Session 04: The Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 04: The Report

General Summary

The party returns to the great Library of Azure with the broken body of the master sage Matreous. Meeting them at the teleportation circle was the wizard apprentice Veronika Yara. Seeing the broke body of her fiancé she does everything to keep her composure collects the book and body of her fiancé and quietly departs the group in tears at the great loss. Meeting Jasmal and Raz'Thrak on the first floor where they were having a quiet dinner with Merlin. Merlin upon learning of the death of his master mage sent acolytes to Veronika to console her and finished up business with Franchise K paying them the 50 Sheckels per the contract. Finishing dinner Merlin told the party they better get to the city gates giving them a scroll to enter after the curfew. On the way to the south gate of Soteropolis they are encountered by five lizard looking creatures. No one has seen these type creatures before. This did not stop Raz'Thrak from getting involved in a glorious battle at the threat of his new ax. The ax and rapier told Raz' Thrak and dimmir that these creatures were abominations and needed to be killed. Raz' Thrak eagerly attacked with his Ax while Dimmir stuck to his daggers and trickery. These five creatures when they were initially killed sent a cloud of gas that started to petrify some party members. In this conflict the Dragon Born was a major target of these creatures taking the paladin down before being healed by Dagon. These creatures after a certain period of time would turn to dust and have nothing left of their body's to collect except the short swords they carried. Making into the city of Soteropolis around midnight the party finally made it the guild house where Dimmir and Raz' Thrak played a game with the newly promoted Vihorn Keythrash who gave them a bit of challenge until grabbed by the minotaur and smashed into the wall of his dojo. The party members went to bed Raz' Thrak eager to get going was up at the crack of dawn not getting his full rest and headed to the North gate to find out the contract information for the job number # 4 the pirate Betty 'The Siren' Adlam. upon reaching the barracks of C company he had to wait two hours before the co of would be in. This did not make sense to Raz' Thrak who was not happy he had to wait. " Just wake him there is business that needs to be conducted". Mean while the rest of the party got up around 8th hour had breakfast at the guild hall. Dagon went to the beach to due his daily routine while Jasmal said her prayers and mediation as well. Karinn after eating breakfast went out looking for Dagwyn. The party has learned when they returned that she has not been seed in almost 24 hours. Dimmer went to the Butterworth inn while Arceven went to his brother inn. Dimmer thought of and idea that would possibly help with the unusual cold weather that was going on and the death of the king with a mix of sweet and spicy pancakes. Mrs. Butterworth took this idea to the chef who copied the recipe of the satyr. Before long the word was getting out about her new pancake and with standing room only made profitable day for Mrs. Butterworth pulling customers from both open net and the Fire Ball inn. This did not set will with Arceven who is the brother of the owner of the Fire Ball inn known for their great pastries and meat pies themselves. At N Gate Raz' Thrak met with lieutenant Gron Chin who gave him what information he had on this pirate. He was told that she was relatively new to area for about the past 11 months. Her last raid is why the crown is after her. She raided the ships of the Duke killing several crew members and kidnapping a 19 year old girl by the name of Natalii Alethia. Chin suggested that he go to the Open Net Inn to gather more information on this pirate. Raz'Thrak also met a Knight from the Order of the Red dragon by the name of Virric Shonnax the XO of his order. Virric informed him that the axe he carried was over four thousand years old. He inform the Minotaur that that very ax then was the sword of King Arthur. The XO told Raz' Thrak that this would have to be reported to the crown prince. With this information he started back to the Guild hall to look for his employees to start the mission. Raz' Thrak also learned Dagwyn was in the brig for trying to bribe a guard. Raz' Thrak then asked Lieutenant Chin for a audience with the Duke before the trial. His intentions was to calm things down with the crown to avert any possible issues caused by Dagwyns insubordination.

Rewards Granted

171 experience points  Five short swords

Missions/Quests Completed

Franchise K completes first Job in Soteropolis.

Character(s) interacted with

  1. Merlin
  2. La Shanna 
  3. Fheminor Scrivenbark 
  4. Veronika Yara
  5. Virhorn Keythrash
  6. Virric Shonnax
  7. Lieutenant Gron Chin
  8. Mrs. Butterworth
  9. Quick Stormwalker


The party encounter a species known as Draconians

The War for Soteropolis

Dimmir “Brightlight”

Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
03 Nov 2022
Primary Location
Soteropolis N Azure

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