Session 39: Meeting of the Round Table. Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 39: Meeting of the Round Table. Report

General Summary

The Shining Eclipse woke up on the morning of the 18th of Cupid as normal. Karrin, Jasmal, and Dagon during their morning prayers in their respective choices to pray to their pantheons. A light rain falling on Soteropolis this morning as the everyone met for breakfast at the guild hall. Captain Chin, Seargeant Iros, along with a female halfling who just happens to be the Queen of Geleon Sephilen, Arceven mom. As the party members ate their captain Chin had to break some bad news that he was sent to the guild to arrest Sir Karrin. He had assured the senior command that Karrin would come and peace. This of course brought about a big disturbance in the common area of the guild as Karrin was taken away in shackles by the Order of the Red Dragon. The companions were also told to be at the guild hall by the 14 hour as an escort of knights and wagons would be there to take them to meeting. They were told to be in there best attire and the knights would need to be in their ceremonial armor which their squires has already prepared for. The party then took care of some personal business trying to ascertain what was going on around the city. The royal navy was seen in the yard. Extra guards were posted in places not normaly posted. Dagon picked up on rumors of Knights from other realms bring questions of whether Soteropolis was being sieged.   At the 14th hour carriages and 13 knights of the Order of the Red Dragon arrived at the guild hall as promised. The commoner were in awe at the sight and gawked in terror, disbelief, or respect of the spectacle. The companions got in to carriages while Marik was given a white horse by the name of Maximus to take command of the 13 knights as he was the senior commanding officer. With the help of the XO Virric Shonnax a male elf Marik led the escort to the Great Library of Azure. Once the party arrived they were able to see knights from all the realms of N Azure with the exception of realm of Eskairia. The party was escorted by Colonol Alethia, no one was allowed any weapons except the knights. This did not make Dagon happy. The party was escorted to the fifth floor to a large room where a large round table was in the center of the room with 16 chairs. 13 of the chairs had hooded figures sitting in them. Around the room sat comforterable padded chairs where people, elves, and dwarves from all the realms sat. One the party was seated the meeting was called to order by a 14 year old page and the meeting of the legendary round table began. Sir Karrin and the Captain Draken Oris was brought before the table where they were brought up on charges of murder, treason, and espionage. These charges were brought up by the regimental commander of the 49th regiment Colonol Azeus Orcus. The Colonol went hard after both dragon born saying that they were the reason for the recent chaos in the past month. Sir Lancelot a member of the round table game anyone else a chance to stand for the prisoners of war. The Companions of Franchise K came to their friends rescue defending him and telling the members of the round table of what he has done. The round table voted to exonerate the two dragon born. Then Prince Arceven Stormwalker was brought in front of the round table as Acquisitions Incorporated Franchise K was also brought up on the same charges as well as aiding and abetting a known spy of the Kingdome of Eskairia. This once again blew up in the Colonol face as the King, Merlin, and Baroness Alethia all spoke for the newly formed guild in Soteropolis. The aftermath of these two accusations without warranted evidence especially since it involved nobles resulted in the colonel immediate relieve of command and was arrested to be questioned later.   Then the King turned over the meeting to Merlin who began to update all parties of the situation when he was interrupted by a 16 year old boy in a ruby red robe by the name Of Eragon, who basically told all the realms that they needed to put their trust in the Dovakhinn once again. He gave information that shocked everyone especially the six dragon eggs that were found by the Shining Eclipse. This even angered the king till the 16 year old remind the king that his father had faith in the humans allowing them to be chosen as Dovvakhinn and that his father has stood by his blood line all these years. The recent exoneration of the dragon born also allowed him to believe in his father choice. Then he proceeded to tell the Dovahkinn that they need to seek the 12 tomes of Caravhall and bring the order back to what it once was. This brought murmuring about the room and the knight of the round table as these tomes were stolen by Abraham Harker when he stole the eggs. Eragon assured them of their existence and they should seek out the journal of The Great Alkazaar. Then the old man who stood next him whose name is Gandalf thanked the round table for exonerating his disciple and he two would believe in the choice that his son made in backing the Pendragons all these years. He also confirmed that the Dovakhinn were back and that new races would be chosen this time, instead of just humans and elves. Then they returned to their seats where commotion broke out as the new of the eggs and everything else brought about a little disorder. Once order was brought back all the remained of the two were holy symbols of Io and Tatsuo.   After the meeting was adjourned that night the party remained in the Library looking for this journal or information on the this person known as the Great Alkazaazr. They learned that he was a fortune hunter seeking riches and glory who did happen stumble upon correct information on the journals. The more he dug into in the more that his life was becoming threatened. As he dug more he learned that the tomes were indeed stolen by Abraham Harker who then he gave them to woman by the name of Tettia Alethia who took the Tomes to Odessus towards the end of the War of the Ancients. Alkazaazr believed that this family 200 years later was living on the coat tails of the betrayal. He then went to Odessus to follow up and found out that the 12 tomes were split up between 12 families. He learned that two of the tomes were given too Reba Macintyre and Harry Houdini. These two individuals were known for renowned abilities of healing and magic. He learned that Tettia has betrayed Harker. He also found out the these tomes were the key to something and that the first tome Eragon and Saphira (The Life Giver) need to be found first. The second tome Knowledge of the Oceanids was to be found second. Unfortunately the great Alkazaar was attacked by what he believed was the Crimson Brotherhood or the Queens own and succumbed to his wounds never finding the tomes. With this information the companions left for Odesuss once again meeting the Baroness on the morning or the 20th of cupid brought up the information that they had researched found a copy of the tome that Clodia had in her library and when touching a ruin on the fake book were teleported to an unknown place in the middle of the Dessert. Note There is no dessert on N Azure.

Rewards Granted

  1. 400 Experience points awarded to Dagon, Arceven, Karrin, Marik, Jasmal, Dagwyn, Zayrdi. 
  2. 300 Experience points awarded to Dimmir, Conan. 
  3. 112 Shekels and 5 Drachma awared to everyone for the last two mission completed dealing the Rock & Stone mining company. 
  4. Dagons armour is currently being made and will be available on the 19th of Ares
  5. The Jouranl of The Great Alkazaar.
  6. A fake copy of the 1st tome of the Tomes of Caravhall that was in the libaray of Clodia Alethia. 
  7. Marik has a full set of Plate armour for being a Knight of the Order of the Phoenix. 
  8. Sir Karrin was exonerate of charges of murder, treason, and conspiring againts the King. 
  9. Acquisitions Incorporated was exonerated of charges of murder, treason, conspiring againts the King, and aiding and abetting a known spy of the kingdome of Eskairia.

Missions/Quests Completed

Rock and Stone Mining Company both missions 500 for each job.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Duke Fagus
  • Baroness Clodia Alethia
  • Annia Alethia
  • Colonol Alethia
  • Queen Sephilen Stormwalker
  • Prince Bonnie Stormwalker
  • Prince Quick Stormwalker
  • Captain Chin Crimson Dragon
  • Sergeant Iros Crimson Guard
  • King Authur
  • Merlin
  • Sir Lancelot (member of the round table)
  • Sir Percival (member of the round table)
  • Sir Kay (Member of the round table)
  • Eragon (16 year old boy)
  • Gandalf (the Grandfather of Eragon)
  • The Great Alkazaar. (Author of a Journal researched to find the Tomes of Carvahall).
  • Tettia Alethia (Godmother of the 12 clans during the War of the Ancients.)
  • Reba Macintyre (Last known person to have the real copy of the tome Eragon and Saphira (The Life Giver).)
  • Zinwood Sunseeker.  ( Last know person to have the copy of the Tome called the Knowledge of the Oceanids.)

The War for Soteropolis

Dimmir “Brightlight”

Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
21 Jan 2024
Primary Location
Soteropolis N Azure
Secondary Location
Odessus N Azure

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