Session 9: Battle of the Basilisk Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 9: Battle of the Basilisk Report

General Summary

Adalon being the only one in sight would be rushed by two lightly armed members of the rebel forces, surrounding him. 2 heavily armored members of the city guard would emerge from the illusionary wall taking up central position in the cave to deal with any who would arrive, and a Half dragon would emerge magical energies swirling about his hands as he took in the surrounding area. Celdraeth would send a psionic blast into Adalons mind, his years of Psionic proximity however allowed him to shield it from damage. Ismaril as first to respond raising her aura of dread as she strode confidently into combat against the city guard that had turned, her Crystalline rapier being pushed aside on its strike with the mans shield. Vera and Ayrien would rush in behind Ismaril moving to try and flank the guard, his heavy armor seeming impervious to spear and claw. Celdraeth would stride into view, her eyes locking with A'lars as they shimmered a violet hue, his mind wracked with thoughts of self doubt and ridicule. He shook off most the affects of the spell, but still found his confidence a bit shaken. The Guard who had withstood the first attacks readied his blade and moved to lunge for Ismaril when his mind was filled with nightmares and terrors of his demise, freezing him in inaction. Indalell would round the corner of the cave, opening up to the battle at hand sending an arrow from his longbow towards the half dragon mage, tho the arrow flew wide. A'lar would make a quick incantation before fading back into the cave, a massive sewer crocodile would burst from the slimy waters of the sewer and attack one of the rebels flanking Adalon. The man would shriek in surprise and turn to defend himself from the illusionary beast. Using the distraction, Adalon would shimmer before blinking out of time to appear near the Guard that Ayrien and Ismaril attacked. As his sword next glowed embued with power a ray of fire would streek across the room missing Indalell. Adalons curved blade would come crashing down to be turned aside by a quickly raised shield. The ground would tremble as the humungous form of the Basilisk, a half dragon of orcish heritage, empowered with magic to increase his size even further, raised up his terrible Skull Club and crushed Adalon to the earth. The crumpling of armor and cracking of bones as Adalon fell limp and unconscious onto the ground. The rebels who had surrounded Adalon a moment ago found themselves battling the massive sewer monster, frantically slashing and stabbing to drive the beast away, while the second City Guard moved upon Ayrien and delivered a biting cut with his blade. Longwei would rush forward throwing a flurry of punches for the first guards exposed chin but finding only steel to scrape against his knuckles.  

Ismaril gritting her teeth would drop low to draw the guards defense down then lung high, he Thinblade striking home in the gap of his shoulder and delivering a critical wound, the palpable aura of her dread would sap him of his energy leaving him bleeding and fatigued. Vaera and Ayrien would strike out next in tandem downing the guard Ismaril had wounded, Ayrien raising her shield against the second guard, preparing for his attack. Caelith would send a barrage of psionic energy at Indalells mind, causing pain to distract his actions, however Indalell would dance in his blades cutting down in elegant arch on the still standing guard to bounce harmlessly off his armor. Caelith who had been circling around the fight, rushed towards the Basilisk. With a graceful pivot and turn he would avoid the hulking brutes attack as he closed distance and would strike down with his long sword, a bright red line of blood bursting on the Basilisks arm. With a roar the Basilisk would deliver 3 crushing blows down upon Caelith, the first knocking him to the side and nearly senseless, the second a glancing blow as he teetered back and the third narrowly missing him. The lighter armored rebels would continue to fight the crock, as one realized it was a fake and would break away to join the real fight. The remaining city guard would deliver a flurry of strikes, one cutting into Ayrien, as her shield would glow deflecting the second with a surge of magical water. A'lar would attempt to create illusionary chains over the Basilisk, but his magic could not pierce his blood thirsty will. Longwei would move forward pouring a potion down Adalons throat after dragging him away from the fight 5 feet.  

With the guard before put down and seeing her own Guardsman in dire straits from the heavy blows of the basilisks club, Ismaril would dance away from the second guard and rush the Basilisk. Her palpable aura of fear following her, but the Hulking brute and his rage would not know fear, his skull club smashing down upon Ismaril. With a cry of pain she would roll to the side around the blow and thrust her rapier forward at his massive chest. Piercing scaly flesh her dread would fill him sapping him of his energy. Rolling back to the other side she would deliver another critical blow her psionic energy draining him of his will to fight as blood poured from the two puncture wounds of her thinblade. Vaera would bound behind the next traitorous city guard, her fangs sinking home behind his knee where the armor was soft. Ayrien moving to flank would thrust her wars pear to have it impact on the guards shield, before she raised her own in defense. Celdraeth eyes would flare again with her psionic power as she assaulted the Starlight guards mind, Caelith would cry out as his mind ached, and he would collapse unconscious. Indalell sensing the opportunity opened by Ismaril would tumble away from the City Guard and rush the basilisk. The first of his twin blades cutting another bright line of red across his abdomen, his second blade thrusting forward delivering a critical blow as it impaled the hulking Half Dragon of Orcish heritage. A second cut from his main hand blade would open another red line making a mismatched X across the Basilisks abdomen. A'lar would move forward standing over the prone Adalon who was blinking back to consciousness, with a strange bottle in hand A'lar would point it towards the Basilisk and with a Thunder cacophony a bolt of trapped lightning would erupt from the bottle and surge thru his hulking form. Singed, and bleeding, any other mortal would fall, but his Orcish ancestry and his rage would keep him in the fight. The illusionary River beast would bite the rebel before lumbering after Celdraeth, sinking its teeth into her, her mind however would now see thru the illusion. Arcane words would ring forth from the half dragon mage as fire began to form at his fingers, leveling his eyes on Ismaril, he would be filled with visions of his own flaming demise and freeze in place the fire vanishing and the magic lost. Adalon from his prone position would draw forth two potions, drinking each, healing himself and bolstering his defense, before he would phase from time and appear where he had dropped his blade. The Basilisk with another raging scream would strike Indalell in the torso causing him to double over and then deliver another crushing blow to his back, driving him unconscious into the stone floor. Spinning he would swing a wide arch for Ismaril, her aura of dread giving him again no concern. She would roll to the side taking but a glancing blow, however even a glancing blow from this beast was painful, as she teetered on the edge. The rebel who had moved to flank the group rushed A'lar his short sword grazing the Fate Scribe. Longwei would step up to A'lars aide, two heavy punches to the rebels body would send him gasping for breath as a spinning kick to his temple would crumple him. The City Guard would spin and deliver two cuts to the Feline Vaera fighting frantically as the battle deteriorated and his ears rang from the bottled lightning.  

Ismaril knowing it was now or never would lunge forward once more driving her thinblade into the Basilisks chest once more. The brute could endure no more and wavered, falling over to his back with a rumbling thud. Ismarils eyes would go black as she summoned her fear, attempting to flood the minds of Celdraeth and the Half Dragon mage with terror. The two however would resist her powers Vaera would leap upon the guard biting and clawing, climbing up his back and grappling with the man while Adalon and Ayrien would bring him down. Celdraeth would make a last attempt to disorient Ismaril and the others wil little success before moving to attempt to escape with. A'lar would rush forward hurling another alchemical agent, an infused rock that would land near Celdraeth exploding with light and sounds, her ears would ring as she her vision blurred. Ismarils eyes would go black again, this time her terror taking hold and paralyzing the two with fear, one rebel would leap into the sewer and be rushed away with the current as the group would tend to their wounded and secure the remaining surviving cultists. A revived Indalell would make his way out of the sewers thru the small pipes, as this place had no real entrance and the teleport orb destroyed, going to find Maerelith and the City maintenance crews to boat down the sewer system to recover the task force and their prisoners.

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