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A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Auvis
January 21st, 2021 | Full


  • Southern Kuchils
    The Southern Kuchils a country on the continent of The Kuchils. It's currently split into three provinces that are in the midst of civil war.
  • Ewhas
    Map of Ewhas
  • Auvis
    Auvis is the world in which the games take place, on the Prime Plane.
Supporting Cast

Sessions Archive

30th Jan 2021

Session 18: The Old Forge

The group has had a quiet night, following having witnessed the re-integration of Arnark and finding some new gear buried in a derelict forge, appearing to have been decommissioned centuries ago, left abandoned. Time was clearly a little fucked in the Clockwork Tower.   The group camped, and were all met with a disturbing dream, the holes ventilating this chamber being filled with eyes, blinking and staring. Some humanoid, some animal, some alien to them all, but all watching in the near dark.   Aris expressed a need to press on, hoping for the chance to find either of the Blackthumbs still alive. Inquiry still needed help discovering what had happened to him home, as well.

18th Jan 2021

Session 17

Arnark Fistfist fell victim to a disintegration from the Orb, blowing a hole in the door out as the orb fell on Taegen.

Read the Report
3rd Jan 2021

Session 16

The group has just fought off a few enemies that are starting to show up in increasing numbers and size. The silver orb, Model 83401d34, was identified as a possible air defense for the tower.

Read the Report
What started as a poisoning by an overly ambitious Baron is beginning to show signs of being tied to a larger plot.   Meanwhile, Clockwork have begun appearing on the Prime Plane, and the Clockwork Tower is being destroyed.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Orshi Vyashlanova

Aris Salthollow

Arnark Fistfist

Chaotic Neutral Minotaur (Pirate Scholar)
Barbarian 6
80 / 80 HP

Taegan Theralai

Inquiry (Unit-011)