Session 4: Decisive Discoveries Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 4: Decisive Discoveries

General Summary

After having defeated a leader of the rebellion, the party tries to find clues about what the rebellion is trying to achieve. Unfortunately, the table where the documents were lying had been exploded, dispersed, partially burned, trampled upon and other consequences of having a fight on it. The documents, of course, had not fared any better. While some try to gather the documents, Varis decides that having the head of a head of the rebellion might help them discover who is behind everything. Unfortunately for everybody, decapitating people is not really his area of expertise and so he needs a few gruesome, cringy tries before he succeeds in severing her head from the rest of her body.   After having left the sewers the group reconvenes at the Office of the Guildpact to give their report. Nassius is pleasantly surprised that they were not only able to find a leader of the rebellion but even defeat her. Where his surprise became more unpleasant was when Varis proudly presented the leader’s head, like a house cat who brings home a half dead mouse without understanding everyone’s disgusted face. While it was indeed a gruesome sight, it could not be argued that it was an effective method. The headband they had found on her marked her as a member of the precognitive mages, a group of elite spellcasters of the Azorius Senate who focus on divination. Not willing to lose face but also determined not to touch the severed head he calls in his secretary and tasks her to move the head to the morgue so that it could be conserved and analysed by the Azorius.   Once the head was out of sight, the party unpacked the remains of the documents they had found lying on the floor after the fight. Nassius grabs them and casts a few Mending spells on them. For most of the pages, the damage is too great to be able to restore any text. Some pages though seem to have escaped utter annihilation and so a few words ca be gathered, spread around a bit over a dozen pages. While they can’t decipher everything, they have enough to ascertain that the rebellion is looking for ancient items they call the Relics of the Parun.   While this name doesn’t ring a bell to most of the people present in the room, Ophelia remembers having heard that name before. She explains to everyone that the Relics of the Parun are said to be items used by the Paruns themselves and whose power was only matched by their age. These items though are considered to be a myth by most people who have heard of them. Not wanting to take the risk that the Relics do indeed exist and that they could land in the wrong hands, the group decides to research these items as much as possible the next day.   That night Varis tries to get in touch with his Dimir contact to gain information about the Relics and Ophelia tries for the first time to contact her patron since she had made her pact. Focusing on her grimoire she succeeds in reaching her albeit only vaguely. Sensing the feebleness of the connection she focuses her questions on the Relics and gets one single sentence as answer. “The Relics are real”.   Asking around for a place where the most knowledge is concentrated, they are sent to Prism University, whose library is said to be the most exhaustive on Ravnica. Once inside they split up, all focusing on different subjects related to the Relics. While mentions of the objects are rare, cross-referencing their findings allows them to pinpoint some credible information. Razia’s Spear and Ciszarim’s Girdle are the ones they are almost certain are part of the relics. For the others they are either uncertain or they found no information at all.   Between the two, they decide to focus on Razia’s Spear for now as Ophelia might be able to get some information about it in the Boros archives. Varis and Nitt decide to join her but Favole wants to go to Vitu-Ghazi, to see if her new comrades might have some information about the Relics.   After some reading around it is clear that no additional relevant information about the Spear is to be made in these archives and Varis decides to leave the other two so he can get in touch with his contact. Once outside he is distracted by the grandeur of the Boros headquarter and bumps into somebody. The person quickly gets up but whispers in his ear “The Relic is the Key.”

Missions/Quests Completed

The party has confirmed the existence of the Relics and pinpointed the nature of some of them.

Goblins, Gangs and Guilds

Ophelia Lorium

Report Date
11 Apr 2020

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