Session 02 Arriving at Soteropolis. Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 02 Arriving at Soteropolis. Report

General Summary

Acq Inc franchise K departed the Port of Camelot on the 1st of Zeus and reached the port of Soteropolis on the 15 of Zeus around the 12 hour of the day then had to wait for the 18 hour to move to the one of the largest piers in Soteropolis at the 19th hour. Met by Virhorn Keythrash a wood elf who is the assistant Majordomo to Dagwyn. The party is also greeted by Hostus a tax collector and Veronika a wizard apprentice of Merlin. Veronika told Raz'Thrak that his weapon needed to be register his weapon at the Great Library of Azure. Virhorn take then took the party to the guild house which was still under construction. The first floor was completely redone to fit the size of Raz'Thrak. Here the party met one of the hirelings Sepunia. Raz'Thrak went to his office while the rest of the party checked in and claimed there rooms. Most of the party chose the 3rd floor where the library is located.  The Library it self was for the most part empty of any books. Meanwhile a contest was set up for Virhorn to get a promotion that he won regrettably. The party was told about the curfew set for the 22nd hour. That is when all the gates will be closed for the night. A fine would be issued by the crimson guard if caught out after the curfew. Dagwyn made it clear that the curfew was for wimps and Duke Fagus was crazy for having such a curfew. Dimmer went to the Butterworth inn where he established a business deal with Mrs. Butterworth to bring a steady stream of customers and that he would be her bouncer keeping the Rif raf in check. He spent the night at the Inn so as not to break the curfew. The morning of the 16th of Zeus found Dagwyn gone with no word where she went. A courier showed up with a letter marked for her written in Elvish. Dagone went to the piers to do his daily prayers as he all ways did. Everyone had breakfast where they met the morning Cook named Sarah. Raz'Thrak did his daily work out on his new promoted training dummy Virhorn. Arceven went out to make some business contacts after eating his breakfast. It was at this time through different channels of communications that King Uther Pendragon the XVIII was assassinated.  He was the youngest Pendragon to be killed at the age of 51. This escalated the securtiy of Soteropolis as the Order of the Red Dragon was doing guard duty at the gates along side the crimson guard. Crimson Dragon soldiers were on patrols with the Crimson Guard as well. Dagwyn seeing a common women crying over this scared the women as she come out of the shadows. Then she tried to get into the High quarters district. When she was denied by the Knights of the realm she threw to Sheckels at them where she was arrested by the Knights for bribery. Raz'Thrak in a great mood after his work out did not give a care about the somber mood of the towns people and made his way to the Library to register his ax. Dagon, Dante, Jasmal and Karinn went to the library. There they were met by a sun elf by the name of La Shanna the assistant to Merlin. She looked at the ax with a very keen eye. Meanwhile Raz'Thrak heard the voice say that he felt his presence in this library and to trust the elf. Once he handed the ax to the Librarian it turned into a staff. Looking at the Staff she requested that he would stay until Merlin returned because he would have questions to ask about this weapon.

Rewards Granted

  1. Two ships The Sleepy Jacket and Golden Jacket.
  2. Acq Inc Pier
  3. Acq Inc Guild House.
  4. Three Business contacts (Dagwyn)
  5. Two Business contacts (Arceven)
  6. One Business contact (Dimmer)
  7. 115 Experience points.

Missions/Quests Completed

Arrival at Soteropolis

Character(s) interacted with

  1. Lieutenant Gron Chin (Crimson Guard)
  2. The Goat man 
  3. Virhorn Keythrash 
  4. Veronika Yara ( Wizard Apprentice  )
  5. Hostus Rabirius Margarita (Tax Collector)
  6. Lady La Shanna Tolaen (Librarian) 
  7. Mrs. Butterworth ( human inn Keeper)
  8. Adnum Bravebuster (Dwarf Black Smith)
  9. Halie Ribes (Human Guild hall leader for the miners)
  10. Tertius Calpurnius Ulpianus (human Guild leader for the Construction workers)
  11. Captain Draken Orris (White Dragon Born)
  12. Sepunia Agelasta (Hireling for Acq Inc.)
  13. Camelia Varro (Female cook for Acq Inc.)

The War for Soteropolis

Dimmir “Brightlight”

Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
16 Oct 2022
Primary Location
Soteropolis N Azure

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