Session 44: Svardborg Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 44: Svardborg Report

General Summary

5 Hour Role playing/Battle session. 5:30 PM to 10:30 PM

Party of 6 (The order of Heroes, Inc.):

It’s the 21st day of the month of Elient (The fading) in the 3rd year of the Age of Enialis
  • Fredrik Fredson – Human L9 Barbarian/L3 Fighter – Dan King (arrived by rowboat)
  • Jaquette Mara – L12 Human Druid – Jackie Armstrong
  • Lucky Lightfoot – Leprechaun – L11 Bard/L1 Sorcerer – Jacob Munson
  • Morgana (Anna) – Human – L8 Rogue/L4 Fighter – Ryan Armstrong
  • Rolen – Human L12 Warlock – Josh Pozsonyi
  • Tyrus Rechs – Human L9 Ranger/L3 Fighter – Nathan Gioconda


  • Remove ship from Harbor
  • Get Stone from Jarl Storvald in Svardborg
  • Get information from Reginald Roundshield
  • Find out what is going on in Mirabar.

The Ship in the Harbor.

Rolen woke up early, as usual, and found the Dwarves removing the stone from the Ship. Roundshield told Rolen, as soon as the ship is gone there are some things I need to tell you. Rolen spent the morning observing the town and witnessed nothing unusual. At breakfast, Barty (Lucky’s goblin) walked in and “suggested” to Lucky that he be set free today. Lucky agreed. The party finished breakfast and headed to the docks.
The Dwarves emptied the stone. Lucky cast Telepathic Bond so the party can continue to talk. They bring Barty along so he can be released back to the Abyss through the flames of the ship. Jaquette summons her whale friend and then turns into a Giant Ape and Lucky polymorphs into a T-Rex. Tyrus casts Water Walk on them and they move the boat out to sea with Barty on deck pointing the way.

Reginald Roundshield

Rolen and Anna went to talk to Reginald. Reginald handed them a Map of Svardborg. He pointed out Jarl Storvold’s lodge as the largest lodge near the harbor. He also mentioned that Jarl Storvold has control of an Adult White dragon. Anna became very concerned and thought the deal was getting worse and worse. Reginald doesn’t care about the dragon but would be interested to know how Jarl Storvold controls it.

Losing one friend and finding another

Jaquette, Lucky and Tyrus set the ship ablaze and Lucky bids Barty a quick goodbye. Barty sneered at Lucky and said, “I will find your friends” and he leapt into the flames. The party started walking on water back to shore and heard a familiar voice yelling “hello there”. Fredrik was yelling from a rowboat. He’d been rowing for some time. Dolly (his Grandmother) had told Fredrik the party was in port Llast so Fredrik caught a ride on the Crazy Suzan who dropped him off a few miles away as they would not get too close to Port Llast and theGiant Ship.
Tyrus pulled the rowboat to shore as Fredrick rested and the entire party was reunited back at a pub in Port Llast. Rolen and Anna explained the situation. Anna protested and feared that the quest at hand is too high of a risk. Rolen disagreed and said, “we made a deal.” Lucky wanted to get the magical item. Fredrik wanted to go kill some Giants and Tyrus wanted to complete the mission and prove to Reginald that the party is worthy and get information he needs to save Mirabar. Tyrus said “I’m going, I need this information.” Anna reluctantly agreed although they couldn’t agree on a plan.
The party debated waiting for days for the next ship to make its way to Port Llast or go to Gauntlgrym, Mirabar or go up to Luskan and find passage to Svardborg or at least Aurilssbarg. The party agreed to got to Luskan to find passage even though it’s a 4-day journey, it’ll bring them closer to their destination. The party purchased some rations, riding horses, a mule for Jandar and a pony for Lucky. Jandar requested that Roundshield provide warm clothing and he agreed. They briefly discussed getting Seven, but agreed they’d consider that once they return.


The Journey to Luskin was uneventful (except for Jaquette’s stories.) Once there they found plenty of ships in the harbor where they could try to obtain passage. They walked into the pirate town and saw the Crazy Suzan docked in the harbor. Tyrus saw Mr. Firth near the gangplank and asked if he could talk to the Captain. Mr. Firth pointed them to the “Dark Horse” pub. Everyone went to the pub. Jaquette turned into a mouse and freaked out one sailor. Tyrus and Lucky approached the Captain and Bree. Lucky presented a couple of ales in an exceptionally charming way.
The captain offered to take the party close to Svardborg for 50 gp each and they supply their own Dingy. The Captain said he would drop them off and then would wait for 1 ten-day at Aurilssbarg. Captain Prior said, “At the first sign of Giant Ships, we’ll turn tail and run.” The Captain said if they paid now, they could spend the night on the boat, and they’d leave first thing in the morning.
Anna, Lucky and Tyrus spent the rest of the day trying to find a stable to sell the horses. They found a slaughterhouse first but eventually found the stables. They were offered 90% of what the paid for them. Fredrik went to a pub and challenged a Half-orc Pirate to an arm-wrestling bet. Anna purchased a small keelboat for 3,000gp. Lucky cast disguise self and then spent the evening casting mass suggestion and suggestion on a lot of pirates to get them to drop their stuff and leave. He collected abut 300gp and avoided the authorities, but he upset quite a few sailors.

The Voyage there

The Voyage only took two days. During the trip Tyrus met Captain Prior on board and discussed Svardborg. Captain Prior warned Tyrus of the dangers of the White dragon that has been known to freeze entire villiages and ships so the Giants can raid them. Svardborg is an ancient place rediscovered by Jarl Storvold just a few years ago, so he’s no fool.
On the morning of the 3rd day, the Dark Jewel was spotted on the Horizon sailing away from Svardborg towards the Southwest. Above the ship was a flying White dragon. Rolen awoke the party and told them the situation. They party debated going after the Dark Jewel pirate ship or continue to Svardborg. Captain Prior suggested that the Black Jewel is probably headed to the Purple Rocks. After some more debate, Svardborg came into view. The Captain saw no ships between where they were and the Svardborg but suggested this would be as close as he could go. The party agreed, boarded the keelboat and headed towards Svardborg. Fredrik rowed the boat and directed the ship directly towards the largest lodge.


The party struggled up the steep ice cliffs but made it with minimal injuries. The Massive lodge was quiet. The cold wind chilled the party and the island was eerily silent. Lucky climbed up the front doors and grabbed the handle and Fredrik and Tyrus pushed the door open. The massive lodge had a Mammoth over a spit, but the spit was unlit, and the day-old Mammoth was uncooked. Jaquette spent some time casting “locate object” looking for the Stone on a chain. Her divining rod pointed up to a 2nd floor. The party searched for the stairs. Tyrus sensed the presence of undead creatures in the vicinity and Jaquette noticed that in the snow there were giant footprints and “smaller” footprints in the snow. Some of the smaller footprints were fresher. They found a couple storerooms and within them they found ale, salt and other food staples. Eventually they found a room with a giant size staircase going up.
After an arduous climb for Rolen, the party came upon a room that contained a giant size wooden table, and a human sized desk. Dead on the floor near a human sized desk was an Illuskan mage. His flesh withered and grey as if his life was extracted from him via a necrotic force. Anna found a desk drawer with its false bottom removed and a thin black book open upon the desk. The book was opened to a page that read "Command word for Cryovain chains: 'uvenfetter' ". Glancing through the book Anna saw a passages about a frost Giant named Trizdor the “Troll Eater” and how he's gone mad. Lucky detected no magic in the immediate area and Jaquette determined that the mage had been killed about 12 hours ago. Lucky kept the book. In the next room they found gnawed mammoth bones, blood-soaked beds of straw and a barrel of dead fish.
In the next room they found an Ice throne, a Giant size wooden ladder leading up to the next floor, 2 Frost Giants (one of which was wearing a chain necklace under his beard). Two winter wolves came out from behind the columns and all appeared to be undead.
Anna lit her sun-sword; Fredrik raged and ran in as Lucky cast a fireball at one of the giants and a wolf. Rolen pulled out his crossbow and finished off one wolf. The frost Giants stared at Fredrik and Rolen and paralyzed them. Tyrus and Jaquette quickly responded and restored them. Tyrus pulled out his bow and fired. Fredrik repeatedly thrust his spear into the wolf until it was dead dead and then shield bashed Jarl Storvald. Lucky cast slow on the other frost Giant. Jarl Storvald slashed at Fredrick. Tyrus blinded the Frost Giant.
Anna was caught in the frost Giant’s Numbing Aura and was still able to cut the leg off the Frost Giant and kill it! The entire party focused its attacks on Jarl Storvald. Rolen used all his spells, Tyrus fired his arrows, Jaquette used “Heat Metal” and Fredrik bashed him with his shield and knocked him down and then pushed his spear into his brain through the Giants mouth, killing him.
Fredrik listened and heard nothing. Anna found a 75-pound drinking horn made from a mammoth’s tusk and worth about 750 gp. Rolen examined a large straw bed type area with 7 large round indentations. Anna recognized the shape as appropriate for White Dragon eggs. Lucky identified the stone from Jarl Storvald’s chain as a bloodstone. Anna recognized the diamond as a 5,000 gp diamond. The party discussed what their next steps would be regarding the dragon eggs, the Dark Jewel and if they should go back to aid Mirabar or go towards the Purple Rocks. Fredrik gazed up the ladder and pondered what might be on the 3rd floor.

Rewards Granted

a 75-pound drinking horn made from a mammoth’s tusk and worth about 750 gp. A Bloodstone made with a diamond worth 5,000gp

Missions/Quests Completed

The Blood stone from Jarl Storvald has been obtained

Character(s) interacted with

Jarl Storvald (In Zombie Form)

Rebuilding in the Age of Enialis

Tyrus Rechs

8 / 8 HP
Report Date
04 Dec 2020

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