Session 25: The Hidden Hatchery Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 25: The Hidden Hatchery Report

General Summary

After dragging the dead bodies of two of the patrolling cultists over to the waterfall, the party heaved them through to the glowing cave behind the cascading veil only to realize that they had woken the sleeping beasts guarding the path through to whatever lay further back in this cave. Taking a quick look around the cave Richard was assaulted by a gout of fire and ash from somewhere further back in the cave. Willona ran in to try to help and upon seeing several of the beasts reveal themselves before entrenching themselves in their positions, Richard grabbed Willona and threw the both of them out through the waterfall.   As they swam back to the shore of the small basin, Mizuho crept in stealthily and watched unseen as the four creatures took entrenched defensive positions around the cave and waited. While trying to decide what to do next, another drow cultist came up out of the back of the cave and started looking around, seemingly alerted by the noise. This drow saw the body that Richard had heaved into the cave and ran over to check what had happened. Upon discovering that the body was no longer living, the drow started back toward the rear of the cave. His keen eyes momentarily piercing through the veil of the waterfall, Etsudo realized the danger that this drow returning below represented and lept through the waterfall, commanding a tentacle of water to grab the retreating cultist and throw them out into the basin.   Etsudo received the attentions of the guard beasts and was stung a few times with their venomous tails before retreating himself back through the waterfall. Aja and Etsudo tried to stabilize the unconcious and drowning cultist while the other three, now all disguised as drow themselves went back behind the waterfall and tried to calm the guard beasts.   After several failed attempts to gain the beasts favor, they began attacking and the party sprang into action.  The fight was rough and both Mizuho and Willona were knocked unconscious but, in the end, the party stood victorious.  Some quick work on Aja's part with some herbs she had with her woke up Willona and the party collected themselves.  Resolving to take a short rest in one of the side caverns to gather their strength, they anxiously set about readying themselves for whatever lie beneath...

The Cracked Hollow
Report Date
07 Sep 2020

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