Session 77: 5 Days to save Chipper part 9 Day 3 Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 77: 5 Days to save Chipper part 9 Day 3 Report

General Summary

Session 77 – Wednesday August 11, 2021 - 5 days to save Chipper part 9 (Day 3)

4 Hour Dungeon crawl session. 6:00 PM to 10:00P

Party of 5 (The order of Heroes, Inc.):

It is the 12th day of the month of Uktar (The Rotting) in the 3rd year of the Age of Enialis
  • Luigi Risotto – Wood Elf L13 Monk/L2 Wizard – Dan King
  • Jaquette Mara – L15 Human Druid – Jackie Armstrong
  • Annalisa (Anna) – Human L8 Monk – L5 Wizard /L2Fighter – Ryan Armstrong (remote)
  • Rolen – Human L15 Warlock – Josh Pozsonyi
  • Tyrena Rechs – Human L12 Ranger/L3 Fighter – Nathan Gioconda (Absent, on vacation)
  • Jeter Kaiser – L15 Human Sorcerer – Spencer Armstrong
  • Lucky Lightfoot – Leprechaun – L14 Bard/L1 Sorcerer – Jacob Munson (Out, in Alabama) (We miss you Jacob)


  • Destroy the Soulmonger and stop the death curse
  • Get Ring of Winter from Artus Cimber who is in Chult (also going after the Soulmonger)
  • Gather the other parts of the god Destroyer (Blade, Hilt and guard)
  • Locate the Amber Sarcophagi and destroy them with the god Destroyer
  • Take the sword to the Summer Queen and have her destroy it.
  • White Dragon at Purple Rocks

In the morning

In the morning the party found Luigi and Yaka. Yaka seemed to still be very annoying to Luigi. Rolen asked Yaka if there was anything he wanted. Yaka replied he does like gems. Luigi tried to capture Yaka in his bedroll which seemed to work momentarily but Yaka simply teleported out from underneath. Rolen gave Yaka a 100gp ruby which Yaka quickly consumed and looked like he wanted more. Jeter gave a very inspiring speech to everyone before they headed out of the safe room. It was a decent speech and granted everyone with 14 temporary hit points as a glowing illusion of chipper appeared on everyone’ shoulder, reminding them of why they fight! Jaquette sobbed thinking of Chipper.

Unexplored areas

They walked down to the 4th level again. They headed west down a wide hall. They saw a hall extending north and the western hall ended with what appeared to be a large stone door, but it had no handles or hinges. Jutting from the wall on either side of the door were two matching bronze sculptures — each the head and neck of a serpent with fangs bared. On the lintel above the door was in Common: “Warm like flame, cold for the cruel, still for the dead, gruel for the ghoul.” Down the northern hall, after ten feet, the dusty corridor became a staircase that descended fifteen feet to a lower tunnel. Resting on the floor at the bottom of the staircase was an old treasure chest with a rusty built-in lock. Just beyond the chest, the tunnel opened to a huge, dark chamber.

Look! Someone must have dropped a chest.

Thinking the chest was probably some sort of trap, Jaquette and the horse waited in the hall, Luigi went to examine the serpent heads. Rolen waited at the entrance to the northern hall and Jeter at the very top of the steps. Anna proceeded down to the chest and using her thieves’ tools with her one arm and her teeth, she picked the lock and opened the chest. As the chest opened a five-foot-diameter sphere of solid granite fell out of a secret compartment just above Rolen. Rolen dove into the hallway and Jeter ran down the steps just ahead of the sphere and jumped past Anna and the chest. Anna reached out, stopped the granite ball telekinetically, and placed it on the other side of the chest. As she was doing this, she caught a glimpse of Jeter falling through the floor and splashing into a pit of Acid.

Luigi had put his arm in the serpent’s head, but it did not bite. Then everyone heard a granite ball bouncing down stone steps flowed by a splash and a scream of pain as Jeter took 76 points of damage from the acid. Jeter walked up the sides of the pit and looked horrible. Anna opened the chest, saw it was empty and felt around the bottom of the chest. Anna found an invisible brass key. Jaquette cast “heal” on Jeter.

Jeter looked around and saw four marble columns supporting the ceiling of a grand tomb. Twin staircases ascended to an upper gallery, where a carving in the form of a giant maze adorned the wall. On the floor of the tomb stood an opaque crystal sarcophagus that was constantly changing color. Minotaur murals adorned the walls on the lower level of the tomb. Anna and Rolen realized this must be the tomb of Unkh, the Flail Snail god. Jeter laid a ladder from his robe of useful items across the acid pit and crossed into the room. Anna pushed the granite spere into the acid pit clearing the way for everyone to enter the tomb.

The Maze

Rolen examined the ten Minotaur Murals on the walls and began defacing them. Anna liked the idea and handed Rolen her Adamantine hammer. Luigi examined the coffin and saw that the color changes every 6 seconds in a cycle: blue, gold, purple, green, red, black. Jeter examined the maze mural and saw the intricate carving shifting before his eyes. Its configuration seemed to be ever-changing with no discernable pattern. The maze had no exits, and its corridors were lit by tiny torches and clouded by fog. Jeter touched the maze, and everyone saw his body get sucked into the maze. Jeter stood within a fifteen-foot-high passageway walled by smooth, featureless stone, which was lit by torches and shrouded by fog. There was no ceiling, and when he looked up, he saw a distorted view of the room he left behind. He cast haste on himself and began searching the maze quickly.

The Minotaurs

Rolen felt confident as he had just completed defacing the 5th Minotaur Mural when he caught a glimpse of Jeter being sucked into the Maze. However, as Jeter’s body disappeared, the murals of the Minotaurs turned out to be stone doors that raised revealing 10 small rooms filled with bones. The bones began knitting together very quickly and a Minotaur skeleton appeared in each of the 10 rooms. Each one reached down and picked up a Greataxe from the floor and began attacking. Anna ran to Rolen, grabbed her adamantine hammer, ran up the maze and touched it. One of the Minotaur Skeletons was able to hit her as she ran but, in the end, she too was sucked into the maze. The Minotaurs all stepped out of their rooms and began attacking whoever was closest.

Rolen took out the staff of frost and hit 6 of the Minotaurs and Jaquette wounding them. Jaquette ran to where Rolen stood and cast a wall of thorns separating the Minotaurs from her and Rolen. Luigi was left alone with all the Minotaurs. Under the balcony, Jaquette and Rolen saw a skeleton with a six-sided stone head. Luigi said, “I’m not stuck in here with you, you are stuck in here with me.” Luigi began attacking the Minotaurs with his fists and the goat headed staff. Hidden from view by the wall of thorns, Luigi completed his transformation to a goat as he struck the Minotaurs. Those on the other side of the hedge heard several Minotaur skeletons collapse to the floor. Luigi retreated into one of the 10-foot rooms to create a bottle neck and allow him to only face 1 at a time. Jeter and Anna continued to search in the maze; Jeter found nothing, but Anna found a red crystal key.

Four of the Minotaurs attempted to pass through the Wall of Thornes and as they did, they were destroyed by the thorns. One made it through and slashed at Jaquette with his axe. Rolen climbed the balcony and shot at the Minotaur attacking Jaquette and destroyed it. Jaquette joined him. Luigi in full goat form charged one of the Minotaurs in the room with the horns on his head destroying the Minotaur. Rolen and Jaquette saw the Goat running around destroying the Minotaurs and wondered where the goat came from. Luigi pushed the last Minotaur into the Wall of thorns destroying it.

The Sarcophagus

Anna told Jeter that she found the key, Jeter used his sticky feat to climb out of the maze and reappeared in on the balcony. Anna used rope trick to exit the maze. Rolen fired 3 bolts and Jaquette threw a dagger at the skeleton with the 6-sided head but it remained standing. Jeter saw the Skelton still standing and finished it off with his firebolt. Jaquette lowered the wall of Thorns and the party stared at the goat. Luigi said, “It’s a me, Luigi.”

Anna stood near the sarcophagus and waited for it to turn red. When it did, she inserted the red key. The lid disappeared and they saw a coffin filled with Salt. Jeter and Rolen searched through the salt (Rolen filling one of his sacks with it.) They found 10 opalescent bracelets (worth 75gp ea). In addition, Jeter found a Robe of Scintillating Colors. As Jeter pulled up the robe slime poured from the folds to take the form of multiple flail-like pseudopods. A female voice echoed through the chamber: “I can help you. At least, I think that’s what I’m supposed to do.” Unkh forced out the spirt of Nangnang from Jeter and Jeter quickly gained about 80 lbs.

The Grandfather clock

Anna discovered a secret room behind one of the Minotaur’s room. Following the hall, they came to a room containing a wooden cabinet with a numbered dial at its top set with two ornate metal spokes. Beneath the dial, a pendulum swung inside an open compartment. An egg-shaped stone adorned the pendulum's tip. Jeter and Anna both recognized the stone as the Fabled Navel of the Moon. Said to be carved from a chunk of the moon, the polished egg-shaped stone was given as a gift by the ruling syl-pasha of Calimport to his sailor daughter. It is said that anyone who holds the stone can always find the way home to his or her loved ones. The fist-sized stone is worth 2,500 gp but can fetch up to three times that value if sold at auction in certain major cities. Ann reached in a ripped the Navel of the Moon from the pendulum shaft. The clock stopped with the stone removed.

The Ghastly Door

The party left the grandfather clock and then crossed over the acid pit leaving the room. Anna put the ladder into her bag of holding. They went up the stairs and to the serpent heads. The stench of dried blood filled the area and Anna figured the riddle referred to blood: “Warm like flame, cold for the cruel, still for the dead, gruel for the ghoul.” Rolen poured the blood from a ruby vile he had into the serpent’s mouth and they heard something slurping the blood on the other side of the wall. Jeter sliced into his hand and let quite a bit of blood drip into the serpent’s mouth. Anna did the same thing on the opposite side. The sounds behind the wall increased and the doors rose. Rolen poured acid into the snake’s mouth after the door was up.

Throne Room

They entered a vaulted chamber featuring a ten-foot-deep sunken floor surrounded by ledges without railings. Alcoves along the ledges held painted wooden statues of hornet-headed humanoid warriors, each wearing a grass skirt and clutching a spear. A gruesome throne lashed together of bone and strips of skin stood atop the west ledge. A fearsome horned skull surmounted the throne, and small skulls were piled around it. The seat of the throne appeared to be made of stretched skin and had a metal scepter resting on it. Shuffling about the sunken portion of the room were three gaunt humanoid figures in dusty robes draped in cobwebs, their eyes and mouths were stitched shut. Armed with brushes and clay pots of pigment, they painted the walls and pillars with grim, poorly rendered illustrations. The illustrations seemed to depict how members of the Yellow banner were killed. The party avoided the artists and searched the room on both levels. On the upper level, Rolen found a secret door in the north west corner that headed north. Luigi found another heading East.

Crypt of Napaka

Opening the secret door Rolen went into the room with Anna looking over his shoulder. The walls of the room were adorned with tile mosaics of a jungle city intermingled with frescoes of flowering plants, birds, insects, and humans wearing gold skirts and carrying spears and ornate jugs. The ceiling was painted to look like a clear blue sky. A small, bejeweled cockroach jewelry box rested atop a sarcophagus of black basalt in the middle of the room. A two-foot-diameter orb hung from a chain above the sarcophagus made of hammered gold to resemble a smiling sun. Engraved on the sarcophagus was the name “Napaka.”

Anna walked back to the throne and carefully retrieved the iron scepter from the chair. Rolen examined the sarcophagus and saw the seal was lined with strips of lead. He removed the strips. Jeter and Anna both walked into the room. Jeter opened the sarcophagus and they saw the magically preserved remains of Queen Napaka. She wore a tattered black gown and a hornet mask made of painted gold (250 gp.) Her right arm was a mechanical arm and in her left hand was another Iron Scepter.

Queen Napaka

Rolen removed the hornet’s mask and the golden sun above frowned and cast bolts of fire at Anna, Jeter and Rolen. Dodging the fire bolts, Rolen left the room. Anna reached in coffin and took the mechanical arm. Anna also opened the Cockroach jewelry box and found a small jade key shaped like a crocodile and a necklace of fireballs with 8 beads remaining. Anna put the jewelry box (made of gold, set with precious gems [including tiny black pearls for its eyes], and worth 1,500 gp) into the bag of holding. Anna put the key in her pocket and the necklace in her backpack. Jeter reached in and grabbed the scepter. The queen’s corpse opened its mouth in a wide yawn and exhaled a baleful black gas that filled the small chamber. Jeter and Anna both took necrotic damage. Jeter realized that the one the queen had felt much lighter than the other.

Level 5.

Luigi cast detect magic and saw transmutation magic glow about the scepter. He also saw an aura on the throne that could have been made by a wish spell or perhaps a curse. Anna took the scepter and began to ritually cast identify. Using her ritual book, she asked for help for someone to flip the pages. Jeter was going to help Anna but was frozen with indecision. Luigi decided to go sit in the chair while waiting. Anna cast hold person to stop him but Luigi was not affected. Sitting in the chair, Luigi felt a darkness but was able to overcome it also. After 10 minutes Anna discovered that the Scepter has a singular purpose, to destroy a construct named after Napaka.

The party went down the secret passage in the south east and discovered a narrow spiral staircase that went up and down. Anna went and got Willow and forced him to go down the stairs. It was difficult but they made it. At the bottom of the staircase, a dark corridor led south, while a stone door with iron hinges and a brass knob stood to the east. The floor in the hall was covered with a viscid gray slime. Rolen stuck his finger into the slime and was struck with 9 points of psychic damage. Willow didn’t like the narrow hall and Jaquette lead him back upstairs. Jaquette came back and Anna opened the door to the east…

Rewards Granted

Treasure Found

  • 10 opalescent bracelets (75gp ea)
  • The bones of Unk
  • A Robe of Scintillating Colors (Jeter)
  • A cockroach shaped jewelry box made of gold, set with precious gems (including tiny black pearls for its eyes), and worth 1,500 gp
  • A magical Iron scepter with an adamantine head
  • A hornet mask made of painted gold (250 gp.)

Rebuilding in the Age of Enialis

Tyrus Rechs

8 / 8 HP
Report Date
14 Aug 2021

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