Session 0 Part Two Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 0 Part Two Report

General Summary

We started off talking about the world of Immelion and what we wanted out off it as a group.
Eles Raagha  started talking to a dead Yuanti: Who do you serve? She-Guai. Why are have you come here? To defile this place. Will you come again here? I am dead. What is the name of the lady who teleported away? Priestess Tang-ti. With the interrogation of the dead Yuanti complete, the Gang asked the tortured Yuanti what had happened, only learning that they violent Yuanti had come and over-run the place before anything could be done.   Manny is working at the Inn (The Enchanting Merigold) Chandra the Half-Orc is Dara's love interest now. She is sober for 120 days, and loves working with Mantis Bugbattler due to the increase in tips.   The Gang met Ol'Gath, the tiefling librarian. Pelk the Dragonborn arrives, and Mantis gets to tell his tail: The Mantis' Montage. He also told of the things he leaned of Baeloknecht NPC: Born a dwarf in an insular village that rejects contact with he outside world, he stumbled into a meeting of Druids under the full moon. He refused to ever speak about his home town, other than to state they desired to remain insular, but also knew he had to find someone to help hone his abilities. He quickly rose through the ranks of the Circle of the Moon. Soon he was the most powerful member of his chapter, and was asked to further study under some of the grandmasters themselves of the Circle of the Moon. He took the opportunity, and disappeared from the public eye for about two decades. He reappeared in the Domain of Armad a mighty druid, wise in the ways of the flora and the fauna, he helped many of the local officials, indeed he visited most parts of the world at this point. In the early 1000's 2E, he spent much of his life traveling about the land making notable appearances Cindermire , Farcliff Village, Affgroth, and Rowram. He was known by a few different names in a few different places. In diverse cities he could be called all manner of things from Yomanjang to Crachtsolas. But no matter the name he responded to, he was always seen as a wise and good presence. Soon rulers large and small would call upon him whenever there was a source of trouble. He was brought in to negotiate a rebellion here, to help make it through a drought there, and to give general council in times of need. Then one day he disappeared.   Mantis and Eles end up talking about gods. Eles helps Mantis contact his god, and Yondalla speaks to Mantis in such a loving and caring way, he is broken inside, and ignores their desire to have him drink and join in merriment, but rather runs to the riverside to be alone that night. Richard Dixon spends his last night with the Gang helping Dara hunt for venison to make a lovely steak for her soon-to-be-sweetie behind the bar. Dara has a dream about everyone she loves calmly acknowledging her before willingly and calmly walking into a fire. Eles has a dream about her god sending her a personal raven, and then her temple and forest lighting on fire and burning before Eles' eyes. Mantis has nightmare on nightmare about disobeying his god and the future passing quickly -- seeing his family and land grow barren, and merriment struck from the land. Richard has a great dream about his soon to be family with his Grippli wife. Matt's new character has a dream about more undead being generated and taking over a city, and then given a map and route to the group in his mind.

The Gang of Immelion Campaign

Umdir Silverstone

Neutral Good Hill Dwarf (Folk Hero)
Barbarian 8
125 / 125 HP
Report Date
13 Mar 2023

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