Adding Localization Feature for Single Articles: Improving Accessibility and Reducing Clutter | World Anvil

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Adding Localization Feature for Single Articles: Improving Accessibility and Reducing Clutter

New Feature Addition · Articles & templates · Created by Elyean Project
worldanvil localization world article language languages options option reddit

What functionality is missing? What is unsatisfying with the current situation?

Currently, there doesn't seem to be an option to add localized versions of a single article, but it would be helpful to have such an option. For example, if there is an article in English, it would be great to have a button or option that says 'Add localization' or 'Translate into another language'. This would allow users to create a copy of the article with a label indicating the language they're translating into. They can then work on the translation for that language and switch back and forth between different languages. This would improve the accessibility of the article and make it more diverse.   I can imagine this feature like this using json structure: { article: {x:"X," y:"Y," z:"Z", localization: {NAME:"ENG", x:"X", y:"Y", z:"Z" }, {NAME:"ENG-US"", x:"X", y:"Y", z:"Z" } } So every localization is just single nesting in the article.  

How does this feature request address the current situation?

This feature eliminates the need to recreate a world in different languages or create cluttered directories. Instead of copying articles and manually organizing them into language-specific directories, users can add localized versions of a single article using a 'Translate into another language' button or option. This not only reduces the risk of human error, but also simplifies change tracking. Additionally, a notification could be added to remind users to update localized versions after making changes to the base article.    

What are other uses for this feature request?

This feature could be used to create multiple versions or sub-versions of the same article. While there may be additional use cases for this feature, these are the two scenarios that come to mind currently.

The Team's Response

Thanks for the suggestion! This has been requested before and the status hasn't changed. We really like the idea, but due to the low demand it's quite low in the priority list. Still, this is accepted as an investigation and we'd love to implement it eventually.
Current score

9/300 Votes · +1202 points

Votes Cast

  • +300

    by Beowulf68
    on 2023-04-09 23:30
  • +300

    by losfer
    on 2023-04-05 21:11
  • -1

    by A Mischievous Ooze
    on 2023-04-04 21:33
  • +1

    by A Revolutionary Hobbit
    on 2023-04-03 12:14
  • +300

    by VorpalJoe
    on 2023-04-01 20:00
  • +1

    by maniacalpyro
    on 2023-03-30 06:03
  • +300

    by A Glamorous Orc
    on 2023-03-24 10:22
    I know this is an already accepted suggestion but I still want to voice my support because I think it's really important.
  • +1

    by SoulLink
    on 2023-03-24 06:46
    Already an accepted suggestion:
  • -300

    by A Uncontrollable Dimensional Horror
    on 2023-03-24 03:11
  • +300

    by Elyean Project
    on 2023-03-23 22:19