Session 17: Trepidation and Unease Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 17: Trepidation and Unease Report

General Summary

The following morning would bring the Scales to breakfast and a discussion of what is to come next. The common room would be a buzz with rumors, concerns, and worry for the fate of the city and clan with the infighting. Rumors ranged from a full on assault to negotiations were underway. A messanger from the Queen would arrive to present a gift to Indalell, tho the instructions on who to give it were fuzzy due to his various shap shifts. He was presented a fine ring with the queens familial herladric supporters holding up a fine emerald. Clearly a family heirloom of some kind he expressed his gratitude. The Scales decided to wait a few days to see what transpired and each went about their days business. Indalell went looking for the guard he stuffed under a bush late the night before, Ismaril to watch the Palace, A'lar to visit Aranyes temple, Longwei to resupply, Ayrien to find a quiet park to relax and train with Vaera, and Adalon decided to hold the fort and work with Opal.  

A'lar would find Syndra finishing preperations for the closing day of Summers Finding, he moved upto her and simply acted as tho he belonged at her side during her final instructions, she deftly ignored his arrival till she was done, giving him a warm smile, "Glad to see we all survived last night." A'lar would returne the smile and agree, giving his thanks for the temples healing of Bliss. Syndra would invite him to the closing cerimonies personally since their rondevous the previous night was interupted, accepting, A'lar decided to go try and pay the queen a visit. As he approached the palace he would find several roads were closed and an increased guard presence, Ismaril would ring in his head "Where are you going?" Looking about he would find her and Idrial not far, moving over he would smile "Well I am here to see the Queen." Ismaril would raise an eye brow, "They arent letting anyone in." A'lar with his usual charm, "Well I am not anyone!" and he lead them off to the guard post. Finding that they required a royal summons to enter, A'lar would concede but ask the guard to convey the wish for an audience. Deciding it was lunch A'lar, Ismaril and her guard would depart to find Indalell curiously looking under bushes in a near by park. There would some banter about if Indalell could turn into a cat, and why not, that would was into the theological and origin of his kind over some lunch. Ayrien would be approached in the park by Elim who would invite the scales to his home promptly at 8pm for dinner. Longwei would find his potions with ease and Adalon would find lady Seraphina sent a reward for their help at the party, collecting several pouches of fine gems.  

When the scales came back together, A'lar would lement this would interfere with his closing ceremony plans, but they all went to Elims. Once there, he would change his form to another elven face, baring some similarities to Indalells. He would reveal his mission was to investigate house Aelindons involvment with Vermillion and the Rebells, and to steal the ritual for creating Draconiens from them. While he admired Idnalells ability to save the queen he would reveal that this would likely force Lord Aelindons hand to produce Draconiens now, with the few eggs he got from the Ary and those still in Aelindon control. Elim would also reveal that Aelindon belongs to the Anti Dragonist faction here in Aureate and has been corresponding with the Unicorn cell in Amaranthis. Given it takes 3 days or so for Draconiens to fully mature, the Scales figured they had at most 2 days before the balance tipps against her Majesty, and with it several of the noble houses that remain on the fence to see where the wind blows. At the meetings conclusion A'lar would head to the Temple of Aranye and not be seen till the next morning, missing a few articles of his clothing. The rest would return to the Inn and rest, waiting for an audience with the Queen. The next morning the audience was granted, offering their service in however best they can help, Thalindra would invite them to a war council where plans would be discussed for how to handle the traiterous lord Aelindon.

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