Session 16: A Resolution and More Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 16: A Resolution and More Report

General Summary

Lum. 45 - The fight finishes in the evening, and the group rests, heals their wounds a bit, and prepares to move out in the morning. They have found a fair bit of sizable treasure, mostly larger weapons and some armor.
Jarvis mourns, and is visibly shaken by, the death of Maly. He laments over her the rest of the evening.   Oolor 1 - The group rigs up a travois to haul Maly's body back to the fort. They take the head of Bagthar Bloodfist, looting his weapons and furs, as well as the weapons, shield, armor, and gauntlent of the goblin sorcerer. They find a page of goblin writing, but none can interpret it. So, weary and wounded, they set out back to The Burrowfort, their long hard quest at an end.
Oolor 3 - The group arrives at the fort to find it surrounded by dozens of refugees, mostly women and children, but some men sprinkled about as well. They are begged for money and food as they come in, but get a bit of a berth thanks to the dead body they are hauling with them. They are greeted within the fort by the newly promoted LT Lucaius, commander of the fort and former second to LT Spearshield. He welcomes the news of the death of Bagthar, pays the group members 2gp each, and delivers to them a letter from CPT D'Or from Magera, stating that she had an opportunity to meet an informant from the Yellow Roses, but the informant was not there and her few trusted men were killed by an ambush. Lucaius asks the group to talk to the refugees, to get them to go home. He admits to not being much of a public speaker. Sven gives a taciturn, but convincing speech, displaying the head of Bagthar and convincing the people that the ordeal is over. Jarvis gives a decent follow up, much more lively and coherent, but somehow Sven is the one who leaves the lasting impression with the people of the Vinculan Foothills.
While talking to the crowd, Jarvis and Sven notice a slightly balding, soft man flanked by what appears to be two Blue Shield mercenaries. Jarvis instantly recognizes him as the man who bid against him for Maly, but they decide to do nothing about it for now. That evening, just before sunset, they bury Maly in a place of honor atop the hills of the Burrowfort, in the shadow of the central watch tower. Jarvis gives a stirring eulogy, moving some of the militia who chose to attend (mostly the veteran Outriders, Red and his crew) to tears. Sometime after a guard arrives to summon Jarvis to the gate for a message. Waiting there for him is the man from the crowd, his guards standing back, out of earshot.   The man introduces himself as Borsino Quintosin, telling Jarvis that he has information on the Yellow Roses, information the group could use to help them win their little war with the guild. He is clearly a nervous man, unused to stress or danger, hemming and hawing, stuttering through the more difficult parts of the conversation. In the end he convinces the group to swear an oath to protect him to the best of their abilities and, if the magistrate gives him clemency or immunity, to help him escape to the Western Kingdoms, and in return he swears not to lie to them about the guild, nor to betray them.

Missions/Quests Completed

War With the Yellow Roses: Borsino tells the group that he has information on some of the money matters of the guild, having acted as their accountant for two full years ("This would have been my third summer"). He talks about how much money the guild moves, how much of it is taken by the enforcer squad (Gagnan Fingertaker and his band). He knows one safe house (as he worked in the ground floor of it, and it has a basement he'd not been in), and he thinks there might be connections between the safehouses.
He identified Odal Oakson, a prominent dwarven jeweler, as a primary fence for the more valuable items of the guild and his shop being a place wherein they laundered much of their income, their income being anywhere from 300-1200sp a week in protection, smuggling, and fencing/thievery. At least 70 goes to bribes and such, 30 to the enforcer squad, and the rest ot the rest of the guild as profits/pay.   He named Renly Stickman as the recently promoted Second of the Yellow Roses. Renly was the previous enforcer. A cruel gnome known to inspire fear in those that knew him. Bandy Wigglefinger is a prominent member too, though not quite sure where he fits in to the guild. May be a contact in the mage's guild.

Character(s) interacted with

Met Borsin Quintosin, the slightly balding, soft featured man who turns out to be the accountant for the Yellow Roses thieve's guild.

Created Content

Told of Gagnan "Fingertaker", current chief enforcer for the YR.

Pandemic Roll20 Hackmaster Game
Report Date
20 Aug 2020
Primary Location
Vinculan Hills
Secondary Location
The Burrowfort

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