Session 46: 28th of Cupid 500 CD Lets Build Some Town Reputation. Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 46: 28th of Cupid 500 CD Lets Build Some Town Reputation. Report

General Summary

29th of Cupid to the 2nd of Ares. Dimmir is awoken by a bright light coming from the library as he slept in a tree on the hacienda of the Alethia's . As he groggily wakes up trying to figure out the light. Then suddenly he is startled by a large ominous dare flying creature that blocked out the starts as the it flew west. As he investigated the light from the library finding his companions dressed in strange clothing and the women in the group wearing material covering their heads and faces with the exception of their eyes. Dagwyn and Marik lay uncontentious on the ground. Then the hacienda went crazy as howling alarms could be heard throughout the complex. Baroness Alethia woken by this along with her daughter started barking orders as the large creature has been seen throughout the orchard. The unknown creature was seen heading north to the town of Odessus then just dissapeared. Pack patrols were sent north to investigate. The at breakfast it was learned that a bard came into town and earned 100 Sheckels. This did not set well with the baroness and everyone went to town to investigate. This bard was nowhere to be seen. She was described as a beautiful gnome with red hair and green eyes and an outstanding voice.   The companions of franchise K headed back to Soteropolis arriving in the evening of the 29th of Cupid. The city was different and the anxiety could be felt. The Crimson Guard had doubled their guards at the east gate. On the Parapets the Crimson Dragons could be seen. The overall attitude of Soteropolis was curial as they made their way to the guild. Dimmir and Dagwyn were taken to the keep in the noble district. The companions then spent the next 36 hour resting and recouping. They picked a escort job heading south to the city of Messesopontos with stops in the villages of Bemita and Osca. Working for the Glittergem Mutual and holdings guild. This guild has an office in almost every major city in all of N Yonzora. On the morning of the 2nd of Ares headed south with nine wagons of precious gems.

Rewards Granted

  • 500 EXP granted to Marik, Dimmir, Arceven, Zayrdi, Karrin, Jasmal
  • 350 EXP Granted to Dagwyn, Conan, Dagon.

Character(s) interacted with

  1. Breenove Glittergem: (Female Gnome) Traveling with the nine carts of gems.
  2. Zanbar Glittergem: (Male Gnome) Patron who hired Franchise K. 
  3. Magwynn Oakenbreeze. ( Dagwyn twin sister)
  4. Colonel Azeus Orcus Former CO of the 49th Regiment. 
  5. Virric Shonnax XO of the Order of the Red Dragons

The War for Soteropolis

Dimmir “Brightlight”

Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
26 Apr 2024
Primary Location
Soteropolis N Azure
Secondary Location
Odessus N Azure

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