Sort Articles Under Categories | World Anvil

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Sort Articles Under Categories

User Interface (UI) / User Experience (UX) · Articles & templates · Created by thepocketGM
sorting articles filter organization athena interface

What functionality is missing? What is unsatisfying with the current situation?

There is currently no ability to sort your articles in any way quickly. Currently, you can manually click-and-hold the "Arrange" button to drag an article to a new position, but this is finicky and slow at best, and outright doesn't work at worst.   There are even situations where I'll spend time trying to re-order articles and when I refresh the page or move away from it the changes wouldn't take! However, arbitrarily or at random, there are times where it does work, but it's still incredibly time consuming.  

How does this feature request address the current situation?

If there were an additional setting or button or something up near the expand-all-articles or collapse-all-articles area to sort by some parameters it would save everyone the organizing agony.  

What are other uses for this feature request?

This could be expanded to allow for filter/sort-by-tag, filter/sort-by-article-type, filter/sort-by-contents. The filter option could be just to pull up articles that possess a given set of parameters, whereas sort would actually rearrange articles until they are arranged in a different way (more semi-permanent).

Follow up

Follow-on Edit:   Ah, okay, so because my use-case isn't the same as others', the necessity of it is invalid, thus the negative coins? How is this an effective system? And why vote against it, anyway?   Even if it wasn't a feature you'd use, personally, there may be some who do use it. For instance, I utilize the category > article system to help sort out hundreds (yes, hundreds) of items that each can have write-ups of up to roughly 500 or more words. This quickly becomes a big "database", and that's just items/equipment, that's not even including characters, places, etc.   The worst thing that happens is people who need it get it, those who don't need it don't use it. The negative coins/points is about as nonsensical as voting against the idea in the first place. And the idea that only 20 articles or fewer is ever going to be utilized puts a hard limit to how useful categories can be in the first place, and that alphabetization--the simplest sorting idea by far--only works on that few amount of articles means you either need to make an excessive number of categories, or just resign yourself to a messy back-end.   The game system I run (Pathfinder 2e) has well over that in every equipment "category"/genre alone, and let's not even get into things like bestiaries, places, peoples, etc.   Even casually I'd push past that threshold. So, what, I'm supposed to make a category underneath each parent category to sort into A, B, C, etc? And when any of those goes too large add secondary, tertiary, quantiary, etc categories?   Y'all don't even make sense. Dimitri, feel free to close this, as it's clear there's apparently some stance the community at large shares that will just push this suggestion down anyway.

The Team's Response

Hello there!   So first of all thank you very much for the very clear and thorough request. :) Secondly, to take this out of the way, We are working on a system that will allow for the efficient sorting of many more articles under a category. To be honest with you, I am not sure if 500 will be attainable since it is over even the max fetch limit of 200 for most listings without internal pagination but we shall see :)   As a suggestion, and take it please only as that, you might want to create folders within your folders that do short alphabetically in chunks like A - E, F - H etc. I hope it is clear. This will honestly make it easier to search through for users anyway :) (Considering that you will even have 1000 entries and the worst case would be a letter by letter that would be 40 by letter that the new system would certainly be able to handle but I think that an arerage of 100 - 120 per chunk will be parse-able and automatically organizable. Even for bigger chunks there are tricks we can do, and I am planning to implement them (namely not to save the actual order but set a category as alphabetised that at the point of display will alphabetize an otherwise unordered list. As a said ... there are tricks we can do :)  

In regards to negative voting

I think that in general there is a misconception about why someone would vote negatively. I would suggest, that you do not take personal offense. In my humble opinion a negative vote is not, necessarily a sign of a bad feature, but it is a sign of the feature being ultimately less important than other features currently being voted AND features accepted that according to the votes MUST take precedence. It is an equalisation vote.   With respect
Dimitris     P.S. I am closing this, knowing fully that this is already in the pipeline.  
Current score

21/300 Votes · +3511 points

Votes Cast

  • +100

    by Random Creation
    on 2022-05-26 16:13
  • +1

    by DidiNightshade
    on 2022-05-26 14:48
  • +100

    by A Enfeebled Bananafolk
    on 2022-05-24 05:39
    I mean, alphabetically sorting articles already exist, but yeah, I agree, especially about the downvoting. But honestly, aside from that, this alleged limit on articles in categories is just, so dumb. Extreme sub-categorising doesn't work in every world nor for every worldbuilder, and forcing others to struggle just because a method works for you in your world is a bad move. Depending on the amount of articles a person has, they could end up with AA, AB, AC sub-categories in multiple categories - good luck trying to handle that. This insistence on sub-categorising could easily lend itself to 1000 categories in a world just so they avoid having more than 20 articles in a category because someone once said that you should consider sub-categorising once you hit 20. You all realise how insane that is?
  • +300

    by MaximusErebus
    on 2022-05-20 23:17
  • +300

    by dnhandy
    on 2022-05-18 14:56
  • +100

    by coffeemeyer
    on 2022-05-16 18:14
  • +300

    by Weed
    on 2022-05-15 14:06
  • +100

    by A Glamorous Dimensional Horror
    on 2022-05-14 02:51
  • +300

    by Lominoe
    on 2022-05-13 22:41
  • +100

    by GaleForceW1nds
    on 2022-05-13 21:17
  • +300

    by sebasoft
    on 2022-05-13 19:31
  • +300

    by abishai
    on 2022-05-13 14:00
  • +300

    by charley2020
    on 2022-05-12 12:43
    I think your point is valid and your suggestion useful. I also got negative coins for my dynamic lists suggestion. You get negative coins because there are a bunch of ignorant assholes, that have a few million coins and just like to troll you. There is no other reason. This system is FUBAR anyway. There is no good reason to give people the option to downgrade other people ideas.
  • +100

    by Ask_fulgrim
    on 2022-05-12 08:47
  • +300

    by PanopticonPapi
    on 2022-05-11 03:51
  • +300

    by Foxyowlet
    on 2022-05-10 13:22
    Even with smaller numbers of articles, I'd say this is a useful idea. Category nesting gets tedous after a point, as does manually dragging articles around a messy list. It's time I'd rather spend working on an article's content to flesh out my worlds and stories. Quicker organization is always a good thing!   Though, while looking for something else, I stumbled onto a sort articles in category alphabetically button that's kinda tucked away. Articles list > Select category > "show additional options" on the right > "CONTENT ORDERING" and the one button right below that. So this suggestion exists, in part? But it's not in the most obvious spot if you don't think to look there. It also doesn't show up directly under the category edit page anywhere that I saw. (Apologies if I don't make the most sense, little sleepy as of writing this lol)
  • +300

    by NobodyJustBrad
    on 2022-05-09 03:18
  • -300

    by SoulLink
    on 2022-05-08 11:28
    For most people, arrange works perfectly fine. Your issues are likely caused by your browser, device and extensions combination. Either report this as a bug or come to the discord so the community can help you figure out where the problem is.   User DMFW has raised some good points what the issue could be.   Additional automatic sort options seem not too useful to me due to the technical limitations on 20 articles per category for alphabetical sorting. And twenty isn't really a number that needs automatic sorting in the first place.
  • +200

    by theartiztzachary
    on 2022-05-07 23:49
  • +10

    by DMFW
    on 2022-05-07 09:50
    This is more of a bug than a feature request I think but I'm going to give it 10 points for a sympathy vote and to add a comment since I have struggled with sorting frustration with it not working as expected and maybe I can suggest some things that helped me? First, I think a lot of trouble stems from having multiple tabs open whilst working on the sort. I believe that secondary saves from these can later override what you wanted to do on the sort (that's my guess) causing the sort to be lost. I've found it best to work on only one open window whilst sorting articles, and be sure my sort is OK by closing everything and reopening it before opening others again, and then everything seems to behave much better. Secondly, I think there may be some issue with the top end of lists. It's hard to convince the sort to always put things there. But I find if I put the item into second position and then pull down the item previously at the top to be below it, this is a good workaround.
  • -300

    by A Goodhearted Goblin
    on 2022-05-07 05:00
    The Sort articles button works just fine if you are following the guideline of under 20 articles per category. Tested multiple times for my own world.
  • +300

    by thepocketGM
    on 2022-05-07 01:33