Four

For Phoebe this is session five but I put three and four together cos we did them on the same day. There's no cool music yet. Oh wait now there is. Send Meepo off to talk to Ustral, and then we'll go try to get into the locked dragon room. Calcrix ha...

10:59 pm - 02.05.2022

Session Five

IT'S BEEN A WHILE BUT HERE WE GO GONNA KILL A TROLL AND STUFF MEEPOOOOOOOO As a reminder the important people are: Cadhock (Fuck off Cadhock) Grennal (goblin boss) Ustral (Kobold boss) (totally into me though she won't admit it) Calcrix (White d...

09:19 pm - 23.05.2022

Session Six

So to start off with we're unpacking and I don't have my paper sheet and the one on World Anvil says my max HP is 2 so I guess I'm gonna have to be REAL careful this time! My wife is real pretty and I love her so much and I'm so excited for this. Fi...

10:05 pm - 20.06.2022

Session Seven

I cut my finger making dinner so I'm typing withou=t a left index finger so excuse any typos :/ Is roday finally the day Radiance dies? It's long overdue let's be honest. One can only hope. I rouse feom my rest and we're ready to explore more of th...

10:12 pm - 09.07.2022

Session Eight

LAST TIME ON RADIANCE TILLER We had a To Be Continued moment. Dragon-carved granite blocks line the walls. A huge marble statue of a rearing red dragon here. Eyesockets are empty but a red glow lingers there, providing reddish light throughout the cha...

09:49 pm - 11.07.2022

Session Nine

Hey great news I found my character sheet! Also I'm level THREE now and I got TEN new hit points and SECOND LEVEL SPELLS and I replaced Beguiling Influence with Mask of Many Faces and I'm COOL NOW. COOL DREAM AND THE SPHINX GIVES ME NEW POWERS told you...

12:47 am - 01.08.2022

Session Ten

Phoebe tried to start the recap without the dramatic music and that's just not how this works. OH THERE'S OUR DRAMATIC MUSIC OH MAN IT MUBST BE TIME TO GO OH HEY THIS IS EXCITINGGGG "NEXT TIME I'm gonna want to check if everyone is dead; check if ...

08:10 pm - 30.08.2022

Session Eleven

Just got all my inventory organised. Also this is the trial run of Sofa D&D! Pretty coooool. From last time, TODO list: Figure out what the Sorcerous power might be. Go back to Belak's room and fine-tooth that shit (and get the body in the wheelbar...

09:55 pm - 10.09.2022

Session Twelve

I HAVE NEW DICE!! New Radiance dice that are Icey and new Meepo dice that are Fiery. The spoopky music has begun. Also we are on the Sofa again. And have ice cream and (failed) cookie. It is a good day. To-Do list from last time: Rest. Level up? ...

11:01 pm - 01.10.2022

Session Thirteen

GUESS WHAT WE'RE BACK Travel Montaaaage! 3 weeks travel (approx) to the Sphinx We're mostly gonna travel at night for Meepo's eyes, and we're gonna just make a beeline back to the Sphinx because I don't wanna mess around getting distracted, I wanna ...

10:37 pm - 23.11.2022

Session Fourteen

OH BABY WE'RE BACK Probably just a short one for now but BOY it's good to dust off the Radiance dice Travelling w. companions during the day, find a lot less trouble on the road HOORAY. Sorin is quiet, intelligent. Meepo is entranced by Korin. R...

10:02 pm - 07.02.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Radiance.

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Other Characters by DaneKane