Spiders and Danger Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Spiders and Danger

General Summary

The escaped prisoners used the broken wall inside Rhuak to flee into the darkness, finding themselves to rely on Vhiz for directions to the underground lake. After a short time to rest, they traveled forward with Grog lighting the way with a torch, and Vhiz leading them through tight tunnels. Darrin, Firen, and Viesel followed behind their captain, up until the point the group encountered thick webs that belonged to phase spiders: Enlarged creatures with acidic capabilities. Through a struggling fight, The collective group succeeded in winning, before taking their next step forward for their next destination.

Rewards Granted

Five Experience Points

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Escaped from Rhuak
  • Kept the three wolves safe

Character(s) interacted with