41:Port Llast Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

41:Port Llast Report

General Summary

Session 41 – Wednesday Nov 4, 2020

5 Hour Roleplay/battle session. 5:30 PM to 10:30 PM

Party of 6 (The order of Heroes, Inc.):

It’s the 17th day of the month of Elient (The fading) in the 3rd year of the Age of Enialis
  • Anna – Human – L7 Rogue/L4 Fighter – Ryan Armstrong
  • Fredrik Fredson – Human L8 Barbarian/L3 Fighter – Dan King (absent)
  • Rolen – Human L11 Warlock – Josh Pozsonyi
  • Lucky Lightfoot – Leprechaun – L10 Bard/L1 Sorcerer – Jacob Munson
  • Tyrus Rechs – Human L8 Ranger/L3 Fighter – Nathan Gioconda
  • Fergewon – Firbolg L11 Cleric – Spencer Armstrong
  • Jaquette Mara – L11 Human Druid – Jackie Armstrong

Your Goals:

• Make it to Port Llast and find Farimour to try to figure out what’s going on in Mirabar.

Evening fun.

Tyrus pulled out a deck of cards and started playing a game of 21 with the rest of the party. They were purposely loud and obnoxious in order to draw others into the game. They attracted several orcs but didn’t attract the captain. The first mate Bree showed up and caught one of the Orcs cheating. Bree used her whip around the Orcs neck to lead him onto the deck where she promptly kicked him overboard. The remaining Orcs left, and the party decided to not sneak into the captain’s quarters during the night. Having observed Captain Pryor during the day they felt confident they’ve learned his morning routine.
Tyrus and Lucky went onto the deck. The evening was beautiful so Tyrus light up a cigar. Tyrus saw the Captain on the deck talking with Bree and casually overheard the conversation. Tyrus had a pleasant conversation with the captain and gave him a coin that would predict the weather and confirmed tomorrow will be quite foggy. The captain took great interest in Tyrus and his abilities and spoke of his Guild. Tyrus asked about the guild and how to obtain services in the future. The captain took it under consideration and promised an answer in the morning. He agreed to meet with Tryus on the morning after breakfast. The party all had a pleasant night’s sleep.

The Captains quarters and the distraction.

After breakfast Jaquette, Anna and Lucky prepared to sneak into the captain’s chambers. Rolen cast invisibility upon them. Tyrus and Rolen went to meet the captain on deck. Jaquette, Anna and Lucky watched the captain walk away and they picked the lock and went in. Anna found a ledger. Being familiar with ledgers she figured out there were several very valuable items checked into the ledger that had yet to be sold (worth over 10,000 gp) but all the names were coded with numbers and no descriptions. Jaquette found a chest and while attempting to pick the lock broke her lock pick. Anna was able to retrieve the broken piece of Jaquette’s lock pick and open the Captain’s chest. Anna and Jaquette spent the next 10 minutes searching in the treasure chest. Lucky spent time trying to make a rough copy of the map they found of the Sword coast and started quickly copying down numbers along the coast.
They found a fancy hand crossbow that appeared to be very special. Anna took it against Jaquette’s wishes. Jaquette turned into a Rat and crawled under the door to keep a watch. Anna and Lucky continued to search the desk and everything else the could. The found evidence that some of the crew are possibly slaves.
Meanwhile on deck, the Captain and Tyrus discussed their desires. The captain explained that he wanted to retire on his own island; Tyrus said he wanted to make Mirabar secure. The Captain told Tyrus that he needed to expand his life goals. Here, the captain met Rolen and questioned Rolen on his skills. Rolen, having spent much time on ships, proceeded to impress the Captain with his knowledge. The Captain directed Rolen to make several inspections of various items, correct them and report back while he and Tyrus had discussions. Impressed by Tyrus and Rolen, Captain Pryor gave Tyrus a pin with a Skull and a hat representing his Guild. He told Tyrus that presenting the pin to certain pubs in port cities along the Sword coast and mentioning Captain Pryor sent them would gain them favor. Some establishments may require a task be completed before they gained complete trust.
A black crow came down upon the captain and landed on his shoulder. It had a note tied to its leg that read "Cannot meet in Port Llast, Frost Giants in Harbor. Go to Cove 37." He told Tyrus that they won’t be going to Port Llast and then the captain excused himself and headed to his quarters. Jandar immediately stopped concentrating on the invisibility spell he had cast upon Anna, Jaquette and Lucky.
While Anna was searching the Captain’s desk, she suddenly became visible. Realizing that this must be a signal. Lucky made them invisible again and they left. They went to their quarters, retrieved items from their lockers, turned visible again and went up on deck to meet up with the rest of the party.

The Dark Jewel

The ship turned to the shore and the shore was shrouded in a thick fog. The Captain carefully guided the ship into the fog and along the shoreline until it came upon a large Black Sailing ship with black sails. The captain pulled right up to the ship and the ships were tied together. Captain Hitch of the Dark Jewel and his first mate, a Drow Necromancer named Ducia came aboard. Captain Pryor had 2 Orcs bring out 2 creates of treasure the party had previously found. Ducia validated the contents and Captain Hitch had 2 Ogre Zombies bring a chest of Gold and Platinum for Captain Pryor.
The Drow Ducia cast detect magic and began circling the deck of the Crazy Suzan. Captain Hitch told Captian Pryor that a Giant Longship sits in the harbor at Port Llast and Frost Giants are raiding the city. After a brief exchange of creepy pleasantries, Captain Hitch begins to leave. Ducia whispers in Hitch’s ear. Then, Capt. Hitch offers 50,000 gp for the “the Fey Creature” (Lucky.) Capt. Pryor asked Tyrus and Rolen’s permission to sell Lucky. Both say they are not interested in selling their friend. Capt. Pryor tells Hitch that these people are guests and not for sale. Capt. Hitch and Ducia nod and leave with Ducia holding her component pouch and staring at Lucky.

To Port Llast

The Captain gave back 360gp to Tyrus as a partial refund and explained that he will give them a long boat to make their own way to Port Llast if they so choose. The party agreed and boarded the boat. They made their way to shore eventually with the help of Jaquette as a dolphin. Once on shore Lucky put a note in the boat and kicked the boat out to sea.
Jaquette got directions from a nearby bird, the party took a short rest for lunch and then made their way to Port Llast. The party approached into the fog shrouded city very cautiously hearing the echoes of Steel against stone in the far north. In the town they found clear evidence that the Frost giants had cornered several townsfolk in a building. Then they spotted 2 frost Giants through the fog.

Frost Giants

The party caught the 2 Frost Giants by surprise. Anna ran into a nearby building and found it filled with several elderly women, men and young children. Jaquette cast Erupting Earth, Rolen shot his crossbow, Lucky cast slow against the giants and went to join Anna and Tyrus fired his arrows. Rolen brought the first Giant to near death and Lucky finished him off with a Firebolt. The party all whaled on the 2nd Giant and Tyrus finished him off with his sword to the knee. After the 2nd Giant fell, Anna told the party “There are 16 more, we need to leave.” Anna also learned that Farimour is in the quarry cutting stone for the Frost Giants.
Two more Giants were heard running towards the sounds of combat. The party ran into the woods. The two Frost Giants found the 2 slain Frost giants and became enraged. They started smashing the buildings where the women and children were. The party ran in to save the villagers. Lucky ran up to the Giants and the Giants focused their attacks on him. The rest of the party continued their attack and Lucky turned into a T-Rex. The Giants focused on the T-Rex and broke Lucky’s Concentration and then slashed deeply into Lucky.
Anna was running towards the quarry, but then turned and came back to the conflict, using her sun sword to badly wound one of the Frost Giants. Tyrus finished off one giant with a double arrow shot. Rolen finished off the other Giant with crossbow bolt to the forehead. They heard another frost Giant approaching…

Rewards Granted

+1 Hand Crossbow

Character(s) interacted with

Captain Pryor
First Mate Bree
Capt. Denton "Relentless" Hitch
Ducia The Desecrator

Rebuilding in the Age of Enialis

Tyrus Rechs

8 / 8 HP
Report Date
04 Nov 2020

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