Emily Adkas | Lost Waves
World under revision! This world was originally written purely as a Dugeons and DragonsĀ® setting. It is (slowly) being rewritten to be system agnostic When things don't seem to work togewther, this is likely why.

Emily Adkas

Emily is one of two members of the waitstaff at Hearth of Clay in Shadehold besides the owners, Viola and Sionia Adkas. The owners also happen to be Emily's parents who had her through the use of powerful magic.

Physical Description

Body Features

As she grew older, especially lately, Emily's skin has become paler and paler and her features skinnier. Some have even been concerned about her health as a result, but she shows no signs of actually being ill.

Apparel & Accessories

When not working, Emily prefers practical clothes for walking through the muddy areas around Shadehold. She combines this with a long tunic and a dark green cloak.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Emily knows that her mothers paid a lot for the spell that allowed them to have a child together and she feels a great debt to them. This is possibly the only reason she hasn't left Shadehold as soon as she could. Still, she dreams of a life that is more than just waiting tables.

Gender Identity



The only real job Emily has had is helping her mothers at the Hearth of Clay. She might not find it very exciting, but it does give her something to do and her mothers do need the help.

Intellectual Characteristics

Emily is used to getting what she wants in the end. A well-placed smile can do wonders and she knows how to get tips from the patrons of the tavern. She's observant enough to know which ones she can charm and which ones she needs to stay away from. There are few things she doesn't pick up on and she's eager to learn about the would outside Shadehold.


Family Ties

Emily's mothers, Viola and Sionia Adkas are probably the most important people in her life. She would possibly do anything to keep them safe.

Staff at the Hearth of Clay

Character Location
View Character Profile
Year of Birth
1347 SR 18 Years old
Current Residence
Pale blue
Black, shoulder-length with bangs.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Very pale
170 cm


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