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The Song of Orthos

A Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Modern game In the world of Orth
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This story is told by

Supporting Cast
  • Archdeacon Mah-Telahn
    Mah-Telahn is a mystery, though people don't seem to mind. The cheerful and charismatic Elf is completely androgynous, and no one knows how they identify. Mah-Telahn won't say anything, either, smiling when people try to guess.
  • Rustbucket
    This eccentric android wants nothing more than money. Yea, that doesn't sound uncommon, but this guy seriously needs it. Not to spend or for politics, just to have it. Weirdo.
  • Architect Yargwen Steamfount
    If there was something to be learned, Yargwen learned it. He has quite the appetite for knowledge. Yargwen leads the ORG in trying to discover all they can about the Surface.