Session 25 Meeting the Widow Maker.

General Summary

The crew of the shenanigans  and the rest of the patrons of the bounty carried on with there business after the the Black Widows took out the four would be outlaws of the three fathers of Theev.  What the newly arrived crew of the Shenanigans didn't know was this kind of occurrence happens more times than they realize. The crew realized that several tables seemed to be watching them and observing every movement and conversation they had.  Vil Von the companion that Jean Paul had encountered at the hotel sat at their table salivating at the food that was being passed around. Meanwhile in a section of the bounty where non crew members would sit sat a young women in her middle thirty's sat observing them as well. Something about the women bugged her. At first she thought  she was just the rif raf theev just looking for food, coin, and entertainment. She was dirty and wore tattered clothes yet in the back of her mind something bugged her.  She has seen this women before. Where did she see her was the question. She has been on theev for six month's and has not seen her.  Now that is possible considering the woman looked like she came from the Lower Blacksand. As the women continued to eat her dinner thinking that she would be that woman if not for her skills in diplomacy. Then the crew of the Shenanigans got up to leave most likely heading to there ship. She got a closer look at the women and it dawned on her.  That women was known as the widow maker a deadly assassin known in the Trojan Reach for assassinating's her victims with poison. Captain Lucas and Vlad notice the woman following them as they head back to the ship.  Vlad confronts the women who tells Vlad that the women is a threat to the crew.  Vlad ask how she knows this and the women replies I just know.  Vlad tells her basically to mind her own business, but keeps in mind what she said.  Arriving at the Shenanigans the crew is met by four Black Widow's and two dead bodies by the ship.  As the crew was being grilled by the widows why they were trying to break into their ship and if they new who these two individuals were. The widows asked if they could inspect the ship. Captain Denniston not wanting any problems allowed the Widows on board to search.  Morpheus contacting through ship cons warned the crew that the two individuals were former crew members trying to use there former key cards to get on the ship.  Then they tried to hack into the ship which is when he sent an alert to the widows and Blacksand city justice was done. Morpheus also told Vlad that there were several other attempts from other areas of theev to hack into the ships computer. The women approached the Black Widows while Jean Paul  was talking to them and pulling out a sash with all three gang colors Iding her self as a negotiator warned them of the assassin known as the widow maker just went on board. Jean Paul and Vlad noticed the eyes flash quickly and a razor sharp smile and immediately boarded the ship and contacting the two black widows who were inspecting the ship.  The Widows had located the woman where Vlad had taken her to sick bay for shower and a doctors examination. The widows picked up the women slamming her on a med bed grabbed a scalpel and slashed her gut open pulling out several small items from her bowls and took them to Dr. Cannons lab to run a analyses on the substance pulled form her stomach. Mean while Dr. Cannon rushed to the women's aid in a rage that this was happening in her med bay and who were these four women. Dr. Cannnon was barley able to save the women's life and was demanding answers to what was going on.  The Black Widows in there cold stone silence mood  only answered when the substance in the containers was identified as Ethylene glycol.  The widows with no regard to the women's condition picked her up and carried her of the ship and warned the crew to be tested if they had swallowed any of the ethylene glycol. Much to the negotiator pleas of wanting to question the woman kept on walking away and disappeared into the crowd never to see the woman again. All crew members were tested and were negative to the substance.  The crew at this point was ready for bed besides Vlad who did a detail inspection of the ship.  The woman asked if she could stay in the passengers quarters for the night.  The next morning as the crew was waking up for the new day Morpheus alerted security and the XO that a woman and a man finally dressed in three piece suits were standing at the cargo bay doors.  Captain Denniston and Captain Lucas went to talk to the man women who dressed finally dressed suit and a dress suit by the woman. Both have  black and blue roses in there lapels. The woman asked for Jean Paul only.  Jean Paul coming down to the ramp was given a very fancy blue and black envelope written in gothic addressed to the crew of the shenanigans.  The letter inside was a personal invitation to have dinner with the admiral Darokyn for dinner at the Rose Pavilion at 18:00. This dinner was to be a formal dinner.  The crew spent this day getting ready for dinner. At 16:00 hours a hover limo arrived to pick up the crew.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Unknown women in her mid thirty's  who is know as a negotiator. 
  • Vil Von
  • Black Widows

The Adventures of the CSS Rising Shadow.
Report Date
25 Feb 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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