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A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Areka
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
The western coast of Amissa is the place to be. Tucked between the frozen wastes of the North, and the sweltering heat and humidity to the South, Amissa is the land of opportunity, and where dreams are made. Previously, it had been nearly impossible to get to, due to the turbulent and violent nature of the Maagian sea, however, over the last 200 years or so, advances in technology, and a little bit of luck, has made travel possible, if still treacherous, and nearly prohibitively expensive. A wealth of untamed land and untapped resources has made Amissa a hot bed of political volatility, corporate greed, and fresh- faced newcomers looking for a fresh start. Our Journey begins in one of the few established outposts of the region, the port city of Samilla. Founded centuries ago, this mecca of trade is the only bit of this massive continent that most travelers see, as it's bustling economy and laze-faire lifestyle is more than enough for someone to make a home. A beacon of Eastward progress and sheer stubbornness, the alabaster walls of the independent city-state keep out the reality of this new land. That reality, is this continent is no place for the weak. Strong elemental forces converge over much of this continent, terraforming the landscape, and giving birth to all manner of powerful forces. From sandstorms that can rend flesh from bone, to a mountain range of constantly shifting peaks, there is no more unstable place on the planet. Maybe that's why so many people insist on trying to colonize this place. For those with the drive, the skill, and a little bit of luck, there is a life to made, and that is where our unknowing protagonists come in. Our story picks up en-route to the settlement of Rota, a constantly moving outpost that acts as a spearhead of Eastward movement. The hodgepodge tent city serves as the base of operations for the Agryos family mag-rail project, an ambitious attempt at making cross-country travel easier than ever before. A collection of laborers, wizards, and artificers are attempting to connect settlements through a physical system of tracks and cars, the likes of which the world has never seen. The end goal is to have a vast network of these automatically running trains that can move goods and people alike with an ease never before seen. Our group will hop on one of these trains, the one running to Rota, and will soon find themselves in the middle of a genuine cluster-****. Without spoiling too much, the early portions of the adventure will like feature plenty of exploration, survival, and maybe even an undead or two. In the early stages, our party will likely find themselves overmatched or outnumbered, and would do best to avoid direct conflict, as they will be squishy. After that, who knows what they get into. Will they continue to explore this new land, will they had back to the relative safety of the big cities, or will they come up with their own ideas? Only time will tell. Feel free make whatever kind of character you wish, as I will try to put together a story that makes use of your individual skills and builds. Also, since this world is largely unwritten, if you have a specific backstory you wanted to work on, or something cool you thought about, just let me know, and I will work on incorporating it into the world! The sky is the limit!

This story is told by