Allow Organizations to be used as locations | World Anvil

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Allow Organizations to be used as locations

Feature Upgrade · Articles & templates · Created by Drakolisk Lord
Organizations Geographic-Locations
Some locations are known exclusively by the name of the nation that rules them, but as an example I was having the issue while working on my world that I was unable to list a particular forest as being inside a province, but was unable to do so without also making a separate geographic location article about the same place.   By allowing organizations to be used as geographic locations for where other locations are you can actually list a location as being inside a country or province without having to create a separate article for the same thing.   The request is pretty specific so I can't really think of any other uses for it, but i still think it would be a useful addition.

The Team's Response

I am really sorry but this has been discussed already multiple times across the community. The latest update we had is the introduction of a new prompt under Organization > Geopolitical called Gazetteer as a full text prompt to accommodate the locations belonging to an organization.
Current score

+300 points