Session 3: Waves of Azure and Silver Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 3: Waves of Azure and Silver Report

General Summary

Faint light and morning breeze besieged the house of Gython Mitras as the star of Éshabal rose overhead. The party awoke shortly after 7:00 in the morning, stirring to their feet while the slaves toiled to ignite heart fires and prepare breakfast. Calista and Aragos were among the first out of their rooms to retrieve food. They spoke to one another as they gathered selections of fish, fruity water, and bread to devour before the coronation ceremony. “What attachment do you carry with the Wayfarer, Aragos, for he seems unworthy of your loyalty?” she asked. Aragos turned to her and replied “perhaps the performance of yesterday was not to your satisfaction, but the Wayfarer is a more worthy warrior than any. I have learned a great deal from him, both in martial skills and practical knowledge.” They continued to speak at the table, meandering across many topics.
Eventually, Ballisar and Auron stepped into the room. They quietly grabbed food, Ballisar listening to the conversation and Auron ignoring it completely. Ballisar asked about peoples’ night of rest, and received only partial responses, from faint phrases of approval to gentle nods. Afterward, Ballsar, Auron, and Calista travelled to see Azidael, while Aragos went to visit the Wayfarer. The Wayfarer was in a poor mood and sore, and thus quickly shooed Aragos from the room in a fit of pain. Azidael was in pain, but in a better temperament. When Aragos stepped into the room, Azidael was just asking if anyone could take a trip into the city to acquire a new set of robes. Calista and Aragos volunteered.
The pair departed from Gython’s house around 7:30, attempting to find a fair market. Unfortunately, neither of them were particularly well oriented to Pyrgoros. They moved through the streets, but found no dynastic market close-by. It wasn’t until around half an hour later that they discovered a market, though it was ringed with great banners of red- certainly not the colors of the Mitras dynasty. They searched this place for a proper clothier, and found a location with bolts of cloth draped from a half-open frontal façade. On the other side was a well-dressed man with distinctly Astorian features. He asked if they were in the market for clothes, as their eyes were locked upon his business. Aragos made the foolish mistake of revealing that they were not from Pyrgoros, nor knew clothes, and possessed a fair sum of 10 Nevanese coins. With a sly smile, he began to take an order from them- a robe of green silk with a gold leaf belt of silk, tailored to wide dimensions. When it was all said, he stated that the cost was 40 Astorian dolns, which was a great sum of money. They sheepishly explained that they did not possess that amount, but were willing to buy a less valuable outfit. He offered them a red woolen robe, but smaller in dimensions and quite unimpressive, yet given the limited time the pair purchased it for 10 coins. The man told them to send all their friends to Odorez the clothier for all possible clothing needs.
The pair returned to Gython’s manor around 8:30, tired from the speedy journey and uncertain about their yield. People were busting about the building at that hour, conducting the daily business of the dynasty. Gython was busiest of all, however, and he hurriedly clothed himself with the assistance of half a dozen slaves. He ordered Calista and Aragos to deliver the garb to Azidael as quick as possible, for the coronation was meant to begin shortly after 9:00. They travelled up the stairs and showed Azidael the robe they purchased, to which he was deeply disturbed and disappointed. Not only was it of inferior quality, but the woolen robes failed to fit his Dhrak’onyth mantle. Azidael was understandably upset, but Gython handed him a fine coat and told him it must suffice.
The whole party travelled to the coronation, scheduled for 9:00 sharp. Ballisar departed from them and reported to Lyndos Tehres Kyron, located in a building lining the Taras Astoria. The former arrived in the central plaza to see it flooded with people, both native Astorians and otherwise. At that late hour the place was packed, with the nobility closest to a great Dais located on the plaza’s north end, while the common people covered every other open space. Gython led the party to the eastern fringe of the Taras Astoria, where the carts and crates of merchants and peddlers had been unceremoniously thrown. They settled themselves among the boxes, sitting among and upon them to catch a glimpse of the coronation and funeral ceremonies. The latter arrived at the house to find it locked to outsiders. Ballisar knocked upon the door many times to no effect, but was eventually met with an annoyed member of the Dramana. He scolded Ballisar for knocking at the front door and possibly compromising their position, yet informed him that Tehres had received his letter and acted accordingly. Moving upstairs, Ballisar met Tehres sitting upon an old chair, turned toward the window at an oblique angle. They spoke about the dire plots from the night before, and established themselves as guardians over the proceedings. However, Tehres was not pleased that Ballisar had failed to capture the alleged assassins, or gather any meaningful information about them. Whatever the case, the Dramana remained vigilant in the house.
Murmurs and clamoring from the crowd died away to silence as a noble upon the Dais called the vast gathering to order. He introduced himself as Andetes Thosas, a well ranked ally and noble of the venerable Mitras dynasty. Today, he explained, people were gathered not only to celebrate the coronation of Empress Cesstecia, but also bid farewell to Emperor Ayermar II Mitras. The first speech was dedicated to Ayermar II Mitras, exulting him for years of dedicated service and successful rule. He helped keep the Vallisians at bay in the west, arrange treaties with the northern Grestosi, and protect the borders from Vestidia in the east. By all accounts his reign was a success! The commoners nodded in contented agreement and the nobles clapped their hands with tears in their eyes. Expected procedure. Once the polished words had been spoken, a great gathering of ranking Astorian officials came together to lift the Emperor from the Dais upon a stretcher of thick velvet. They bore him toward one of the Golbeshir timber and iron braziers along the edge of the Taras Astoria- a site which had been prepared well before the Emperor’s death. A grave, one among the many masters of Astoria. With great ceremony, they lowered him into the grave, shutting the stone slab over him.
Once the father was buried, the daughter stepped forward to speak as Empress for the first time during her reign. The speech went well- articulate, provocative, everything expected from the next sovereign, yet chaos stirred within the walls. While inside the command post of the Dramana, Ballisar saw a frenzied figure rush over to the door and bash upon it. The man was a soldier by the looks, though his weapon was absent and his demeanor wild. He screamed about Tehres and some danger outside. Ballisar originally denied him, but was compelled to relent once it was clear the man was going to holler until acknowledged. He rushed up the stairs toward Tehres, Ballisar in tow, and explained that there was something… strange moving toward Pyrgoros. A procession. Thousands of people, many clad in suits of silver and hundreds of civilians behind them. They were marching down from the north, along the horizon as they spoke and bearing down upon the walls. Shocked by the news, Tehres rose to his feet and ordered Ballisar to follow the soldier back to post. Ballisar accepted and they rushed through the streets toward the gates of Vimal.
They arrive to see the gates lightly defended by around 20 soldiers on that section. On the horizon, however, was indeed the force of which the guardsman spoke. It was large, comprised of no fewer than three thousand individuals, perhaps more. The majority were soldiers clad in outlandish steel plate, but behind them travelled hundreds of zealous followers and worshippers. They carried great banners of azure embroidered in silver with a great ship upon their center. At the head was a single rider. Ballisar called out for the soldiers to hold position and man the defenses, which they did with confused haste. They toiled like ants upon a hill while the procession moved closer, but their prospects were bleak. Only another 30 or so men could be rallied quickly to man the walls. Yet, the procession came closer.
Astorian troops were ready to defend the gates as the figures came within 100 yards of the gate, only to be horrified to hear the piercing shriek of wood grinding against stone. The gates were opening beneath them! Ballisar rushed down with soldiers to the gatehouse, only to find it locked. He used Vojûn to pummel the door and create an opening, out which shot a crossbow bolt which killed a man. Another shot tore the wood apart, and they rushed inside, only to have another man killed by a bolt. They found a number of dead bodies, likely the other guards. Hirriat and Eryssis were the culprits, the latter turning the gate wheel while the former covered the entryway. They fight. Ballisar has a bolt shot through his hand and the daughters hold back the Astorians long enough for the procession to pass into the city unhindered. Soldiers of this invader rush upon the walls and overtake the defenders. Ballisar retreats, Tehres Kyron is severely beaten and captured. The remaining Astorian troops are scattered.
Other members of party linger in Taras Astoria while the battle near the gates raged. They watched as the procession entered and city and slowly marched toward Empress Cesstecia and the dais of nobles. Silence reigned as the crowd parted before them. Soldiers made no motion to stop them, but stood in small groups in confusion. The lead figure upon horseback was accompanied by four warriors with flamed swords and great shields. He dismounted and strode toward the center of the Taras Astoria, where the brazier of Lysander stood. The party and watchers gazed in bewilderment as the figure, clad in his ancient armor, knelt before that brazier and offered whispered words. He then rose to his feet and proclaimed himself as Syrgus Pyrgos, the third son of Lysander and rebuilder of this wretched, broken temple. In his speech, he challenged the rule of the reigning Mitras dynasty, using information learned from the lords of Varikon who informed him of the latest tidings. They were false and failures, he claimed, and had allowed the great realm of Astoria to sink into depravity. Andetes attempted to defend the honor of the Empress, as did she herself, but the furious torrent of accusations and insults from the newly arrived figure caused them great distress. They retreated from the square, seeing they were outnumbered in the locality by the great legions of Syrgus. To the people, Syrgus explained that his reign would be one of wisdom, peace, and justice. Life would continue as it had for the average people, those who submitted to him would be spared punishment, and the enemies of Astoria would suffer for their transgressions.
Gython bid the party follow the example of the Empress and flee, if for no other reason than his position as a ranking member of the Mitras dynasty. They ducked into the shadows and moved back toward the Prantason Onar Lysandron. During the walk, Gython explained to Azidael and those who cared that Syrgus was historically the third son of Lysander, but who had gone missing during the war between Lysander’s children following his untimely death. He had fled to Everos with an heirloom of Lysander which was granted to him by Euboa (really Zelai) in order to unite Othos. His brothers Arqellenis and Getas pursued him to Nathrovas. There, the retinue of Syrgus was picked away, man by man, until only a handful of them were alive. Arqellenis came in for the kill, and in the last moment Syrgus descended into the trackless caves of the region, never to be seen again. Legend said that in Astoria’s time of need that Syrgus would return, restoring the position of Lyasnder’s realm. It seemed, where true or not, some figure had come forth to claim that role for themselves.
They reached the palace around noon on that day, the 12th of Bregad. Soldiers and other members of the Astorian loyalist camp trickled into the compound. Empress Cesstecia was surrounded by her closest advisers, who calmed and consoled her during those difficult times. The party also arrived and reunited. About an hour passed while people frantically speculated about the morning’s events. Yet, danger followed. Soldiers of Syrgus, over 1,000 of them, besieged the palace and began to entrench. Syrgus and his chief commander, Barrqeyel Ges’tharrod of the Tarphry, approached and walls and gave those inside an offer. Surrender and be spared, or remain there until starvation destroyed them. Those who actively resisted would be dealt with harshly. In order to prove this, they dragged forth the bloody and beaten Tehres Kyron forward, telling them that his fate would be that of a traitor. They then departed.
With the worst having past, the party prepared their plans.

The Third Son (Othos, 2017 to 2018)
Report Date
28 Jun 2020

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