Session 106: The Search for Ducia Begins Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 106: The Search for Ducia Begins

General Summary

Session 106 – Wednesday April 20, 2022 – The search for Ducia begins

4 Hour battle session 5:30 PM to 10:00 PM

Party of 5 (The order of Heroes, Inc.):

It is the 11th day of the month of Nightal (The Drawing Down) in the 3rd year of the Age of Enialis
  • Annalisa (Anna) – Human L8 Monk – L8 Wizard /L4Fighter – Ryan Armstrong (Remote)
  • Jaquette Mara – L20 Human Druid – Jackie Armstrong
  • Lucky Lightfoot – Leprechaun – L18 Bard/L1 Sorcerer/L1 Warlock – Jacob Munson
  • Rolen – Human L20 Warlock – Josh Pozsonyi (School work)
  • Tyrena Rechs – Human L17 Ranger/L3 Fighter – Nathan Gioconda
  • Doc – L20 Dwarf Artificer – Spencer Armstrong
  • Luigi Risotto – Wood Elf L17 Monk/L2 Wizard – Dan King (Absent – Church)


  • Gather the other parts of the god Destroyer sword (Blade, Hilt and guard)
  • Destroy the Amber Sarcophagi with the god Destroyer sword
  • Take the sword to the Summer Queen and have her destroy it.
  • Get dragon egg for Lady Cersei.

Working things out.

The party gathered on the Crazy Suzan with Captain Pryor to talk about what to do next. Some wanted to go right after the dragon, some wanted to take care of Ducia, some wanted to rest. Lucky asked Anna to talk and the rest of the party dispersed. Lucky asked Anna to not kill Ducia but to work with her. Anna was hurt too deeply and refused to work with a person who killed the one sister who she swore to protect. Lucky was disappointed but said he understood.

The party, realizing the dragon was probably healed, agreed they should too be at full strength to continue. They decided to spend the rest of the day and the night on the Ship. This let Jaquette make her Heroes’ feast. Lucky thought that perhaps he could talk to the dragon in its sleep. They feasted and smoked some cigars. Captain Pryor talked to Tyrena about distributing her cigars along the sword coast. Rolen gave Captain Pryor a detailed description of the demi-plane where his treasure is stored just in case they don’t come back. Anna finished up her book of knowledge and gave it to Lucky.

Dragon dreams.

Lucky cast Dream and visited the ancient white dragon Isendraug. Isendraug was not very welcoming of an intruder to her sleep, but Lucky was able to explain that he was there to negotiate and that he had her children. Isendraug said that Ducia had her children and was doing evil things to them. Lucky told her that they had collected the 4 eggs and only 1 was still intact. She asked about the other 3 and Lucky didn’t know of them. Isendraug said that if Ducia has the Orb she controls her. Isendraug explained there are many wards and spells and minions protecting the lair. Lucky told her that he wanted to save her and give her back her egg. She explained that she is compelled to obey Ducia because of the Orb and that she must show that she is obeying.

Lucky explained to the party that the Dragon must fight against the but may fight with them if they position themselves properly in the fight. They party then slept. In the morning Lucky cast Deathward on himself and Rolen.

To the Eastern Island

Anna mounted her broom, and the others mounted the carpet. They flew low over the ocean towards the shore. Anna spotted a dock with no ships and no village, but she did see a single building camouflaged at the end of the dock. She relayed what she saw to the party, and they approached with caution.

They stealthily went into the building and found it abandoned. They saw signs that someone had been there recently but the stove in the room was cold. Tyrena noticed small footprints, perhaps kobold sized, leading away from the building to a path going up the mountain behind the building. Finding nothing more of any significance they stealthily went up the trail. Jaquette turned into a spider and hopped on the broom with Anna. The others walked towards the base of a tall cliff.

The ladder up the mountain.

They looked up at the 200-foot sheer cliff and a rickety ladder going all the way up. Lucky wanted to climb the ladder and the rest followed behind him on the flying carpet in case he fell. About ½ way up, Anna spotted the tiny heads of kobolds peering over from nooks in the cliff. The kobolds started dropping rocks onto the party. Most of the rocks missed, but a few did hit Lucky and they didn’t do much damage.

Anna flew up a little and cast Sickening radiance focused on the small horde of kobolds who all started coughing. Tyrena stood up on the carpet and loosed 2 arrows instantly killing 2 of the Kobolds. Chocking from the sickening radiance, 12 of the kobolds fell from the cliffs to their death. Lucky eldritch blasted 4 more of the kobolds. Jaquette summoned a flock of ravens that flew into the poison cloud and most of them fell to their death asking, “Why did you do this to us?” to Jaquette as they fell past her. Tyrena picked off 2 more of the kobolds and the final few fled. The rest of the party went to the top of the cliff.

The guardians of the top of the ladder.

The party arrived at the top of the ladder and saw a huge Remorahz lift its head as it swallowed a kobold and made a menacing shriek at the party. Rolen created an Arcane hand of ice and tried to push it, but the Remorahz resisted. Lucky cast Nathair’s Mischief upon the creature. It started giggling and walked toward one of the canyon walls. The Ravens charged into the Remorhaz and burst into flames. Jaquette turned into a bear and ran to the Remorhaz. She too took fire damage when she hit it. Anna cast psychic lance hurting the creature. She then used her action surge and mind whiped the creatrue. Tyrenna shot the Remorhaz with two arrows badly wounding it. The blood leaked out and melted the snow. Rolen used his rod to cast cone of cold on the Remorhaz, but it had no effect.

Lucky popped his head up and shot the Remorhaz with edlrich blast. The white dragon approached from behind and breathed its cold breath on the entire party. Tyrenna saw it coming and dodged part of it uncannily. Rolen was unaffected. Jaquette cast blight on the Rhemoraz massively wounding it. She went to the south side of the cavern and spotted something else moving on the north side. Anna jumped onto the Dragon and started punching it. The dragon grappled Anna with her tail and pulled her towards her face and said, “Stop it you fool and save my babies.” Tyrenna overheard what the dragon said and focused on the Remorhaz. She loosed 2 arrows and slayed the creature.

A Dragon and a multi headed Frost Giant

Rolen shouted, “Are we killing the dragon?” Then he saw the dragon place Anna carefully on her back and say, “hold on tight.” Lucky started to run and the dragon said to him, “shoot me.” Lucky shot a fire bolt at the dragon who responded very overdramatically with “Oh a firebolt, ughhh… nooooo! That’s my weakness!” The dragon spun and landed near a Frost Giant where it clawed it horribly. The Frost giant ran past the dragon to Jaquette and Tyrenna slashed it as it ran by. The Frost giant slashed Jaquette with its Greataxe. Jaquette slashed at the Giant with her Moon Sickle. The dragon whispered to Anna, “Do you see that necromancer over there, hiding?”

Anna spotted the necromancer watching the battle. She hopped on the broom flew to the Necromancer and jumped off her broom knocing him over and started punching him. Tyrena looked at the hideous giant and said, "Swift death to you who have wroged me.” She took 2 shots with her oath bow and badly wounded the Giant. The necromancer started to annunciate “enfeeblement” and Anna counterspelled it. Rolen used his Arcane hand to punch the Giant. The fist hit the Giant pushing him into the jagged cliff and killed it. Lucky tried to run and jump onto the dragon but couldn’t quite reach. Rolen, flying the carpet underneath, was able to catch him. The dragon feigned a mortal wound and fled the combat. Anna continually punched the necromancer in the face until the snow turned to a dark crimson. The rest of the party walked around the corner ans saw her. Anna then grabbed a handfull of flesh and ate it as the rest of the party looked in horror.

Guardians of the temple

The party walked forward and saw a very large ancient stone temple. The large stone front door was closed. In front was a dark death knight with a two headded death dog by his side. The knight held his sword firmly and bellowed out in a deep voice, “None shall pass.” Lucky shot 4 eldritch blasts at the knight wounding it. The Death knight threw his hellfire orb at the party wounding them. Seeing that the party was hurt Lucky suggested, “Let’s deal with this guy and then take a 10 min cat nap.” The Knight repeated “None shall pass!” The party saw a Fire Giant skeleton apprach them from the south. Shot 2 arrows directly into the death knight and used her 2nd wind to heal up a bit.

Rolen cast Synaptic Static on both the Death Knight and the Death Dog. Jaquette turned into a Giant eagle and backed out of the fight. The death dog looked mean as it walked towards Anna. The Giant picked up a rock and threw it directly at Tyrena. Tyrenna uncanilly dodged and Lucky used his abilty to soften the blow. Anna walked up to the dog and flicked its nose with her gauntlet making its head explode. She then walked up to the death knight. Lucky hexed the Fire Giant Skeleton and blasted it with Eldritch power. The Death Knight started casting a destructive wave spell, but Rolen sucessfully counterspelled it

Tyrena fired 2 more shots at the Death knight. Rolen moved the carpet down and walked up to the Death Knight and stabbed him to death. Rolen shot the Giant with this crossbow. Jaquette, as a bird cast blight against the Giant Skeleton bloodying it. The Giant Skeleton went to attack Lucky but missed. Anna Walked up and started punching the Fire Giant Skeleton doing massive amounts of damage. Lucky finished it off with his Eldritch Blast.

Lucky saw the party was hurt and offered to help the party rest quickly. The front door of the temple opened, and a kobold peered out the door. Rolen cast chill touch, killing the creature. The body was mysteriously pushed out the door. As the door was closing, another kobold voice could be heard yelling, “Yeah, they’re still there.” The party continued to debate if they should rest or not.

Rebuilding in the Age of Enialis

Tyrus Rechs

8 / 8 HP
Report Date
25 Apr 2022

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