Session 39: The Ruins of Nanasans Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 39: The Ruins of Nanasans Report

General Summary

It was well into afternoon by the time the Scales reunited at the site of the excavation. The forest had been cleared and many trenches lined the landscape. In the pits, remains of stone walls stood, half crumbled archways of doors of monstrous proportion, any doubt that this was the location of a Giants city was put to rest. Ayrien let the other know Elarea had entered a tunnel the day prior and she had not seen any activity at the site. As the Scales approached with caution, they observed the dig passing each trench line, Ayrien would kneel down and take not of Kobold shaped foot prints, letting the other know what she found. Mounds of dirt, piles of broken pottery, but no sign of any tents, Kobolds, or other finds. At the furthest dig location, a great stone entry way lay before them leading down. They carefully descended the giant stair way, winding down and down till they reached a step that had fallen out, while a single stair to a giant was a good 10 foot leap to the party. Each in turn made the leap with ease until only A'lar remained. With a frown a produced a scroll, reciting the text he would lift off the ground, now flying across the gap. "Jumping is not my thing," he would comment to the others as they finished the descent, arriving upon broken cobble stones and earth, what was possibly a street, now buried beneath the earth, huge bioluminescent fungi pulsed slowly with an eerie green light along the walls.  

Stepping further in the tunnel system forked, and at the fork a huge female giant, headless, carved of marble stood. The broken head lay nearby at her feet, turned upon its side with tears slowly falling down her stone cheeks. Adalon, Ayrien, and A'lar approached the statue, as they did the tears became vapor, and a thick fog began to fill the room. While they held their breath for fear of poison, they were instead filled with a sense of sorrow and dread that seemed to suck the very life from them. As the fog seemed to only grow, Adalon and Ayrien attempted to find a way to shut off the statue, instead only finding a strange inscription in a language they could not read. A'lar investigated the large mushrooms wondering if they were at fault, and to combat the sense of sorrow began to sing a very upbeat melody, the pulsing light of the mushrooms changing to follow his rhythm, but did not seem to halt the fog. Indalell went to work on the statue attempting to plug the tear ducts with some success, while Longwei began to mix some of the soil with his water skin to make a thick paste. A'lar finding the fog magical would take out a wand of Dispel Magic and block the enchantment, the fog dissipating, "That will buy us 10 minutes," he would offer with a nod, while Longwei now applied his makeshit concrete. Ismaril looked to the inscription finding it curious, "The alphabet is different but there is a great deal of similarity with Onarian." After some careful study and some scribbling in her not book, Ismaril would not have it fully deciphered but would offer, "This statue is dedicated to the the Inevitable Fall of Nanasans, which I believe is this city." A'lar's would nod, "Ah I have heard of that, a Great Fortress of the Giants from the Age of Wonder."  

With this Mourner of Nanasans neutralized the Scales would push ahead. The tunnel would fork again, however this time one path was lit with torches while the other remained dark. Decided Elarea as a half elf would need light they followed the torches. As they walked down the part cave part cobble street path, Adalalons foot would dip into a hole his ankle twisting badly, Ismaril doing the same not far behind, tho hers not as bad. Adalon would wince and shout back, "Be careful, someone has trapped this hall way." A'lar still flying would float over the tunnel and point out several other hastily covered small pit traps designed to turn or break and ankle. As these were cleared A'lar would float ahead and round the corner to find a gaggle of kobolds laying in wait. "Ah you fools they are right behind me, get them!" The first group was startle and confused for a moment, but then from the southern pathway a shout rang out as a second swarm of kobold miners, lead by a few soldiers would surge at the scales. Longwei would activate his Aion stone sending a fireball south into one mass of Kobolds while Ismaril would her breath weapon, a kaleidoscope of crystalline shards. Small explosions from the Amethyst Drakanian breath weapons would soon follow into the second group, the Kobolds shaken from the sudden explosions about them were quickly dispersed as Aryien with Veara and Indalell waded into them with cold steel and fang.  

As they followed the lights, they would notice another set of hastily dug traps, stepping carefully around the corner the room would open up into a giant chamber. Here a Kobold stood atop a great stone with a staff in hand, she would shout, "The intruders, get them!" Armored Kobolds with warhammers would rush forward, one delivering a crushing blow to Adalons knee, compounding his limp from his twisted ankle. Miners would begin to fire stones with accurate slings, and another Kobold summoned a magical arrow of acid letting it fly. The Scales pushed forward trying to clear the narrow tunnel into the greater room as the Melee began. Before they could clear the first few kobolds the leaders staff would glow red and a fireball would explode into the center of the Scales. A singed Veara would withdraw as the fighting was grew thick, but the Kobolds would slowly lose ground and their nerve, many beginning to flee as the tide turned. A poisoned bolt from the leader would thud into Adalons shoulder, the Poison burning as it spread. A ring of Kobold Slingers and the leader now remained as the battered Scales of Fate pressed into the room.

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