Session 210 - Sealing A Witch Away Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 210 - Sealing A Witch Away

General Summary

29th of Larane to 10th Agrazhar (Second and Third Months of Summer) 724TR

The story so far

The heroes have voyaged to the Earl of Sarkum's Colony on the Island of Anfla and run afoul of a mysterious entity, the Earth Witch. This evil minor goddess has followers who are causing chaos.

They have found a secret archive and passage leading to a chamber containing a statue of the Earth Witch surrounded by six magical runes, two of which are broken. Is this her mythical prison?

This is the continuation of Session 209 - A Beating Heart.

Location - Xuaka's Ruins, near Fort Xuaka on Anfla Island.

Part 1 - The Statue of the Earth Witch

This chamber has been visited recently. Corpses and rotting masses of the flesh are scattered about these hidden chambers. Remy approaches the statue of the Earth Witch and studies the runes on the floor.

"Free Me," he telepathically hears. "I will grant you great power and forgive your past sins."

Not even remotely tempted, he retorts with a well-crafted poem

The witch was not of Air, Fire, nor Water,

She annoyed people that she really not oughta,

There was a hidden heart;

We ripped it apart;

And now she has one less daughter.


She gave me permission to say the next verse;

She probably thought it could not get much worse.

Just look at her face;

It's lost all its grace;

Here comes another curse.

Author Remy 29th of Larane 724TR.

brimming with insults that enrage the Earth Witch. Suddenly the world becomes less colorful, and a chill envelopes the room. The dead animate and shamble toward the heroes. One mass of dead insect and animal parts merge into a terrifying composite monstrosity that nearly overwhelms the heroes. However, they are made of sterner stuff and pulverize the corpses.

Remy studies the six runes embedded on floor tiles around the statue of the Earth Witch. They are designed to contain a powerful magical entity. Two tiles are severely cracked, and this would weaken overall magical containment. Remy is confident he could repair the runes given time and replacement blank tiles. Luckily he remembers that there is a small quarry not far from Fort Xuaka.

Part 2 - King Xuaka's Hidden Archive

Now under no immediate threat, the characters search through the ancient archive. It was created by King Xuaka of Aleathia and contains many journals, books, and scrolls. The primary subject matter was the myths and legends of the Andenum people. The topics of the Gods Manaclir and the Earth Witch are prominent, as well as the battle between Manaclir of the giant ivashu Obsidapor. Most of the documents are written in old Hârnic, Old Jarinese, with the occasional elven scrolls. The characters learn the following.

The crab titan Obsidapor greatly feared the Spear of Manaclir. This was broken up into three parts. Elves took one part for safekeeping.

The Earth Witch had three daughters;

  • Hityarta's Heartless (whom the heroes destroyed the last session).
  • The Owl Woman lives in a great tree near Te-Taik Falls. The heroes later learn this is located on Tieka Island, off Witches Strait. The party believes the owl woman flew off with the spearhead of Spear of Manaclir.
  • The last daughter is an insectoid creature dwelling in an underwater maze likely in Deadwood Reef. She guards the last part of the mythic Spear.

Part 3 - Fixing the Seals

Over the next week, Remy sets about repairing the seals around the Earth Witch's prison. He meets with recently arrived miners and masons carving stone from the nearby quarry to construct the nearby settlement fort Xuaka. They cut him stone tiles of the correct size, on which he inscribes sealing symbols. He then replicates the magical wardings and soon has what he thinks is a satisfactory repair.

The next day the party return to the ruins; however, before they can enter the catacombs, the ground begins to churn. Earth Elementals solidify and attack. They are quickly dealt with, the last gasp of the panicked Earth Witch.

Back inside the prison chamber, Remy carefully positions the new seals. Remy powers the magical warding up. He notes with much satisfaction that the magical barrier containing the statue of the Earth Witch is restored to its former strength. He is sure her maliciousness's impact on the would is minimized.

Location - Teac Bay, Northern Anfla Island.

Part 4 - Look Out

With the Earth Witch dealt with, the trio turns their attention to locating the infamous Bloody Flag Pirates. Based on what they have learned from their previous investigations, they search at what they think is the most likely location of these scoundrels, Teac Bay. As they approach, they specifically begin searching the horizon for lookouts. They are not disappointed. On a ridge, they spot a construction, a lookout built at the top of a cliff overlooking the bay.

They carefully approach and try to sneak up on the two guards at night. They make a noise and alert the guards, but before they can respond or sound the alarm, one is killed and the other captured. Under the lookout is a shaft leading down, accessed by a counterweight elevator. Several ropes are attached to bells, a warning system for the pirates below.

Under a discreet charm, the captive tells the players that the pirate's base is below, in a large cave housing their ship, the Crimson Reaper. A shift change is planned in under an hour. The prisoner is otherwise uncooperative, so Odin throws him over the cliff as the party prepares to ambush the next shift.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Various locals at Fort Xuaka and the nearby mine.

Challenges Overcome

Destroyed 1 x Ghoul, 1 x Zombie, 1 x Ghast, and + 1 x Charnel Reaver.

Destroyed 2 x Earth Elementals.

Remy repaired the Earth Witches Seal.

Killed 2 x Pirates.


Nothing This Week.

Created Content

Nothing this week.

Related Reports

Fort Xuaka.

Player Character Status

Odin - Human - Level 5 Gloom Stalker and Level 2 Fighter.

Abaddon - Elf - Level 7 Open-hand Monk.

Remy - Half-Elf - Level 7 Bladesinger.

Encounters and Events

Map 210, art by Attacus
Games of the Gods - Campaign On Hold
Report Date
23 Jan 2022

Spear of Manaclir

A legendary weapon wielded by the Adaenum Sea God Manaclir and used to kill the Crab Titian Obsidapor thousands of years ago.
It was forged by the minor deity, the Earth Witch. However, she stole it and broke it into three parts when she turned evil.
Elves took one part.
One part is underwater, likely at the Deadwood Reef, where the spear was broken.
The last part, the spearhead is made of meteorite Iron, was taken to Heiryl Moor. However, it was last seen in the claws of the Earth Witches daughters, a giant owl.

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