Session 9: Terminus Station (Pt. V) Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 9: Terminus Station (Pt. V) Report

General Summary

The party, partially rested, leave Val in the care of the myconid sprouts and head down towards the room smelling of death that the sprouts pointed Mica to. The door's barred by a sticky portculis, but the party manage, between them, to get it open enough to get in. The room is filled with hazards; Kriskain and Gal manage to get across it mostly untouched (thanks in part to Kriskain's killer Constitution), but Mica barely gets halfway in before she nearly has the life strangled out of her by some horrible mutant vine blight looking things, to Lomiòn's utter disgust.   While Gal vents some of their helplessness and frustration the only way they know how (by hitting things until they hit back), Kriskain manages to get singed by a doll, which Mica recognises as a Chemoshi doll, a powerful necromantic artifact. The party escape mostly unscathed, although Kriskane is unfortunately subjected to the disgusting trial of snake crawling under the portculis, which had fallen a little.   The party then procede to argue for like, three goddamn hours about whether or not they should attempt to resurrect Val, since the DM's having too many connection troubles to properly moderate the conversation. Kriskain is firmly against; Lomiòn will get Val back if it kills the rest of them; Mica retreats increasingly into her shell as everyone debates the morality of her favourite strain of magic; Gal flip flops, torn between not wanting to rob Val of an honorable death, and not wanting Val to be dead.
To complicate matters, the myconids unearth from Val's possessions a file hinting at unfinished business. To further complicate matters, the party is found by a tiefling, Misvari, who outright tells them that Val had unfinished business.   Mica decides to heed Misvari, despite Kriskain's protests, and casts Resurrection.   It works.   Val reunites briefly with Misvari, but it's clear she's in no shape for continued fighting; Lomiòn decides to accompany her back to the upper levels and to their rooms in the inn, while the rest of the party finish their fetch quest. Misvari opts to stay with the party, as it turns out she's the head of the taskforce to reclaim the lower levels from the infestation anyway. As Lomiòn and Val make their way to safety, the party settles in for a long rest.

Missions/Quests Completed

Missing Princess quest given (??). Document fetch quest continues...sort of.

Created Content

Val's File Chemoshi Doll Room 44


Stinger text: We pan across, to where Lomiòn helps Val limp through dark corridors, carefully avoiding the last remnants of fungi on the walls. We pan up, through the ceiling of basement one, through the inn, where your bags still wait as the guard, Mike, chats with the innkeeper, through the next floor to where countless travellers pass through the atrium of the station, and up into the security booth, where the half-orc Sherebiah is once again, anxiously in a conversation with the gnome Karida, whose ship is leaving tonight. Outside, Stamie presses her ear to the door, lips pursed. Darrow makes himself tea, thinking of the man who disappeared, six months prior, trying to clean up the basement levels, wondering if he'll get news this time, wondering if he wants it. And we pan, back down, to the inn, where Mike greets Lomiòn and Val. Lomiòn refuses to let Mike help, and carries the exhausted tiefling to bed. Her face is now marred by the chemical burn of the darkmantle's saliva and too pale; her eyes twitch asynchronously beneath their lids, but she's still here. Breathing. Alive.

Dungeons and Direct Action: Murder Mystery





Report Date
26 Apr 2020
Primary Location
Terminus Station
Secondary Location
Room 44

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