Session 53: The Embermaze Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 53: The Embermaze Report

General Summary

With an evening spent in revelry among the Efreets court, the scales in the morning set out thru the Embermaze. Surprised at Emberwhiskers accompaniment he professed his experience navigating the maze, tho Ayrien was dubious of the claim. The beginning of the maze held 2 doors to the left and right and a double door ahead, all with braziers lit and burning, a huge brazier in the center of the room was also lit. Scrolled along the braziers pedestal read the following, "Within the heart of the blazing mountain, where the flames dance with fervent delight, Three hues of fire burn bright, each revealing its might. Golden whispers of warmth, a gentle embrace, Red hues of passion, a fierce and fiery grace, But beware the azure blaze, the hottest of them all, For its searing touch consumes, leaving naught but ash and sorrow. To unlock the secrets of the ember maze, Gather these flames in their proper blaze. Arrange them with care, from coolest to hot, And the path to our master shall be found. Yet heed this warning, lest ye stray, For the wrong order will lead to not but fire and ash."  

Longwei would move left to right dousing each door brazier, causing the left to open then the right door. As the Scales crossed into the hallway on the left it be ablaze with crippling heat and fire. Passing with little harm due to the charms they wore the scales would begin the search. They would find a flame of golden hue, taking a torch they would capture the flame and move further thru the cave. To the north they would find a single empty brazier an a large steel vat behind it that radiated with immense heat. After some debate if this is one of the locations from the riddle, the Golden torch would be placed in the brazier. A steel door would slide open from the vat and molten Lava would begin to pour out filling the room. The scales would beat a hasty retreat then Ismaril would groan, "We left the torch." A'lar, immune to the flames would sigh and wade thru the lava back to the torch, "Ugh its getting in my shoes!" he would complain as he returned unscathed by the lava and having the golden torch. Braving the flaming gauntlet they would shut the door to hopefully stop the lava and move to the right passage. Here too they would be met with scorching flames. On the other side a red flame would be in sight but not before Magma Scorpion would emerge from their burrows in the walls. The flaming poison of their stingers would bite but the scales would dispatch them without much trouble. Retrieving the red flame they would return to the center room and ponder the double doors. After several trial and errors they would extinguish both braziers in the center but light the side doors, proving the correct combination to open the double doors. With Emberwhiskers aide they would extinguish the central brazier and not face the hallways scathing heat.  

Within the center chamber they would find the third blue flame. As they moved onward, the rattling of heavy chains would be heard. Emberwhisker would begin to tremble and gulp, "Oh no no..." he would chitter. A'lar would frown down to him, "What is it?" Before the fire otter could answer a deep rumbling voice would cry out, "RELEASE....ME!" As the Scales rounded the corner a great insectoid like worm was tethered to the ceiling by a massive chained collar. It would roar in dismay and relase a torrent of flame their direction. Beyond it rested 3 unlit braziers. Longwei and A'lar ran darting beneath the lava worm to light the braziers in order. A stone wall would slide open as the worm thrashed, its insectoid talons trying to catch all it could near it. "What now!" A'lar would call out ducking the many bladed arms of the lava worm. "This way!" Emberwhisker would call as he darted towards the opening leading the scales away. Behind them they could hear the please of the worm to be set free. "Dont listen to him" the otter would warn, "He angered our lord and should not be free."  

The Scales would begin to question Emberwhisker about this only to be interrupted by a loud draconic roar. Those not immune to the emotion of fear would soon find their wills leaving them as the malleable presence of a dragon could be felt. Rising up from the lava was a creature with a draconic look, but not made of flesh and blood but instead stone and magma. It would roar releasing a torrent of thick lava that would knock Ismaril unconscious as she was caught off guard, and scorch many of the remaining scales. Adalon would push in upon his Drake mount while Ayrien gained distance to rain volleys of magically infused arrows. Longwei and Indalell would close fists and blades flying. The Magma Dragon would cast its magic enhancing its own speed then biting a large chunk from Adalons drake. A'lar would rouse Ismaril with his soothing melody so that she could rejoining the fight. Blow for blow the Scales hammered the Dragon while it gave as good as it got. Despite its magic and immense power the scales blows would begin to stack up, Ismarils Orichalcum rapier finding gaps in its scales, while Ayriens arrows pounded the dragon with magic. Adalons shield guarded his allies, Indalells blades cut deep and debilitated the dragon. Longweis fists would hammer down upon wounds inflicted and soon the dragon would falter. A'lar would send a cascade of spirit energy into the beast, felling it before it could blast the Scales with its Magma breath again. The Dragon fell with a heavy thud and slowly slid into the lava pit which surrounded the door beyond. Breathing heavily and checking each other for wounds, the scales would advance to the mighty lava gates and tread beyond into the lair of Magmus the Unburnt.

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