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The Pirates of the Fallen Shadow

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Ovair
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Supporting Cast
  • Aelfhild Thunderblud
    Aegor Thunderblud's sister, Aelfhild was thrown out of their tribe alongside her brother, where she was eventually taken by the elves. They trained her into a hardened killer who uses any means necessary to defeat her prey. And now she's hunting her long lost brother.
  • Carl Pickthorn
    An iron tycoon who was roped into the schemes of the Fellshadow Fleet, and now has to deal with pirates, sea monsters, and even a god of murder. He does not appreciate this.
  • Jeffrey
    A seldom speaking dragonborn who signed on with the Fellshadow Fleet early into their career.
  • Jensina
    A brawling bard Githzerai who wields the elusive Key-zoo-kelele instrument. No one besides him has really heard of this instrument, but that doesn't stop him.
  • Admiral Johan Davies
    Accomplished veteran who helped with the exodus from Warriofca, and now the pilgrims and refugees practically force him to act as a travelling hero, vanquishing evil and saving lives.
  • Black Lex
    Bounty hunter, necromancer, hardened killer, and pirate, Black Lex is an adventurer killing his way across the world in search of his brother.
  • Samuel Caswelll
    A sailor who was shanghaied into the Fellshadow Fleet and forced into captainhood. His luck seems to be both bottom of the barrel, and not too bad, considering he survives all that terrible luck.
  • Zannry Laughshield
    Massively rich goblin who enjoys shoring up his cash with yet more money. His schemes frequently involve adventurers, either exploiting them, or because they try to stop him.
  • Zilgyez
    A lunatic geneticist who enjoys exploiting the short gestation period of goblins to breed horrible abominations against the gods. Mostly with goblins, but she's branching out.
Originally just a crew of pirates, the Fellshadow Fleet has decided to set their eyes on godhood, cutting deals with Sseth, the Yuan-Ti god of murder, Mother Luck, the sailors' goddess of fortune, and now the Elvish pantheon, the Fleet has started something they may not fully understand, but they're confident that nothing can truly stand in their way.

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