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Shadows in the City

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of the Obscured Seas
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Tremors shake the ancient foundations of Wittering, greatest city in the world. Some blame the recent treasure hunters, others the forces that move in the shadow. The Southern Sword too has trouble. After an incident with godly manifestations of murder, the city deals with a power vacuum. Meanwhile, shadows are closing in from outside the City Walls.

This story is told by



  • The Island of Wittering
  • the Obscured Seas
    Though careful study of what precious little remains of before the Obscuring, as well as tales of navigators, we have attempted to create a map of the world as is without the distortion by the mists.
  • The Boroughs of Wittering
Supporting Cast

Scheduled Sessions

Fri 17th May 2019 18:00

Wittering Session 1: It always starts at a tavern

The Protagonists

Eldren of Sinkshore

Level 1 Aquatic Near-Human Neutral Good Circle of Concrete Druid
/ 20 HP