Session 38: The Time Anchor Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 38: The Time Anchor Report

General Summary

The Scales took the next week to further their projects and try and ferret out more of the Anti Dragonist cells within Amarantine. Ismaril with the help of the Enres concluded her research and found records of 3 prominent ancient artifacts in the possession of Clan Dark Grove that would be of interest to the Vampire Lord from the Ruthenia. A great helm that could summon a Black Dragon, a Grimoire containing rituals to create a Dracolich, control undead, and other such dark Necromancies, and lastly a Soul Stone containing the trapped soul of a Gold Dragon. A'lar had spent his time undercover at the University trying to make inroads with the anti dragonists doing research there in, while not getting an invite he was able to successfully identify several key figures. Idalell continued his work coming up mostly empty in finding the source of the information leake in the city guard, leading him to speculate the leak was a passive one, and someone was unwittingly divulging information. He would also visit Aureate and discuss the situation with the Bank of Roulon there concerning the Fae infested bank in Amarantine, hoping the church could resolve this fae matter.

With this all complete the Scales set in motion a plan to draw the Unicorn cell out in moving the Time Anchor from the Amarantine Museum. This relic had been of interest to the cell for many months, and each potential attempt upon it thwarted before it could begin. Adalon and A'lar went to the Lady Curunis who, as it turned out was the caretaker of the Time Anchor and the family allowing its exhibit at the museum. Adalon would lay out the case for why the family should take the item back into their own care along with their plan to catch the Unicorn activists as the item was moved. A'lar would also speak up, "As you can see it is in all our best interests to work together on this." The Lady Curunis not looking away from Adalon, "I am sorry, your associate said something?" clearly harboring great ill will at A'lar concerning the coup, despite his best efforts to get them a seat in the new council. With this all in the works, the curator Elarae would next be notified. "What!? No this...this treasure is a boon to all of the city, a sign of our founders favor by the Goddess Chronokarah! We cant remove it, it will be a blow, letting everyone know the troubled times we are in, and that the goddess has forsaken us, you mustn't take it." Despite the mans please Lord Curunis and the Scales set about to securing the delicate amulet and returning it across town. From armored carriage to armed escort thru gondolas and teleportation rings, the Scales would return to the Curunis Villa within the Ary, un contested. A'lar frowning at not being attacked would quickly have the Time Anchor removed from its secure chest and inspect it closely. While a powerful magic aura was upon it, he determined it was a powerful aura of Illusion, this was not the time Anchor.  

Rushing back to the Museum to apprehend Elarea they would be too late. He had made a hasty exit shortly after their departure and now had a solid two hour head start on wherever he was going. Ismaril immediately locked down the Museum with her new cadre of Crystal Draconiens. A'lar and Andalon after interrogating the staff made haste to Elaraes home in the city while Indalell went about to turning over his office. Ayrien realying on Vaera would attempt to track him into the city, while Longwei made for the east gate. Indalell would find little of value in his office, tho would point out his several visits to both the Enres and Yong families seeking donations, mostly for an excavation of an ancient Giants ruin in the northeast of the Serene Republic. Adalon and A'lar would find Elareas modest home had been turned over and that he had made a hasty exit. Ayrien and Longwei would both arrive at the west gate and find a guard who remembered his speedy exit to the north west. Longwei and Ayrien would waste no time and begin a hasty pursuit out the gate, while the others reconvened to discuss options. The West road leads to one of the fortress cities that defends the great mountain of Amarantine. Using the guards teleport circles they decided to try and get ahead of Elarae.  

Ayrien and Longwei would find tracking the curator on the busy north east road, but Veara would stop and look off into the forest mewling pointedly. "He must have left the road here," Ayrien would say looking to Longwei, who with no hesitation began to head into the woods. They would track him for several hours showing little sign of progress, Longwei being able to make better time was sent back and to head to the nearby fortress to try and find the others to bring them after Ayrien as she continued to track Elarae. The rest of Scales now waiting several hours beyond when they figured the rogue Curator should have arrived would see the swift moving figure of their Monk friend running up the road to the city. Looking to a map after hearing Longweis report, A'lar convinced the others they should strike out East and try and overtake Elarea, knowing roughly his final destination. Longwei not wishing to leave Ayrien began back down the road to catch up to her, while the rest went East. Ayrien decided to push on thru the night to try and catch her quarry while Longwei did the same to try and catch her. While Ayrien was successful, Longwei soon found himself potentially lost in the wilds. Alone, and with the thought that Elarae could be the Cockatrice in her mind, Ayrien did not strike alone, spending the next several days tracking silently behind the Museum Curator, while the Scales slowly closed in upon him, but not before he reached the Ruins of an Ancient Giant city. Here Ayrien would wait, being joined first by Longwei and then the others, Elarea having slipped into the remains of the city and below it into his excavation project.

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