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The Arcane-tech campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of The Lone World
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The world of Alterhe has changed greatly over these years, with the development of arcanely enchanted technology, ie Arcane-tech, the world has become far more advanced. This advancement in technology relies upon the unique properties of a turquoise ore known as Lifestone, its properties allow for the retention and replication of magical effects without the need of an organic caster to channel the raw magic. Lifestone devices allow for non-magical sensitive creatures to access the wonders of magic through technology, allowing the mortals of the material plane to explore the mysteries of Astral space. The advancement of society has led to great changes, long gone are the days of monarchist power replaced by nation-states and corporations.   The Alterhe of the arcane-tech age is one dominated by corporate power, greed and the mass production of all things. The world's many advancements are matched only by the new issues they bring. The natural world has suffered due to the rapid advancement of technology leading to famine, displacement and resource wars. Though Alterhe is now in a time of relative peace the seeds of conflict are sown deep within the many peoples of the multiverse. Corruption, deceit, greed and ceaseless ambition flourish throughout the multiverse, from the crowded streets of New Vala'mer to the colonies of the Astral plane everyone is looking for a shot at a better life.   This dystopian multiverse is your home, whether you like it or not. How you choose to deal with that harsh reality is up to you, but one thing should be clear, the world doesn't care about you and it won't until you force it to. There are many ways people try to survive in this world, maybe you’ll cling to the gods for guidance or perhaps you’d prefer the protection that only a gun and a belt heavy with ammunition can provide. Your unique characteristics and background are what will define you in this world, here's hoping you’re up to the challenge.

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