Session 93: Out of the Frying Pan, into the Fire. Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 93: Out of the Frying Pan, into the Fire.

General Summary

Session 93 – Wednesday December 29, 2021 – Out of the Frying Pan, into the Fire.

  4 Hour getting beat up session 6:00 PM to 10:00PM

Party of 6 (The order of Heroes, Inc.):

It is the 22nd day of the month of Uktar (The Rotting) in the 3rd year of the Age of Enialis
  • Annalisa (Anna) – Human L8 Monk – L6 Wizard /L3Fighter – Ryan Armstrong (Remote)
  • Jaquette Mara – L17 Human Druid – Jackie Armstrong
  • Lucky Lightfoot – Leprechaun – L16 Bard/L1 Sorcerer – Jacob Munson (Remote)
  • Luigi Risotto – Wood Elf L15 Monk/L2 Wizard – Dan King (Back to work)
  • Rolen – Human L17 Warlock – Josh Pozsonyi
  • Tyrena Rechs – Human L14 Ranger/L3 Fighter – Nathan Gioconda
  • Jeter Kaiser – L18 Human Sorcerer – Spencer Armstrong


  • Take out the Mind Flayers
  • Gather the other parts of the god Destroyer (Blade, Hilt and guard)
  • Locate the Amber Sarcophagi and destroy them with the god Destroyer
  • Take the sword to the Summer Queen and have her destroy it.
  • White Dragon at Purple Rocks

Splitting the party

Anna had already gone after Ergik. Jeter healed himself a bit and looked down the shaft at Lucky. He then cast Telekinesis and started pulling Lucky up. Jaquette the Eagle cast Thunderwave against the Mind Flayer grappling Rolen. Rolen failed and was pushed 10 feet away from the Mind Flayer. Freed from the grapple, Rolen used his blade of disaster and killed the Mind Flayer. Rolen moved up to the Iron Golem and slashed him with the Blackrazor. Luigi ran through the wall of fire after the remaining 3 Mind Flayers.

In the southern passageway going down, Ergik opened the door into a large room and Anna descended into it. The Iron Golem took two sword swings at Rolen and was able to break his concentration. Tyrena and Lucky were both able to break free of their stunned condition. Jeter jumped down the passageway after Anna. Rollen took a couple more swings at the Iron Golem and bloodied it. The Iron Golem released a plume of poison gas but because of Jaquette’s Hero’s feast they were immune to the poison. Tyrena pulled out her Anti-Matter Rifle and took 2 shots but only one hit. Lucky backed towards the southern descending passageway. Rolen finished off the Iron Golem and then headed to join the others.

What Anna was first to see.

Anna followed Ergik down through the door and jumped down into a large room. In the room was a large mind Flayer with its skull opened and its brain removed. In a large pool protected by a clear glass like shield was the brain but it was growing, and tentacles had formed on it. Standing in front of the baby Elder Brain were 3 mind Flayers. Also, in the room, there were 2 Beholders clad in platemail, one of which only had 6 stalks, but it also had 4 mind flayer tentacles. Both beholders were looking at Anna and their large central eyes emitted an antimagic field. Anna looked around and said, “We will gladly accept your surrender.” The Elder Brain pulsated, and it laughed at Anna. A small door in the ceiling (one of several) opened and an intellect devourer dropped down by Anna’s feet. The Intellect devourer attempted to attack Anna but missed her as she ran to the other side of the room. The Mind Flayers attempted to attack Anna but missed.

Jaquette flew down as a giant eagle and as soon as she landed in the room her Wild shape was suppressed and she turned back into her human form and landed on her butt. The Mindwitness smacked Anna with a tentacle. Anna realized her magical arm wasn’t working. She ran behind the Mindwitness and started punching it, but the Mindwitness’ adamantine armor was immune to bludgeoning damage. The Intellect devourer again tried to hop on Anna but failed to devour her intellect. The Mind Flayers continued to attack but failed to hit.

The Party Trickles In

Jeter jumped down the passageway and landed on the floor with a thud. He ran to a space outside the antimagic field and used his telekinesis to turn the Mindwitness face down. Jeter then tried to cast Fireball towards the beholder, but it landed in the Antimagic field and nothing happened. Jeter swore and lost his ability to smell for one hour. The Mindwitness attempted to disintegrate Jeter and then used his death ray and Jeter just barely got out of the way both times. The Mindwitness then paralyzed Anna.

Jaquette regained her eagle shape and cast thunderwave at the Beholder and one of the Mind flayers. She then flew away and reverted to her human form. The Beholder cast disintegration on Jaquette and Jaquette was hurt. The Mindwitness rotated his eye to look at Jeter and enabled his antimagic field, eliminating the telekinetic grip. The Mind Flayers continued their attacks and started wearing down Jeter. Rolen jumped down 50 feet, and everyone heard a crack as he hit the floor.

Wounded, Rolen raised Blackrazor and sliced into Ergik the controlled Mind Flayer and killed him. Rolen then ran behind the Beholder who immediately paralyzed Rolen. Anna, in the antimagic field was no longer paralyzed. She then punched the Mindwitness and realized the adamantine is immune to bludgeoning damage. She kicked the Intellect devourer. The Beholder used its psionic ray and gave Rolen a headache. The Mind Flayer gabbed ahold of Jeter with his tentacles, knocked him unconscious and was going to eat his brain.

Tyrena jumped down the shaft and lucky provided a bit of luck to soften the fall. Tyrena was then greeted by a Mind Flayer who tried to hit her but missed. Tyrena shot at the beholder with 2 shots, and both missed! Lucky looked down the 50-foot passageway and didn’t like the sound of a long fall, so he cast levitate and lowered himself ½ way down the passage.

All together now

Jeter’s life passed before his eyes, remembering his wife making dinner while he practiced his lute and his 2 children looked on. The Beholder turned its eyes on the paralyzed Rolen and shot a few magical rays at him. Jaquette again cast thunderwave and pushed the mind flayer away from Jeter. The Mindwitness turned to Jaquette and cast petrification on her. Her feet froze in place. Rolen was then hit with a necrotic ray. Rolen was then able to break free of his paralysis.

A chance to escape

With the antimagic fields down, the baby Elder Brain cast mass suggestion on the party, suggesting that they really don’t stand a chance and they should gather their forces and leave. Nobody was affected by the suggestion and only Anna said she wanted to leave. Tyrena ran in and stabilized Jeter and then pulled his unconscious (but stable) body back towards the exit. Lucky came down and cast Aid on Jeter, and Rolen.

Conscious now, Jeter looked at Tyrena and asked, “What is going on?” Tyrena replied, “There is more fighting to do. Jeter got up and tried to polymorph both Beholders into cows. The Beholder succeeded and Jeter bent luck so that the Mindwitness failed. Seeing that the party decided to continue to fight, the Elder Brain said to the party, “As you wish.” To the beholders and mind flayers in the room it said, “Kill them all.” Jaquette and Anna said, “I didn’t wish this!”

The Order begins to fall

The beholders enabled their antimagic field. Jaquette became 2/3rds stone but because she was in the antimagic field, the effect was suspended. The Mindwitness tried to attack Anna but missed. Rolen took out Blackrazor and heard nothing. Rolen stepped back out of the antimagic field and took a couple hits at the Beholder. Blackrazor then hasted Rolen. Anna ran to towards the exit. Lucky got smacked by one of the Mind Flayers. The intellect devourer hopped on Jeter’s head and cut him a little. One of the Mind Flayers smacked Tyrena and stunned her just before she was about to take another shot!

A Mind Flayer attacked Jeter. Lucky escaped his Mind Flayer’s grapple and ran 25 feet up the tunnel. Rolen was hit with the petrification ray from the Beholder and then hit with a disintegration ray which massively wounded him. Jaquette cast cone of Cold against the Mindwitness but it evaded much of the damage. Rolen disappeared to astral plane. Anna ran to Jaquette and left the antimagic zone and fell over paralyzed. The Red Mind Flayer went after Lucky and grappled him with his tentacle, but it wasn’t able to Stun Lucky.

The Intellect devourer matched wits with Jeter and won. Jeter’s Intelligence was reduced to zero and Jeter stood there stunned. The Elder brain telepathically said, “One down.” The Green Mind Flayer started boring into the stunned Tyrena’s skull and began sucking out her brains. The Blue Mind Flayer hit Jaquette and stunned her.

Help comes, but not fast enough.

A rope fell into the room as Al and Cornelius lead the 40 members of the Order of the Gauntlet and the 25 remaining harpers. Lucky tried to suggest that the Mind Flayer grappling him switch sides, but the Mind Flayer resisted the suggestion. Coming down the entrance hole, Al cast firebolt at the Mind Flayer grappling Lucky. The Beholder kept its antimagic field on and continued looking for Rolen with its many eyes. Jaquette attempted to escape the petrification but she failed, and she completely turned into a block of stone. The Blue Mind Flayer who was grappling Jaquette became restrained in her stone form.

The Mindwitness backed up and hearing more people coming focused on the entry way. Rolen, in the astral plane, first attempted to dispel the paralysis on himself and he also used his potion of short rest and regained all his spell slots and healed himself quite a bit. Anna broke free of her paralysis. The red mind flayer cast finger of death on Lucky and badly wounded him. The Intellect devourer disappeared and possessed Jeter.

The paladins and mages started coming down the entrance and killed the Red Mind Flayer! The mages started casting spells but quickly realized their magic didn’t work. Some began shooting their crossbows at the beholder. The Green Mind Flayer attempted to bore deeper into Tyrena’s brain but failed…

Rebuilding in the Age of Enialis

Tyrus Rechs

8 / 8 HP
Report Date
03 Jan 2022

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