Session 001 Report: The Fisherman's Wife Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 001 Report: The Fisherman's Wife

General Summary


Xentu 45, 5729 AE


As the party retreated to the safety of shared inn rooms, Desire learned of a bone-chilling conspiracy! Ratfolk are invading the city from the sewers!! And their rat friends could be anywhere! Under your hay bed or in your money pouch! Trusting this misunderstood genius to not slit their throat in the middle of the night, Desire, too, fell asleep.   The party was a captive audience to the infamous violin as its despairing song played throughout the region. Upon waking up, they discovered they didn't stay at a bed and breakfast and so made their way to the Fryin' Triton, where they were served hot meals at hot prices by Olyn Ughaxath. After some chatting, and some shenanigans with the incompetent town guard featuring an unflattering picture of Finnigan, the party decided to investigate the mansion's disturbing effect. However, they were intercepted by a "fishwife" that begged for help tracking down her "useless husband."   Acquiescing to her request, they left the restaurant. They then noticed the dock being expanded, though asking the hardworking foreman resulted in rude, short responses as he took credit for his team's work. They then learned that Mt. Brimtona had erupted for the fourth time this year and a circle of druids was traveling there to make sure it wasn't an Eco-Scar. They then noticed an Eco-Scar where the river flowed out of the ocean, whereupon a circle of druids seemed to be performing a ritual.   They continued traveling up the river and were attacked by wolves that were driven to desperation by the Blights in the area killing their prey. They then finally found Ole Gregory and his three undead buddies and turned them into Ole Gregory and his three dead pals. Seeing the sun getting low, the party decided to rest as the opening chords of the violin began to play and the corpses all around them twitched with life...


Hungry Wolves

Six Wolves
Five Wolves Killed, One Retreated

Ole Gregory and Friends

Three Ash Zombies and One Skeletal Alchemist
Victory; Ole Gregory Washed Away
Zombie Loot
3 gp, 23 sp, 7 cp

Report Date
26 Sep 2023

Articles Mentioned

Ole Gregory
Olyn Ughaxath
Fryin' Triton
Mt. Brimtona
Ash Zombies
Skeletal Alchemists
Natural Phenomena

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