Leaving Shadehold Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Leaving Shadehold Report

General Summary

The group gathered in the Broken Step in Shadehold, with Aforis Green rejoining them. While they gought giant spiders an infiltrated the cellar under Doreen's hut, she was taken to a plane where three spirits (a unicorn, a bear, and a hawk) spoke to her.They told her she needed to seek out an evil in the west and to take care of her companions.   As a way of safely getting away from the hag's and her apprentice Emily, Evendur, Mestamo , and Fozmatir Ungart had promised to get her crystal-looking horn, apparently in possession by a group of orc bandits to the north west. They were forced to leave Shelara as security for their cooperation.   The group gathered some supplies and took to the road. They met a small caravan travelling the other direction and spoke briefly with the half-orc leader of the guards who told them that there were plenty of rumours of bandits up north, even if he hadn't seen any.   Continuing on their way, the group set up camp for the night. Evendur and Aforis noticed a very faint scnt of something burning. The source was revealed in the morning as they found the smoldering ruins of a house and a half-burnt barn. One person had died tied up inside the house and had now become charcoal. Outside a man and a young boy had both been shot dead with arrows. Whatever livestock the people here had was dead in the barn or gone. Eltuner found a mysterious knife next to the charred humanoid in th house. The knife gives a dull red glow while held.

Heroes of Vx
Report Date
30 May 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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