Session 31: The Next Steps Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 31: The Next Steps Report

General Summary

The scales would feel a lurch as the political maneuvering of Amaranthis worked its way out. The council of 7 had been expanded to 8, to include the Curunis family, with an oath of loyalty to the new regime and an exclusion from being eligible to take the seat of the Tagavor for two cycles. Their enemies now behind them the Serene Republic was making final preparations for the first election of the Tagavor as well as the elections across the domains of the peoples council. Adalon would return to his brethren of the Temple at Times End, imploring to them that while Chronokarah takes no action seeing all of time, time is shaped by mortals and action must be taken to helm the ship. A'lar would dabble in the affairs of the now council of 8, seeing if the scales could be tipped in favor of his sister, whom seemed to be actively working to ensure Ikehara Yong was the first Tagavor of the Serene Republic. After speaking with her that this was her desire and a good course forward, he would leave it. Ismaril would continue her efforts of research trying to find the item of interest to the Ruthenia interlopers with Clan Dark Grove, meeting a young research student at the Museums libraries. She would learn from the elf of another venue of research, collected intelligence reports of other clans, and key items within their hoard, if she could only gain access to it.  

Lastly Indalell having spent several days working on building his network would be asked by A'lar to look into one Bronze Wheel Trading Company. Suspected of having dealings with the Griffin cell of the anti Dragonists, Indalell would spend a few days casing their place of business before making an infiltration. Adalon volunteered to take a guard patrol in the region of the company on the evening of Indalells infiltration to delay any guard presence should it go poor. The company had fairly sophisticated locks and basic magical alarms to which Indalell was able to by pass with only moderate effort. Inside he found one clerk having a particular drug problem, as well as some ledgers that just did not add up. The company was either not collecting the payments it should, or those payments were not reaching Amarantine on their caravans return trips. He also found evidence that one of the managers was fencing stolen goods outside of the city, tho was ucnlear if the company knew this or was just a rogue manager.  

With things relatively calm and in order the Scales await for the coming Summer Solstice and the first election.

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