Session 95 Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 95

General Summary

  • Kerro went downstairs to try to arrange the fight in The Court of Resolution while the party tried other means to gather information.
    • Dazki contacted Baxton via his Ring of Mind Shielding. Baxton says that the artifact is called the Orrery of the Wanderer and was created during The Great Serpent War.
    • Dazki then sought out a group of researchers from the university. They seemed skeptical that a powerful artifact, capable of manipulating time and space, would also do something as simple as merely changing someone's memories (though they can accept that it caused the visions that Alfalfa saw).
    • Grogery contacted Annu via the cellstone. Annu confirmed some information about the Orrery (name, time of creation, broken into pieces that have since been lost), and gave the name of the person who created (and dismantled) it: Pendel Codagio.
    • Marvin schmoozed with a dealer while getting a particularly lucky set of hands at a game of Gyp. The dealer corroborated Kerro's story.
    • Dwardazik was trying to get any sort of information out of a waiter who would bring around the free drinks, but he got distracted by how horrible the free wine was.
  • The party had plenty of time to do all of that, because Kerro was taking forever to convince the court's adjudicators to arrange the match.
    • Apparently, Kerro keeps using the Court of Resolution as merely a way to "resolve" his boredom, so he's having a hard time convincing the ladies that it's for real this time.
    • Even with the party backing up his claims, it didn't seem like they were going to budge, until the bouncer came in: he had a bone to pick with Marvin for trying to modify his memory earlier. He and Marvin selected their champions, and they arranged the match — with Kesmet v. Kerro tacked on as a side thing.
  • The match was a real spectacle, drawing a huge crowd to a large arena. Grogery the Mighty was even tapped to be a "guest judge", drawing even more people in.
    • Once Kerro had taken too much damage, he used a Dimension Door to try to escape consequences, but Dazki happened to already be in the locker room where he teleported to and knocked him out.
    • Marvin and Dwardazik won their fight the more traditional way: Marvin destroyed the will of the opposing side's support, and Dwardazik pummeled the half-orc with a fist that spontaneously ignited and subsequently raised an infestation of cockroaches. You know, just another Tuesday in the Court of Resolution.

Full Recap

Of Courts, Of Courts

The party is finishing up an unproductive interrogation of Kerro "Burnclaw" Schene. He has a solid alibi for everything that he has been accused of, and he has not let loose any particularly helpful information regarding whether or not he is — or even knows — the "mole" in the House of Cards. It does seem like he knows something, though...
Dwardazik: Well. Are we still gonna go do that fight downstairs?   Kerro: I so, very much, would like to.   Marvin: Oh, he's into it!   Dwardazik: You guys were all dealing with this, and you're talking about the Court of Resolution, so... presumably, that's what's gonna happen next, after we're all done just chattin' it up?   Kerro: Are we done "chattin' it up"? Are you satisfied?   Marvin: Oh, hell no...   Dazki: I don't think we're satisfied, but I think we've gotten everything that we can possibly get from this conversation right now. Grogery, do you mind trading? I think we should both like to speak to our, um — "advisors". He pulls out Annu's cellstone. For a few minutes, at least?   Grogery: Sure... (He pulls out Baxton's Ring of Mind Shielding, and they swap.)   Kerro: Well! I guess I'll go try to set everything up, then, and talk to the lovely ladies in charge, huh?   Dazki: That would be appreciated.   Kerro: You're not concerned about losing sight of me, are you?   Marvin: Well, according to you, you've been here for years, and you have nothing to hide. What would you be running from?   Kerro: You just seem so suspicious of me.   Dwardazik: Let's face it, you seem kinda sus.
Kerro stands up, straightens his coat, and casually walks downstairs. He pauses to snap his fingers, and his fox familiar follows him. Dwardazik stares at the fox as it passes, (Perception 14) not noticing anything secretly stashed away on its body at the time.
Marvin: Kesmet. Kesmet, hey. So, uh... we're totally gonna cheat, right?   Kesmet: Oh, like the dickens!   Marvin: Yeah, OK! What buffs do you need?   Dwardazik: ...maybe we should inquire as to the rules of the Court of Resolution?   Marvin: Nah, fuck that! Fuck the rules! Rule are meant to be broken!   Kesmet: Marvin. Marvin! We have to find out what the rules are, so that we know what rules to break!   Marvin: YES! I like the way you think!   Dwardazik: How can you agree with him when he says it, but not when I say it?   Kesmet: I delivered it better.   Marvin: Exactly! We need intel... so we know how to break the intel!   Kesmet: I mean, we'll also do things that are advantageous to us, even if it does follow the rules.   Dwardazik: Are we completely forgetting the fact that somebody's probably going to try to assassinate our boy over here?   Kesmet: What else is new?   Dwardazik: We have no confirmation that it's Kerro Schene. It could be anyone.   Marvin: Other than Kesmet's word, that this man did in fact do and commit those acts!   Dwardazik: No, no, no. I understand that Kerro there was a big deal to Kesmet, in whatever happened back then. But aren't we looking for a mole, here? It could be anyone!   Kesmet: I mean, wouldn't this draw their attention?   Dwardazik: Yeah. Obviously, it could be. But I think we're all losing track of the goal, here.   Dazki: All right. So, here's the thing. The dude clearly had his memory fucked with. I could tell by watching him that he was not remembering things properly, which is a sign of having come into contact with the Orrery, just like what happened to Alfalfa. So, this is our guy. I'm about 80-90% sure of it.   Dwardazik: Sounds like good evidence. I agree with that. But how are we going to prove it, then, if his memory's fucked?   Dazki: That is why we need to consult with some people, to see what we can do about that.   Dwardazik: Presumably, the mole isn't working alone. Maybe we should try to target those contacts.   Dazki: That seems reasonable.   Dwardazik: There's got to be some information that works somewhere, here.   Grogery: He's here for a reason.   Dwardazik: The real question is, who would he be friends with? Apparently, he's got a lot of friends here, and someone was trying to stick up for him. I think we should try to dig a little bit into that, if we can. Along the way, anyway. Keep it in mind.   Marvin: Yeah, certainly.   Dwardazik: *sigh*. Deductive reasoning. All these kinds of... things. Easier when people place all their goods on a scale, so we can just measure out what everything's worth.   Dazki: But worth changes based on the person you're talking to. It's never that simple.   Dwardazik: That's true. Usually, you can have at least an idea!   Grogery: So, we were going to talk to Annu about this?   Dazki: He might know something about magic artifacts that affect the mind. I'm going to talk to one of our — (he holds up the ring) — "other" contacts about this.   Dwardazik: In the meantime, I'm going to go ahead and order us some drinks and something to eat.   Kesmet: No thanks, I gotta stay frosty... or, crispy. Whichever it is.   Grogery: "Toasty"?   Marvin: Whichever makes your fire more powerful!   Dazki: So, Marvin, you're pretty good at schmoozing, right?   Marvin: I've been known to schmooze...   Dazki: All right. So, if we're looking for the rest of an information ring here that's assisting Kerro, you might be a good person to walk about, get to know people, ask some innocent-sounding questions. You think that would be a good idea?   Marvin: Sounds like a terrific idea.   Marvin: I'm mad I didn't think of it myself, in fact.   Dazki: Maybe —   Grogery: I just realized something. The thing we're looking for is known to influence how people are able to remember things. Is there a chance that our friend on the other side of this stone is affected by it? Perhaps in a more controlled fashion, by a complete artifact? Just throwing it out there.   Dazki: Well, the artifact isn't completed. Supposedly, The King of Jacks only has two pieces, and this is a third. They said, what, six/seven pieces total for it? I can't imagine that either group would have the whole thing yet.   Grogery: I mean, it was all made for some purpose, by somebody. Just tossing out the idea that maybe the person who originally owned this was a Firelord who wanted a powerful Archlich under their control?   Dazki: That's... entirely possible. Interesting thought. Did a certain Archlich say that the information was redacted or something?   Grogery: No, I'm drafting the message right now. It occurred to me as I was thinking about it.   Marvin: Hey, so, back there earlier, Dazki?   Dazki: Yeah?   Marvin: I'm totally trusting your judgment about not contacting Queenie. I get it, you know her way better than any of us. I'm just curious: why should we not be bothering her?   Dazki: The message said, unless we have solid, physical proof, don't level accusations against people that are in good standing with the House of Cards. And — at the moment — it looks like he's in good standing, and we do not have good, solid, physical proof. That was a very clear threat.   Marvin: Yeah, OK.   Kesmet: He can't possibly be in good standing with the House! He just thinks he is.   Marvin: ...and everyone else in the room?   Kesmet: Look. Obviously, Queenie is just keeping him close because, you know, "keep your enemies close". That sort of thing. But there's no way. Unless everybody's memories have been tampered with, at which point we're screwed either way.   Dwardazik: So. Who do you think we can talk to, to learn more about this Court of Resolution? Is there, like, a pamphlet or anything we can find? (He flags down nearby wait staff.) You got a pamphlet for this Court of Resolution I'm hearing about? Wasn't there supposed to be a big fight, or something? What are the rules?   Waiter, taken aback by this barrage of questions: Um, y- yeah, the Court of Resolution thing, it was canceled today. Um. It's quite fun! Kind-of a win/win/win situation. Think of it as a form of arbitration, where people can resolve their differences or any sort of tension they have with one another without getting, you know, the actual courts involved.   Marvin: How is it "win/win/win" if one of the people ends up dying?   Waiter: They get to resolve their issues, free of charge, and obviously it attracts quite a crowd for us. And, it's less people going through the government system.   Dwardazik: So, as I mentioned before, are there any rules to this? Is there, like, a pamphlet or something?   Waiter: Not really, just word-of-mouth seems to work really well.   Dwardazik: Come on, surely there's some rules! Every duel has rules!   Waiter: Oh, of course there's rules. And it's not always physical combat, it's really any challenge that is agreed upon ahead of time. So, rules are laid out —   Dwardazik: ...between the parties?!   Waiter: — yes, between the parties! It's arbitration!   Dwardazik: You're telling me that I could duel, in the courts, with an arm-wrestling contest?!   Waiter: We've had that exact thing happen.   Dwardazik: This is my kind of court!   Kesmet:, it's not to the death?   Waiter: Oh, no, it's never (purposefully) to the death! That would be very illegal!   Marvin: Yeah, "never"! That totally "never" happens!   Dwardazik: "Never", "purposefully" to the death.   Marvin: "Never"!   Waiter: I mean, sometimes people accidentally die, but that's why we have judges on hand.   Marvin: What do the "judges" do, it —   Dwardazik: They referee, duh!   Marvin: "Judge" and "referee" are two different things.   Dwardazik: Tell me I'm right. Judges act as referees in case someone dies, right?   Waiter: Yeah!   Dwardazik: I knew it!   Marvin: OK. I know that it got canceled, but say there's a dispute going on and we want to set one up. Where do we go for that?   Dwardazik: Is there, like, an arena master or something like that?   Waiter: Well, yeah, yeah! Usually you would set it up in the pit downstairs. But, since it's been canceled, nobody's really... available.... wait, didn't Kerro go down there? Mr. Schene?   Dazki: He did. He and another person seem to have a dispute they need to work through.   Waiter, not buying it: Oh, sure he does. ...he pulls this all the time. He just gets bored, and he tries to start things with people.   Marvin: REALLY! When's the last time he had done this?   Dwardazik: Aw, I was hoping this would be a good show. Are you telling me that this is gonna be a bust?   Waiter: I don't even know if they'll let him do it, frankly. I mean, there's no — how could you actually have beef with Mr. Schene?!   Marvin: Why do you say that?   Waiter: He just starts these petty little things because he gets bored of being one of the pit bosses here, and then he tries to convince everybody that it's real beef just so he can — blow off some steam, I guess? I dunno...   Marvin: What if it is real beef, though?   Waiter: Nobody has real beef with Mr. Schene.   Kesmet:
  Dwardazik: Well, I appreciate the information. Does anyone else have any last questions?   Dazki: Not really.   Marvin: What's the kind of person that Mr. Schene has done this with in the past?   Waiter: It's just anybody.   Marvin: Anybody.   Waiter: So, I wouldn't get your hopes up if it's Mr. Schene you're looking to watch today.   Dwardazik: I'll take that drink? (He does)
Grogery presents the message he wants to send to Annu and asks if anyone has anything else to add to it.
Dazki: Hmm... no. I do know that the artifact was created during The Great Serpent War, and it was deemed "too powerful to actually remain", which is why it was broken up into multiple pieces.
Grogery incorporates that into the message, which he sends as follows (in a private, quiet place):
While investigating the situation in the city as outside advisors, we have heard about an "Orrery", a powerful magical artifact from the Great Serpent War that was so powerful that was broken into several pieces. We have reason to believe that physical contact with these pieces can manipulate people's memories and cause visions.   We are interacting with someone who may have been impacted by this effect, and any additional information about this artifact will assist us in our investigations. Additionally, the effect granting this interference appears to be resistant to Greater Restoration — are there any other magical effects besides this artifact that can interfere with memories that we should also consider?
Annu's response comes back, after a long while:
The Orrery of the Wanderer was indeed created, and subsequently dismantled, by Pendel Codagio during the Serpent War. Each piece is rumored to still hold a part of the artifact's multiple powers. Reassembling it is prohibited, but that is not an issue, as all seven pieces have been not un-lost to time.
Marvin also takes some time to discuss things with a card dealer at an otherwise empty table, as he plays some rounds of Gyp, the blackjack-like game that she runs.
Marvin: Does this guy do this often? The guy with the fox?   Dealer: Who, Kerro?   Marvin: Yeah. Real asshole.   Dealer: He likes to start things. I wouldn't take it personally.   Marvin: So, he does this all the time?   Dealer: He gets bored. He's especially bored today, 'cause the match was canceled.   Marvin: I would think someone in his position would have plenty to do? Why is he getting "bored"?   Dealer: I'm sure he used to have a lot to do. But now, he's just one of the pit bosses here. I don't think life in a casino suits him.   (Marvin's first hand is a lucky winner, paying out 3:2. He plays again.)   Marvin: He "used to have a lot to do". So, did something happen? Was he promoted? Leg broke?   Dealer: Well, I mean, he used to be more hands-on with the clientele. But now he's got more of a hands-off kind of role.   Marvin: Bet he's not too happy about that. He seemed like a really "handsy" kind of guy.   Dealer: He gets bored here.   Marvin: Did he ever leave, for an extended period of time, where you didn't see him around for a while?   Dealer: I mean, he used to spend time doing... whatever-it-is jobs they do... but never too far from here.   Marvin: And even back then, he was always this... you know, kind-of arrogant... always had the fox, too?   Dealer: The thing with Kerro is, it's hard to tell if he's taking anything seriously. I don't know if it's all a front or not, but...   Marvin: Did he always have the fox?   Dealer: I think so. It's cute, isn't it?   Marvin: Eh, it's all right.   (Marvin's second hand is also a lucky winner, paying out 3:2 again.)
The dealer corroborates Kerro's story. Marvin thanks her for her time and takes his leave. (Insight 14) she seems forthcoming (why would she hide this information?), but one thing is bothering you. It has nothing to do with the lady, but... why would Kesmet know Kerro's name? If Kerro was a mole, why would he be using the same name? A mole would certainly change his identity, right?

Research, re: Searching for the Orrery

Dazki seeks out someone who might be affiliated with Ashport's Lummaria University to try to get more answers about the Orrery. He finds a small group of researchers in the restaurant downstairs, sitting at a table enjoying a little bit of food and wine. Immediately upon him entering the restaurant, one of them — a young-looking woman — notices him, and then quickly looks away.   They are talking about (Arcana 17) the thermodynamics of Transmutation magic: by generating new matter into a space, there should be a small amount of pressure created, which could come off as heat. However, it's inherently inefficient to use magic to create objects: it's more efficient to use objects that are already there, as you're inherently going to lose some of the magical energy by creating the object.   Dazki approaches the table intending to interject ideas of his own into the discussion, drawing from his own experience and understanding of the nature of their subject matter, as a way of gently inserting himself into the conversation. However, actually making that happen is a bit awkward, as a couple of members shift their chairs out of the way to make room — and also to give him space. They fall into an awkward silence.
Dazki: Well, uh... clearly, I have made this uncomfortable. I apologize. I do come to you, ladies and gentlemen, with a professional inquiry, if you would have the time and ability to indulge me?   (One of them): What do you mean, "professional inquiry"?   Dazki: So, I have a friend of mine who has had their memory affected by some powerful magics from a broken artifact of some sort, from the Serpent War. I was wondering if any of you would have heard of the Orrery of the Wanderer? Made during the Serpent War, broken into many pieces? Apparently, they came across a piece of it while adventuring somewhere out in the desert, and their memory has been severely altered. Would any of you have heard of this object or anything like that?
The young-looking woman begins to answer his question, but she is interrupted by an elder-looking gentleman.
Cohen: Why would a man like you be looking into such a powerful artifact, then?   Dazki: I'm sorry, sir, I think the young lady over there was about to speak before you so rudely interrupted her? Now, forgive me for saying so, but it doesn't seem appropriate to interrupt colleagues of yours such as that. So, I'm sorry, miss? If you would go ahead? Just ignore the, uh... "gentleman"... over here (and I do use that term very loosely).   Nova: I don't know if I should, now. I mean, he's made a good point.   Dazki: I have a friend who has lost their memory. I'm trying to help a friend of mine. If you don't want to do good for the world — if you don't want to help restore people's memories, if you don't want to help create an understanding of magic and its place in the world — then that's fine, if that's really not what you're here for. But if you do want to do that, I would really appreciate your assistance.   (The lady and elder look at one another, each as if to try to figure out what the other wants to do.)   Nova: Look. We've heard the rigamarole and all that before. We're being cautious now.   Dazki, signaling to his Embroidered Mantle of Spell Resistance: I understand why you would be cautious, given the rumors and stories like that about myself. I can tell you, some of them (I'm sure) have some truth to them, but as you know, there's often a lot more detail than what goes into these kinds of stories. I can assure you, I'm not trying to hurt anybody, I'm not trying to be a bad person. You've seen what has been happening lately? I'm trying to help counteract things of that nature. And this is going to help that investigation, help us work in that direction.   Nova: "Seen"? What we've "seen" happen?! You sound just like him. (There is a quiver in her voice, and an illusion drops briefly, revealing that she has been marked.)   Dazki: I'm sorry, I don't want to be him. I want to be a better person than him. If you're not going to assist me, if you really don't want to, then I will stand up, apologize for interrupting your conversation, and take my leave. I am not going to try — in any way shape or form — to force anyone here, manipulate anyone here, into doing anything they're not comfortable with. I do not want that. I'm sorry if I give you the impression otherwise. So, if you do not wish to help, that's fine. Just say so, and I will wish you a good evening and not bother you with my presence here any further.   (The lady sits back down, seemingly embarrassed from her outburst (though there's really nobody else around who would have seen). The man speaks up.)   Cohen: So, you're looking for this artifact, to do what? Just change memories?   Dazki: Return memories to what they were. Memories have been changed; I want to find it, to see if there's a way to counteract it. I don't really know too much about the magic of the object itself, so — in my estimation — actually finding the item would at least help me be able to figure out the magic it uses and have a better idea about how to counteract it.   Cohen: I... don't think... changing memories was one of the things it could do. I've heard a lot of tales, but that just seems... like a paltry ability.   Dazki: What tales have you heard, then? I know someone who has come in contact with a piece of it and has had memories altered, and it's caused visions, and it's affected their mind in many ways.   Cohen: "Visions", I believe. But I don't... I don't think I've heard of it, like, lying. It does a lot of things: it can manipulate time and space, it can change reality. But those are all interesting things! A simple memory manipulation spell could easily... you wouldn't need an artifact for it.   Dazki: OK, so, I think I'm seeing what may have happened... so, maybe the item caused a change in one person's reality, but not necessarily in the reality of others, if they come into contact with it? Sounds like it changed somebody's reality where they remember something that others don't recall — because, to them, it did happen; it has happened.   Cohen: Sounds a little bit more like something that a powerful artifact would do. Instead of just convincing a simple mind that something's different.   Dazki: Well, thank you. I hadn't heard those stories of the artifact before.   Cohen: Well, I'm sure half of the things said about it are untrue. Such powerful things tend to get confabulated.   Dazki: Yes, but if even half of the stories are true, then it's quite the danger.   Cohen: I'm sure there's a catalogue of its creator somewhere.   Dazki: How would I go about petitioning for access to the university libraries, that I might be able to look it up?   Cohen: Well, we had a really great library here, until something happened to it. Since then, any surviving material has been shifted to the House of Crystal, which is very inaccessible to we who would like to research it.   Dazki: Tell you what. What are your names? I happen to be in (at least) decent accord with several members of the House of Crystal. Perhaps I could work on getting a way set up, for researchers at the university to have better access. Or at least petition for the option to be available.   Cohen: My name is Cohen, and my compatriot here is Nova.   Dazki: Well, Cohen, Nova, I do thank you very much for your assistance. I apologize for interrupting your evening, and (He gets up from the table and bows) I wish you a good rest of your night.   Nova: Your presence here is disturbing a lot of people. They have a façade — illusory or otherwise — but I think they'd rather you not be here.   Dazki: I know, and I would rather I not be here as well. However, there are some things that I'm being... "asked"... to look into that involve persons or things that are here. Hopefully, my presence in your conversation will not cause undue scrutiny on the two of you as well.   Nova: ...oh gosh, I didn't even think about that... are we going to be scrutinized, again?!   Dazki: Hopefully not.
Dazki exits the restaurant and heads back to the rest of the party.

Preparing for Court

Dwardazik: ...let's face it, this wine is absolutely terrible compared to dwarven ale! Why would anyone actually want to drink this, when they could drink a dwarven ale?!   Waiter: Well, sir, you're free to go down to the bar!   Dwardazik: But you should give dwarven ale as a complementary... people here have to have class!   Waiter: Sir. It's complementary. The fact that it's complementary shouldn't be the part that's insulting you.   Dwardazik: It's the quality!   Waiter: It's free!   Dwardazik: It's the quality... (He drinks it and returns the empty glass) ...ahh, Dazki! You must agree that this wine is of no-good quality, right?   Dazki: I mean... it's free. What do you expect?   Dwardazik: Oh, not you too! Does no one have taste buds?! UGH. I'll order a dwarven ale.   Grogery: They have to give you something that's juuuust low-enough quality that you'll feel compelled to spend money getting something actually classy to drink. That's how they get you.   Dwardazik: ...I need another dwarven ale. Anyways, what'd you go to that restaurant for? Did you get some food or something?   Dazki: No, some more information about the Orrery.   Dwardazik: ...from the restaurant?!   Dazki: ...from people dining there.   Dwardazik: Oh. That makes more sense. ...wait, how?!   Kesmet: Yeah, that doesn't make sense at all.   Dazki: There happened to be a few of the university researchers having dinner, and they knew some things about the artifact. Apparently, it's not actually altering memories. It seems to be rewriting individuals' realities.   Kesmet: ...huh?   Dwardazik: Wait... (He looks at the empty glass)... so you're saying it's altering reality, not affecting memories?!   Dazki: Yes. Well, altering people's realities. So, this Kerro that we are talking with... it seems like maybe this artifact that he grabbed changed the reality of that individual, to one where he did not work for The Hounds Guild. Where he did not do what Kesmet has accused him of. And where Alfalfa did actually tell us to go east.   Dwardazik: So, does that means his actions changed, or did his perception of his actions change?   Grogery: Is he still guilty?   Dazki: I don't have answers for you on that.   Dwardazik: Oh, this is weird.   Kesmet: Hold on. Hold on-hold on-holdon-holdon. If it's not his memory that's changed, but his reality (or whatever), ... are you telling me... that... this Corey... may not have reliable information... about the whereabouts... of Dennis?!?!?!   Dazki: ... ... ... maybe.   Kesmet: GOD. FUCKING. DAMNIT. He always gets away!!!   Dwardazik: OK-OK-okokokok. Let's break this down. So, the information you have is that it's affecting someone's reality. We can speculate what all that means, just... OK, what we do know is that we talked to some people. It didn't change our memories, or other people's memories. Only the person who interacted with it. So, clearly, it's not affecting everybody.   Dazki: Right.   Dwardazik: So, now we just need to figure out which one's true! Did the Orrery change reality, and we're just misremembering it, or... oh no, oh dear. This is weird. Remind me not to touch this thing.   Dazki: Certainly not with bare hands, no.   Kesmet: So, does the thing swap him with, like, an alternate-universe version of himself? Does it just change the universe he's currently in?   Dazki: I have no idea on that.   Dwardazik: Those questions seem too deep to me.   Kesmet: Is it still the same person, just such an advanced form of memory editing that his neurons are physically altered, and no amount of magic can undo it, so his reality becomes whatever? Maybe his memory gets imprinted from an alternate-universe version of himself...   Grogery: Or something like, in his alternate reality, he lost an arm or something, then his arm would still disappear, but the event that would have caused it wouldn't have happened...   Dwardazik: But it would have happened in his reality. It would have been justified in his reality. He believes it's true! He would be able to pass a test on lying, because it's his reality! He doesn't know any difference! We can't even test him with a truth spell, because it wouldn't even work! As far as I'm concerned, that makes him a worthless witness. Damn this fuckin' artifact!   Kesmet: I know, right?   Dwardazik: We're gonna need to gather pieces and inspect it, itself. I don't know if there's even going to be a way of curing it.   Dazki: Here's the thing, though. We don't know exactly how you have to come in contact with it, for it to affect you.   Kesmet: Wait, could we be affected?   Dwardazik: I don't think so.   Dazki: Probably not, since we haven't come into contact with it, but what I'm saying is, there might still be a path back to Kerro. If we talk to the right people, find out who he has been dealing with, there might be someone who hasn't touched it that doesn't know what's going on with him. So, we may be able to trace people back until we find something that doesn't make sense, and that is the person who can (at least help us) prove what's going on.   Kesmet: So, wait. What do we do about the duel?   Dazki: I think we should still go ahead with it. I think it still is the same Kerro, it's just that his reality has been (in some way) changed, not that necessarily he isn't physically still that person.   Dwardazik: Maybe interacting with you will cause something to happen.   Kesmet: I shot him in the face, and he still didn't remember nothin'.   Dwardazik: That was just a cheap shot! I've done that enough times in a tavern brawl, and still had a fight afterwards. I'm talkin' about a real fight!   Dazki: seems like Kerro is taking a long time with those ladies over there. Perhaps that would be a good lead for someone to investigate? Listen in on the conversation and ask what's going on? You two seem to be the most interested in the duel. I can keep listening around over here.   Dwardazik: That'll work. You've somehow managed to gather a ridiculous amount of information just by being clever with your words. Let's go see if we can figure out if these two ladies have some stories regarding Kerro.
One of the two ladies is wearing guard armor, and the other is wearing normal finery. They are standing in front of (and blocking) a door, half-arguing with Kerro — but nobody can stay mad at Kerro. Dwardazik and Kesmet begin approaching. As soon as Kerro sees them, he tries to wave them into the conversation, and they continue, motioning for Grogery and Dazki to come too.
Kerro: Well, it's not that... I can't lie to such pretty faces, you know that. They have beef with me, I don't have beef with them! But I think that should still count!   Dwardazik: So, what seems to be the problem, ladies? We're tryin' to get ourselves a fight goin', here, between these two lads.   Adjudicator: The Court of Resolution is more than just some pit where people can fight each other. It has meaning! It has purpose! And you are tarnishing all of that by just using it as your own personal fighting pit. And we're not gonna stand for it, man! We're not. We can't do it.   Marvin: There is a matter that our boy Kesmet, here, must resolve.   Kerro, enthusiastically pointing at Kesmet: See? SEE! He's mad at me! Now we can fight!   Kesmet: What is the court's purpose (or whatever) that you guys are talking about?   Adjudicator: The Court is meant for a way to relieve tensions within a relationship.   Kesmet: Now that sounds sus as hell. (He takes a step back) Guys, I'm not sure about that description. I thought this was just gonna be a fight.   Dwardazik: What are you talkin' about?! You and Kerro have a relationship that you wouldn't shut up about! You guys literally go all the way back, as far back as you frankly ever bothered to talk about!   Kerro: Yeah, yeah, see? One of us killed his family, and we can't decide who!   Adjudicator: Kerro. What do you mean, you "can't decide"? That doesn't make any sense. Did you... did you kill a man and get caught for it?!   Kerro: No-no-nonono-no-no! It's all alleged!   Adjudicator: If it's "all alleged", then we're not going to let you "allegedly" fight.   Dwardazik: "Alleged"?! Are you calling my friend a liar?!   Kerro: All right, all right, no! I have the greatest idea! Let me confer with my compatriots, ladies. I'll be right back.   (He steps aside, walking closer to the party.)   Kerro: ...hello, compatriots.   Marvin: You are way too happy about this.   Kesmet: Yeah, I'll admit that even I'm feeling a bit put off.   Dazki: Yes, what can we do for you? Oddly-phrased?   Kerro: Do you have any internal struggles? We could, like, tack on the fire people's thing onto a real problem.   Dwardazik: ...this is a real problem.   Kerro, ignoring him: Like, you, elf-fella? You seem like you would rub a lot of people the wrong way!   (Marvin begins cackling hysterically.)   Kerro: Clearly, one of your compatriots has some sort of problem they would like to work out with you?   Dazki: I'm not sure how that would help us?   Kerro: If we could get a legitimate problem for the Court of Resolution, then I could still fight with the uh, ... ... the uh...   Kesmet: All right, then... we'll do something "real". (He turns directly to Kerro.) Your hair looks stupid! (He then slaps Kerro across the face.)   Kerro, looking over to the two ladies with a wink: See? SEE?!   (They're not buying it.)   Kesmet: Much as I would like to continue slapping him in the face until they buy it, something tells me that we'd be here all night.   Unknown Voice, yelling out from across the chamber: Oh, I have beef I need resolved! I very much do!
It's the male bouncer from the entrance, accompanied by the female half-orc.
Male Bouncer: I am sick and tired of manipulative casters, like short-face and tall-boy over here, ruinin' my good vibes and tryin' to mess with my mind!   Grogery: "short"... "face"...?   Marvin: I'll do it again!   Grogery: do know who you're talking to, right?   Marvin: Yeah, haven't you heard of Grogery the Mighty?!   Male Bouncer: Oh, I've heard of a little boy that's about to get smushed! That's what I've heard of!   Marvin: HA!   Grogery: Listen. I didn't want to cause a scene out there, but if you insist on starting something, I suppose we could do honorable combat.   Male Bouncer: Oh, I'm sure the little man and I would much rather set forth an actual combatant.   Kesmet: So, how long did it take you guys to figure it out?   Dwardazik: Don't give 'em any credit, they probably just figured it out just now.   Male Bouncer: Choose a combatant, and we will each support our combatant in the ring. 2v2.   Kerro, excitedly inserting himself: And then we can tack on that third one! Where me and the fire guy try to fight each other! 'cause of the, the family thing!   Kesmet: ...what is wrong with you?!   Dwardazik: Ahh, you're tired of casters, huh? Well, why don't I show you something a little bit more real?! (He cracks his fists.)   Male Bouncer: So. A 2v2?   Dwardazik: What are the rules, eh? Bar rules? No goin' for the eyes, no goin' for the junk?   Male Bouncer: We will each put forward a combatant, much like a dogfight. And then we will be the support. I will, of course, be supporting Eighty here.   Dwardazik: Ahh! I'm in. Who else is in, huh? These guys have been rubbin' me the wrong way, the whole damn time.   Male Bouncer: And, cute little halfling boy, shall we resolve our differences?   Dwardazik: What's the winner get?   Male Bouncer: Well, the way the Court of Resolution usually works — obviously — is that the difference is resolved. We will no longer be foes.   Dwardazik: I like this! Are weapons allowed?   Grogery: So, then who is on the...   Marvin: Well, I do have Grogery the Mighty, here...   Dwardazik: Sure, you could bring Grogery the Mighty, if you wanted to leave out the most hulking support you could bring!!! (Flexes)   Male Bouncer: Oh, no, my beef is specifically with — did they call you "Marvin"? (Such a stupid name) It's with you.   Marvin: My name's... it's supposed to be Steve...   Dazki: So, you're challenging Marvin, correct?   Male Bouncer: Yes.   Dazki: And Marvin can choose a champion and support that champion, correct?   Male Bouncer: You got it.   Dwardazik: Who ya gonna pick, Marvin?   Marvin: So, wait, we're not actually —   Dazki: And then the second fight will be between Kerro Schene and Kesmet?   Marvin: So you don't want to actually fight? You just want to support Eighty here — and, by the way, you're lookin' lovely tonight —   Male Bouncer: It's obvious that none of us prefers to have our own hands full of weaponry.   Marvin: Oh, I can show you a hand, all right!   Kesmet: HOW IS THIS taking precedence over my murdered family?!?!   Kerro: I know! That dude had his family murdered! I really think that should take precedence!   Marvin: Adjudicators, is magic allowed in the Court of Resolution?   Adjudicator: If that's the agreed-upon situation.   Kesmet: How else would you "support" people? Just by cheering 'em on?   Marvin: Naw, I think it should just be you and me.   Male Bouncer: Uh, no. No. Your type tends to fight dirty.   Dazki: And you won't?   Marvin: Yeah, really?!   Male Bouncer: I'm not a physical spellcaster. I support. I'm a very supportive lad.   Marvin: Really sweet of you, considering that you're being supported by forcing Eighty here to go fight on your behalf! — which, Eighty, I'm sure you're OK with, but — you're just a coward! Challenge me yourself or don't, dude.   Male Bouncer: This is a challenge.   Dazki: It's pretty typical in honor duels to choose a champion. This isn't anything unusual, guys.   Grogery: Yeah, this is pretty standard.   Marvin: All right, all right, all right. Dwardazik, let's do this.   Adjudicator: All right. Two fights, six people in the arena.   Grogery: So, Dazki and I... watch?   Dazki: We have other things we can work on while that's going about.   Grogery: I'm presuming my magic is also off-limits for this fight? Even, theoretically, stuff I could cast beforehand?   Dazki: Yeah, probably.   Adjudicator: Casters, you're cool with casting spells?   Marvin: Wouldn't have it any other way.   Adjudicator: Melee combatants. Unarmored, that seems fine.   Dwardazik: And no weapons!   Adjudicator: And before you ask, no, all the combatants are not going to be shirtless, Eighty.   (Eighty gives Marvin a wink.)   Marvin: Well, that can be arranged, right? Why not?   Dwardazik, with a grunt: I didn't put all these clothes on just to get them dirty on an an arena floor.   Adjudicator: We understand this. Please, everybody follow me to your preparation chambers, then.

Out and A-Bout

The arena is huge. Going down into a dimly lit, more modern-looking area — already full of spectators, mostly just the youthful crowd come down here to jam and party while the stuffy elites hang out upstairs — the arena itself is a football field in size. Absolutely huge, surrounded by these large statues. It's just as impressive as the building above, and somehow just as large. A lot of money has gone into this, so — one assumes — a lot of money is going to come out of it.
Dwardazik: All right, Marvin. I can tell you straight-up: that tiefling is a caster. I looked him over, and I was able to judge that it doesn't look like he's got too much oomph to him.   Marvin: Honestly, I was just planning on attacking him with my spells.   Dwardazik: And I was thinkin' about dealing with the lady.   Marvin: Go easy on her, though, I've got a hot date with her.   Dwardazik: Oh, I'm gonna "go easy" on her... hah! With these fists!   Marvin: I dunno, maybe she actually likes being physical. Clearly.   Dwardazik: Don't you take this away from me, I've been dealing with these fancy clothes all night long!
They discuss combat strategy, including a motivational speech from Marvin:
Marvin: All right, boys, this is it! We're gonna give this crowd a good-ass show. We're gonna clock some heads. And Kesmet over here is gonna get revenge! Fucking five years in the making!   Kesmet: Uh, well, actually, I kinda want revenge against Dennis. This guy's just a tool. But it will be a small modicum of revenge.   Marvin: Here's the thing, Kesmet. Men go to jail. Dogs get put down! You hear me?   Kesmet: Well, I guess so. But this guy's, like, delusional. Thinks he's a deck of playing cards instead of a dog.
The combatants signal that they are ready. The venue's host asks them to introduce themselves as they come out.
Dwardazik, in a booming voice: In this corner, it is Dwardazik Stoneturner Boulderhearth, merchant and adventurer extraordinaire! His muscles are big, he only drinks dwarven ale, and the wine here sucks ass!   Marvin, booming right along: And joining him, Marvin the Marvelous, bard extraordinaire! Tales from around the world, lover of smut of all kinds! He'll dazzle you, he'll frazzle you, he'll leave you wondering, "why don't I look that good?"!   Kesmet, less enthusiastic: I already did my stint at the circus. I'm not doing an introduction.   Announcer: And a man who needs no introduction — so I'm not going to introduce him. (The male bouncer guy walks out.)   Marvin: ...I don't know his name!   Announcer: Oh — and, uh, Eighty's here again too, this week. (Eighty walks out.)   Grogery: ..."again"?   (Kerro just walks out, no introduction.)   Announcer: And, you've been hearing about him all day, guest adjudicator today: GROGERY THE MIGHTY!
Grogery walks out onto the arena, wearing a judge robe and a powdered wig, a small shroud clearly intended to hide his identity for some ceremonial purpose — but it's clearly still Grogery.

Combat Summary

  • Kerro had his fox familiar approach Kesmet, but Kesmet blasted it and Kerro with a twinned firebolt before he could figure out what it was going to do.
  • Marvin had initially used his Bigby's Hand to grapple the male bouncer, but the tiefling just dispelled it, mockingly saying "Honey, you're gonna have to do better than that."
  • Kerro's Wall of Fire (and one of his several Scorching Rays) did enough damage to Kesmet to make him have to drink one of his greater healing potions from Aggromir, making him drunk for the rest of the fight.
  • On a particularly well-timed hit, one of Dwardazik's fist attacks looked like it was going to be extra powerful, but instead of that, his fist spontaneously ignited into flames, which persisted throughout the rest of the combat.
  • After taking way too much damage from Kesmet, Kerro used a Dimension Door to escape back to the locker room. Drunk Kesmet immediately thinks that he fireballed Kerro so hard that he got disintegrated.
  • On yet another particularly well-timed hit, another of Dwardazik's fist attacks lost some of its extra power and triggered an infestation of cockroaches to sprout from the floor around him. It seems that Eighty has a fear of bugs, and she forfeited the match.
  • Marvin used an Ego Whip on the tiefling bouncer, which caused him not to be able to cast spells. Being the final combatant and completely nullified, he forfeited as well.
Kerro thinks that his Dimension Door is going to bring him to safety, but it actually puts him right next to Dazki. Dazki tries to sleight-of-hand pickpocket something from Kerro, but he fails. He knocks him out with a hidden dagger strike instead, takes whatever it was from him, and ties him up.   Grogery approaches Dwardazik, covertly asking:
Grogery: Was all of that... what I thought it was?

Report Date
21 Jan 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
The Paradise Casino

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