Alternity (1999) Statblocks | World Anvil

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Statblocks by type

Copyright of "Shared" Statblocks

Statblocks shared by the creators of World Anvil openly for the community falls under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International


created by Dimitris
ID Name Tags
Grenade, tracer throw pl-7 availability-restricted
Grenade, pulse throw pl-7 availability-restricted
Canoon, 25mm Sabot heavy pl-7 availability-military
Cannon, Stutter heavy pl-7 availability-controller
Render, Rifle ranged pl-7 availability-restricted
Rifle, Quantum ranged pl-7 availability-restricted
SMG, Laser smg pl-7 availability-controlled
Rifle, mass ranged pl-7 availability-military
Arc Gun heavy pl-7 availability-military
Pistol, stutter ranged pl-7 availability-commercial
Pistol, Mass ranged pl-7 availability-military
Pistol, Laser ranged pl-7 availability-controlled
Pistol, 15mm sabot ranged pl-7 availability-controlled
Gravmace melee pl-7 availability-controlled
Combat Knife melee pl-5 availability-any
Katana melee pl-3 availability-controlled
Quarterstaff melee pl-0 availability-any
Dagger melee pl-0 availability-any
Club melee pl-0 availability-any