Some Way of Communication on Feature Suggestions | World Anvil

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Some Way of Communication on Feature Suggestions

Feature Upgrade · World management · Created by Oneriwien
featuresuggestion qol comment
Okay, so I understand the arguement of not allowing people to edit Feature Suggestions (Even though doing a switch-a-roo as people fear would happen would take a lot of effort and would be easily noticeable) but we do need some way of communicating after placing the Feature Suggestion
My current thoughts are users can spend 50 coins to COMMENT on a suggestion that doesn't change the vote's coin count.
In addition, authors should be able to have an "EDIT" section that they can actually edit at all points to further clarify points as they come up. Otherwise, users may find themselves spending large amounts of coins remaking suggestions because of new information coming out, them badly explaining things, etc.

The Team's Response

1. The "Consider creating a thread on our Reddit and pasting the link on the description using the [url:] tag if you wish for this to be discussed." (top right of creation page) is already part of the page

2. Adding an edit section will not change the fact that people can vote based on false information that can be altered (in 3 years of a feature submission system I have seen literally 3 times for an original description to be edited by the author)

3. The 50 coins to comment as well, this beats the purpose of the system and makes it feel petty - the point is not to eat someone's coins but to establish the desire of the community - from a psychological point of view this as an idea is not good at all and gets out the wrong message

Based on the above, the ability to add a reddit thread to a post by the creator of the suggestion during the creation, or after the creation will be added. Furthermore, this will be replaced by an automarically created FORUM post, once the forums feature goes live. Finally there is a discussion about creating automatically a user - journal post which will allow for discussion of a post.

In regards to future edit of the post either on a "edits" box or by editing the original, it will not be happening. Users should take the time and care to put their thoughts carefully when submitting.
Current score

+970 points