Session 42: Death of a Dragon Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 42: Death of a Dragon Report

General Summary

There was still a tick dust on the air and the sounds of settling debris as Adalon and Ayrien rushed into the rubble of the east wing of their home. Ismaril moved in close behind her eyes turning black as she reached out with her mind sensing for signs of emotional signals in the debris. Longwei began to direct the gathering servants and guards of the home, and just those coming from the city to help to begin pulling the rubble away. An Elven male, would be the first pulled from the rubble by Ismaril and several members of house Enres guard and staff. As they drug the bleeding and broken man from the rubble, A'lar would Soothe his wounds with his magic. The Elf, Flardrym, the staff would identify him, would blink awake, "Where is Ikeshia?" he would groan through a pained voice, A'lar would shake his head, "You are the first, do not worry we will find the others. Adalon would hone in on where Ismaril directed the second set of terrified emotions were eminating. As Ayrien came in behind, Vaera would begin sniffing and pawing at the rubble further down what was once a hall of the house. Idnalell would walk the perimeter and try to survey what happened. He would frown as it looked a side of the mountain where the estate was housed exploded, sending debris out into lower rings of the city and collapsing part of the house. A'lar stretched out his magical powers to see what may be lingering and found himself overwhelmed with arcane, divine, primal, and occult energies. The Enre estate had become a nexus of incredible magical energy, the auras pierced behind his eyes as he was wracked with a terrible migraine.  

Adalon with help of others would pull the next survivor free, Kythaela, her clothing tattered and her once meticulous chestnut hair was matted with blood and dust, "Where is my mother?" the young elven woman would ask, "What happened?" her eyes looking to Adalon with fear and confusion. "I dont know, to either question, but we will find her and find out, now go with them and tend to your wounds." Passing her to the guardsmen Adalon would move up with Ayrien and begin to pull the rubble away where her feline companion had shown interest. Adalon would grit his teeth and Nuala, mother of Kythaela would be pulled, crushed to death under the rubble as the room above caved in. Adalon would carry her out, laying Nuala at her daughters feet. The dazed and battered Kythaela would tremble, her head shaking in disbelief as she began to weep falling over her mothers body. Adalons anger would swell, Ayrien placing a hand upon his shoulder and giving a squeeze. Ismaril would call from across the yard, "I dont sense anyone else here, we should move up!"  

The second floor would greet the Scales with a curious site, as 4 swarms of butterflys would flutter towards them. The wings of the creatures looking like glinting steel, and a pack of mephits would chitter behind them rushing forward. The elemental denzines from the realm of earth would be dispatched with little difficulty as rescue operations began on the second floor of the east wing. 3 more members of the Enre Family would be rescued, alive but battered, including Flardrym's wife Ikeshia. Adalon would leave this work to the others as he moved towards a grand bedchamber that seemed to survive the collapse. This room housed his mother, slumbering in stasis bound to her dragon lord and Adalons father. Already the sight concerned him, as the usual unmoving form of his mother was not resting as she had for this last decade. Rushing to her side he felt no pulse, no breath, this tho was not unusual for her stasis, but her arm was cold to the touch. Uttering a prayer his hand glowed with healing power of his goddess, but the energy just dicipated, his mother was dead. His world crashing around him Adalon struggling to maintain himself, Ayrien would give him a moment as she informed the others of their discovery. A'lar would frown, "I believe the Cockatrice has succeeded...I fear the Dragon of House Enre is no more."  

Moving to the third floor the Scales would now find a Rust Scarab and other strange metal elementals. The Scales would push thru these with little troubles, moving with all haste to rescue anyone else who could. Pulling two more members of the Enre family from the rubble, Adalon would move into his uncles Jhaeros lab. Finding the elderly elf trapped beneath some debri at the periphery of the damage but otherwise in good healthy, Adalon would free him. "Ah my boy, good you are safe....something terrible has happened in the Lair but I have no idea what!" A'lar would share his fears to which Jhaeros would shake his head in disbelief. Ayrien would speak up, "What of Merialeth and Tyrael?" The elder elf would shake his head, "Merialeth should be away with her duties to the guard in the city, Tyrael must be here some where...come my magic can help clear the debris, you all need to get into the catacombs and find out what has happened to our home" On the first floor everyones efforts were put to clearing the debris until the stairs down into the catacombs would be opened.  

Adalon would lead them thru the twisting halls with a steady stride, lowering a grate over another stairwell down he would cross and press three points upon the stone wall, a door sliding open leading into the lair of his father Tyvesdos. A great space where a dragon once slumbered would be empty, Tyrael the family matron laying near the gap and several more of the elemental metal monsters filled the room, including a new one, a floating Orb humming with electro magnetic power. As the Scales pushed in the orb would shriek and pull upon their armors. Ismaril would be drug to the ground as the orb pulled and pushed at magnetic fields. Two massive Rust Scarabs would charge forth trampling thru the Scales, Ismaril rolling left and right as best she can to avoid the many pounding legs. Longwei would push forward his powerful kick shattering the insects carapaces. Indalells blades would cut thru Metal Mephits as he pushed to flank the floating Lode Stone. Ayrien and Vaera would focus their furry upon the fluttering bunches of Butterflys as A'lar sent Phantasmal Killers into the mind of the second Scarab. Adalons scythe would slice into the load stone as Ismaril would regain her feet. Her rapier would pierce Mephit and Lode Stone. Clearing the lair of the elemental intruders.  

Adalon would rush over to Tyrael taking her hand looking to her with concern, his energys flowing into her. Her flesh seemed melted, her body shattered in the explosive onslought of the magic that was unleashed here. The others would begin to take note of signs of a great ritual being conducted here. "What happened?" Adalon would ask as Ayrien would come to take her other hand holding back tears. "I....Im sorry" Tyrael would utter with great difficulty, her eyes would blow a faint purple as her thoughts pushed into the mind of all those around. The scales would see her memories as the Dragon Tyvesdos form shimmered and lost cohesion becoming pur energy. As the dragons essence began to unravel and escape this plane there would be a massive burst of light and energy. Tyrael would look in awe as she could see colors never before seen by mortals in that split second. That energy soon turned as every magical item bound to Tyvesdos hoard exploded, releasing their magical energies in one violent burst. Adalon now having lost a Father and Mother would shake his head, "Who Did this Tyrael!" She would look upto him with sad apologetic eyes, her voice echoeing in everyones mind, "I did." Adalon would drop her had pushing himself back from her, Ayrien would go wide eyed her hands moving to cover her mouth as tears began to roll down her cheeks.  

"Our family has spent these decades arguing over how to expand draconic powers, the world has been ravaged for millenia by dragons, there can never be any hope of peace should the dragons ever wake up." Tyraels voice would say with sorrow, growing weaker in the minds of those assembled. "I did not mean to hurt the family, we did not know, this would happen. Adalon, Ayrien, I am sorry, one day perhaps you will forgive me..." her voice would fade as she passed from her wounds. Adalon would scream into the great cavern of the dragon lair and drive his fist into the earth over and over as tears welled in his eyes. The other Scales stood stunned and unsure of what to say or do. Ayrien would move to wrap her arms around her husband, resting her head against his as he was wracked with grief, fury, and rage.  

The Scales decided it was best to take the next 3 weeks to recover and regroup. Adalon and Ayrien were left to tend to their family while the rest worked to try and track down leads for what the Anti Dragonists would do next. In the remnants of the ritual circle the Time Anchors remains would be found, the great artifact destroyed in the process atleast would ensure for now the Anti Dragonists couldnt murder other Dragons, but that their ritual worked. Investingating Tyraels rooms it was discovered that she was the Pegasus, the leader of the most elusive of cells known to the Scales. There was much work left to do.

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