Session 4-5: Finding Max and quest hunting Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 4-5: Finding Max and quest hunting Report

General Summary

The chamber the party was led into happened to be a set up by the Bug Bears Crag and Grog. They had added a false mark to the wall leading people to their lair. Fortunately for our players only Crag, the lesser of the two was home when they arrived. He tried to lure them into a false sense of security by pretending to be their friend, but they were able to tell he did not have good intentions.
After a brutal battle, they did manage to defeat the Bugbear but took some grievous wounds in turn. They left the lair to find the correct marking and used it to find an exit into a basement. There they discovered Max, whole and hearty at his annual Poker game with several friends. When they told him about their encounter, they seems a bit worried as they said Grog is quite powerful. They locked the sewer entrance, and max asked them to bring Newt to his workshop where he will happily look at him for all the trouble they went through.
Over the next couple of days the group worked on investigating leads for their various quests. They returned to the Alchemist, only to find that he was killed and drained of blood. They found a letter he received form the guild though, saying that the formula the party asked about was only made by one alchemist, Margol Rilga, who had a shop in Seaport.
They tried ot trace down who in the city would be buying the special ink, but it was like finding a needle in a haystack. They determined they may need to pay Margol a visit to find out more.
During this search they also met Freeport's top investigator who has been looking into murders like the Alchemist, Yul Havan. He asked the group some questions and then demanded they stay away from his investigation.
The group also checked in on some of their other quests and collected leads on what else they have to do.

The Society

Aurelia Midwynter

-Level Witch 1

Mr. Grey

-Level Rogue 1

Callum BĂȘtefiore

-Level druid 1
Report Date
13 May 2023
The World of Nor

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