Session 67: Red Яocks Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 67: Red Яocks Report

General Summary

Session 67 – Wednesday May 26, 2021

  4.5 Hour Roleplay and battle session. 5:30 PM to 10:00P

Party of 7 (The order of Heroes, Inc.):

It is the 8th day of the month of Uktar (The Rotting) in the 3rd year of the Age of Enialis
  • Fredrik Fredson – Human L12 Barbarian/L3 Fighter – Dan King
  • Jaquette Mara – L15 Human Druid – Jackie Armstrong
  • Lucky Lightfoot – Leprechaun – L14 Bard/L1 Sorcerer – Jacob Munson
  • Annalisa (Anna) – Human – L 8 Monk – L5 Wizard /L2Fighter – Ryan Armstrong
  • Rolen – Human L15 Warlock – Josh Pozsonyi
  • Tyrus/Tyrena Rechs – Human L12 Ranger/L3 Fighter – Nathan Gioconda
  • Jeter Kaiser – L15 Tiefling Warlock – Spencer Armstrong


  • Rest in Waterdeep
  • Red Rocks treasure
  • White Dragon at Purple Rocks
  • Collect the parts of the god Destroyer

Previously, in Waterdeep

Just after the battle between the party and Zariel, Luigi spotted Anna with Jandar’s Bible. Luigi asked for the Bible with "a politeness" explaining that it’s very important to him and his brothers. Anna explained that she’d like to understand more of this religion. Luigi was excited to explain but continued to ask for the book. Anna saw the first page that said, “A Servant of Amaunator." Luigi explained that Amaunator was the great god of Magic who is very powerful but somewhat dead. Anna was reluctantly holding onto the book. Luigi said, “I’d be happy to talk but this is a serious thing for me.”

Luigi read the book over the week. It contained standard information about Amaunator but about ¼ way into it, Luigi discovered that Jandar thought he could bring back Amaunator by removing enough evil from the world. The book then documented all the various evil creatures he had killed. The book explained that Jandar became obsessed with the puzzle box so that he could go into the 9 hells and free Jeter from his enslavement and perhaps that could be enough to free Amaunator.

Ten Days later in Waterdeep

Tyrus created one more flash bang. Lucky spoke with Fiew Lau of Zhǎo xìngyùn - 找幸运 - Zhou SING YUNE via Dream. Lucky asked Fiew if he could join Zhǎo xìngyùn. Lucky convinced Fiew that he could aid in the sale of “product.” Fiew asked for something “personal to Lucky” to hold in collateral while Lucky goes through the initiation phase. Lucky gave him his pipe and Fiew agreed to a 90-day trial period and gave Lucky the Rank of Blue Lantern. Lucky asked about the meaning of Zhǎo xìngyùn which translated means “Find Luck”. Fiew said, “opportunity abounds for those who are looking.”

The party got together at Tyrus’s house, checked to make sure they had everything and headed to the docs to find transport to the Red Rocks. Lucky explained to the party some information he discovered:
  • Cersei does not have bad intentions for the God Slayer sword
  • She plans to keep the hilt hidden
  • She will keep her word
Rolen explained to Jeter the parts and history of the The god Destroyer and said the plan is to prevent the Drow Ducia The Desecrator from getting all the parts. They believe the guard is in a treasure chest at the Red Rocks for which they have a treasure map and that is where they want to go first. On the way to the Docks they debated using the The Crazy Suzan and Captain Pryor as they had stolen items from him in the past. Some wanted to simply purchase or rent a small vessel and others wanted a large ship. After much debate and time, a divine force pointed out the Crazy Suzan looking to take on passengers. Jeter also found a Dingy for 3,000gp. They realized the dingy can only go 1mph and the red rocks were 100 miles a day.

The Crazy Suzan

After much debate, Tyrena led the party to the Crazy Suzan and spoke with Mr. Firth. Mr. Firth recognized Lucky and Rolen offered the party the friends and family discount. Captain Prior was away for the moment speaking with Captain Bunse at the The Dirty Scream docked in the next birth. When the captain came back, he greeted the party and offered to buy they a pint at a the sleezy Black Seagulls Pub. The party caught Captain Prior up on their escapades and the Captain explained he’d heard rumors of “The order of Heroes” and he told them “The tales you told me confirm the rumors!” He considered it a privilege to transport them to their next adventure.

The party explained they wanted to go to the Red Rocks. Captain Pryor suggested “You’re going after Capt. Denton "Relentless" Hitch, aren’t you?” He explained that his ship was seen around the red rocks a week or two ago. He explained that he did not like his first mate Ducia. Captain Pryor said the last he heard; the Dark Jewel was heading back to the Purple Rocks.

Discouraged, the party debated on what to do next; Should they go to the Red Rocks still or to Chult? Captain Prior said he planned on one more supply run to Neverwinter and he could drop them off at the red rocks and then he planned on heading far south for the winter. He offered the party a free trip to the Red Rocks as it was on the way. The party debated some more and finally agreed to sail to the Red Rocks, “borrow” the Dingy and confirm what’s going on with the Red Rocks treasure. After this they would Wind Walk to Chult?

The Red Rocks

The Crazy Suzan (fully stocked with supplies) took the party up to the Red Rocks. Luigi did not do so well on the ship and became sick. The Captain dropped them off at their chose location in the evening under the light of a bright moon. The party (mostly Jaquette, because she’s the strongest) rowed the dingy to the chosen island and then began searching it. They arrived about 3 hours before low tide. Some climbed the rocks looking for a higher vantage point and Anna rode here phantom steed around the shore looking for a sunken mast. Lucky had Bitey swim to him from the Crazy Suzan.

Tyrena sensed the presence of undead on the island somewhere. Lucky cast telepathic bond on the party. At low tide Anna came across the tip of a mast of a sunken ship that was pointing towards the island. She swam out to the mast and saw precisely where it was pointing. Telepathically Anna told the party what she found, and they all joined her. Jaquette made a bon fire on the beach.

Listen to the music.

As they headed to the cave Rolen lit his hooded lantern. The party all climbed 30 feet up the cliff face to a cave. As they entered the cave, they heard a choir of voices singing a dark sad song. Rolen and Lucky were the only ones who were able to resist the song. All the others walked directly into the cave towards a deep pit (Jaquette stayed at the beach with her bonfire.) Luigi and Anna fell right into the pit. Lucky cast “protection from evil and good” on Tyrena and then held him back from falling. Rolen too grabbed Jeter and prevented him from walking into the pit. Jeter was able to shake his trance.

After the fall Luigi was able to shake his trance and saw a nest of large undead harpies in the cave on the other side a raging river flowing towards a waterfall. AL fell into the pit. Anna stepped into the raging river between her and the harpies and then shook her trance. Luigi ran across the river and pulled Anna back. Seeing this, one of the Harpies flew over to Luigi and slashed him with her claws. Rolen fell into the pit and started shooting back at the ugly undead Harpies. Jeter cast feather fall, and his wild magic kicked in and he grew from 6’2 to 7’ tall. Tyrena broke free of Lucky’s hold and fell to the bottom of the pit. The rest of the harpies stopped singing and started to attack.

Jaquette, hearing all the commotion left her bonfire and ran towards the cave. Lucky cast Wall of Force towards the end of the river to prevent people from falling into the waterfall. The room began to flood. Anna did an action surge and cast two lightning bolts against the all 5 harpies. Jaquette looked into the hole and saw the undead harpies. She cast blight on one of the harpies and saw it didn’t do as much damage as she hoped. However, it still killed one of the harpies. Luigi ran up and stunned two of the harpies.

The water was rising quickly and at this point was 3 feet deep. Jeter cast lightning bolt and hit the four remaining harpies. Rolen blasted all the harpies with a cone of cold. The cold damage didn’t do quite as much as he thought it should, but it still killed one of them by freezing it solid! One of the Harpies glared at Anna and Anna saw her entire family burning in flames and she became paralyzed. Lucky cast a fire bolt and inspired Tyrena who missed her last shot. Wild magic hit lucky and 8 50gp gems appeared in his pocket. Al shot a firebolt. Jaquette trudged through the water, and hugged Anna, casting lesser restoration and removed her paralyzed condition. Luigi hit one of the harpies seemingly killing it, but it came back from the dead. He followed it up with a flying elbow to her head, making it really dead.

The water rose to 6’ and Jeter with his head just above the water cast fire bolt twice knocking one the harpies down to 1 HP. Rolen finished it off with a bolt to the head and then yelled out to Lucky to “release the water.” All the water began to pull the party towards the waterfall! Jeter cast wall of stone and made a bridge just above the water. As everyone was dragged towards the waterfall, they were able to grab ahold of the bridge and climb up.

What’s in the chest?

Anna opened the chest and found a host of items (See Rewards below.) Atop the pile of treasure was a note, a severed hand with 6 finger and the hilt of the Sunsword. The Sunsword was clearly destroyed by a powerful magical force. Rolen took the hand as Anna read the note:  
Sqeulaiche, It was good seeing you, even if you didn’t recognize me. I look forward to our next meeting and perhaps we can reminisce. I want to let you know I had a most interesting conversation with your friend. It's a shame she really wasn't interested in helping us. However, I found the magic from the sword to be most helpful in achieving our goal. Find me and I'll share my secret so that together, we can get what we really want. To prove that I hold no ill will and that I have no interest in harming you or any of your remaining "friends" I'm going to leave all this stuff for you. I only took one item that I need; you can have the rest. Best wishes, Tanallia
Anna seemed upset. Anna realized that the hand is from her sister Morganna. Lucky explained that his real name is Sqeulaiche and asked that his true name not be repeated. Tanallia is the granddaughter of the Summer Queen and Lucky has no idea why she would have been after the other Anna. But he explained that Tanallia would want the god slayer to kill the Summer Queen. Anna was livid and believed her sister to be dead. Rolen said “I’m sure your sister is safe” and told the party they should make haste to Chult. The party surmised the Tanallia must be working with Ducia. Anna was shaking with unrestrained rage.

Jeter cast reverse gravity and then feather fall to get the party out of the pit. As a result of wild magic, he gained freedom of movement for 24 hours. After exiting the cave, Lucky cast magnificent mansion so the party could get some rest. Lucky then cast commune to find out a few things.
  • He asked: Is Morganna alive? No
  • Did Morganna die near home? No
  • Are they on their way to Chult? No
  • Is Tanallia working with the Queen of Air and Darkness? No
  • Is Tanallia lying about not wanting to kill or hurt us? No
Lucky found Anna and explained what he had learned. A bolt of lightning left Anna’s hands turning a long section of sand into glass. Anna was livid and focused on REVENGE.

Rewards Granted

  • 400 cp, 6,000 sp, 3,300 gp, 130 pp
  • (5) 100 gp gems
  1. Amber (transparent rich gold)
  2. Amethyst (transparent deep purple)
  3. Garnet (transparent red)
  4. Tourmaline (transparent pale blue)
  5. Tourmaline (transparent pale red)
  • Magical Items
  • Neclace of Prayer Beads
  • Leather armor of Acid resistance
  • Chime of opening
  • Elixir of Health
  • 5th level spell scroll - Swift Quiver
Lucky also got 8 50gp gems

Rebuilding in the Age of Enialis

Tyrus Rechs

8 / 8 HP
Report Date
31 May 2021

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