S18. Return to Thundertree Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

S18. Return to Thundertree Report

General Summary

We begin with some discussion about dragon-intel...   The party explores a building that turned out to be an old smithy...with several Ash Zombies inside. They fight and defeat them, but Sir Nesbit spends most of the time choking on clouds of ash instead of attacking. The others take them down, mostly from range.   Kanenas finds 3 diamonds in the rubble of the cultists building, and a shattered and burned potion vial.   Moments later, the party stumbles into vine and needle blights. One entangles Nesbit and Ozus...using itself. Others join the fray and Kanenas gets all large and in-charge. A bright flash of light shrivels 3 in radiant awesomeness, and Ozus brings his holy symbol back down from where he held it up high, with an impressed shrug and a nod of his head.   Further north, they find a barracks with more ash zombies within, these wearing solder's uniforms. It becomes more clear that something animated the dead killed in the volcanic disaster 30 years earlier. And they caused the surviving inhabitants to flee the town forever.   After clearing the barracks, Kally transformed into a medium-sized spider and climbed through the blighted brambles to the tower for some recon. She found a Giant Spider within lit upon the carcass of a green dragon it has webbed up and been feeding on for some time. Kally examines what looks like treasure strewn about underneath them and eyes plenty of coin and gems, and also a few scrolls. A fireball necklace might be a bad idea in there.   She leaps back over the brambles and leads the group back south to where the giant spiders are nested to test the webbing and taunt them out. They come to feed, and the party takes them out.   They are surprised when Reidoth comes around the corner furious with them for killing the spiders, yelling that they were guardians and that the party was to go slay the dragon instead, but now...now he would have to kill them all.   Initially in disbelief, they come to realize that Reidoth is not their friend at all, but has been playing them against the cultists and trying to get them killed fighting the dragon, while leaving him to his Gulthias Tree from which he has been sprouting his blight servants in town. He declared that after seeing the destruction of the powerful might of Talos in Thundertree it was make clear to him who he should be following, so he has been raising a Gulthias Tree in competition with the tree grown by Grannoc and his orc spellcasters.   The party then hears a load roar as Venomfang the Green Dragon climbs out of the top of the tower on the hill and spreads its wings menacingly. Reidoth laughs, "Come get them, Venomfang! I have softened them up for you!"

Rewards Granted

3 x 100 gp Diamonds.

Saviors of the Sword Coast


Neutral Good Variant Human (Urban Bounty Hunter)
Fighter 4
Warlock 3
74 / 74 HP


Neutral Fierna Tiefling (Acolyte)
Cleric 9
59 / 59 HP
Player Journals
Why Is It Always Spiders? by Torgan
Report Date
19 Apr 2022
Primary Location
Ruins of Thundertree

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