Kiss of Dis Session 2 Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Kiss of Dis Session 2 Report

General Summary

After four days of traveling on the Red Lantern down the Servos River , the party came to the small village of Taloren , where they saw the pirate ship they were after docked. After some reconnaissance at the local tavern, and a bit of information from An'yka (the barmaid at the No Name Tavern) they party learned that the slavers passed through on their way deeper into the jungle, but they were warned of the curse of a nearby fallen kaer and of the raiding Jungle T'skrang . Alshta 'Yam-Tong' purchased some cloth swatches from a nearby vendor while the others either reconfigured their spell matrices or performed their karma rituals.   Kalen picked up the trail and the party traveled into the jungle. Along the way they encountered a strange sort of wasp that flew backwards to attack. Pip was wounded in the fight with these strange creatures. Krilong was very helpful during this battle, as he was able to weave an additional astral thread into his Flame Flash spell to target a second Blood Bee burning two of the creatures at once.   After finding some refuge and a non-eventful night, the group dealt with an ambush of jungle t'skrang, with Kalen narrowly missing stepping into a pit trap. During the battle, Drax became frustrated with his inability to hit and, eventually, the rage built up inside him and exploded outward as he charged at one of the t'skrang on his Horse , killing the creature with a single blow.   After defeating the jungle t'skrang, the party discovered that all of the jungle t'skrang had matching tattoos, similar to two lightning bolts, near their left armpits....the symbol of the Sons of Servos . Were the t'skrang part of the Sons, or were they merely supplied by them? Regardless, Alshta 'Yam-Tong' took as trophies the bone daggers the t'skrang had tied to their tails.   The trek deeper into the jungle took 2 days.

Rewards Granted

150 Legend Points

Character(s) interacted with

An'yka, barmaid for the No Name Tavern.

Created Content

An'yka. The No Name Tavern.

Forged in the Crucible of Legend


Player Journals
Jungle Stalking for Freedom by
Report Date
22 Jul 2018
Primary Location
Servos Jungle
Secondary Location

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